Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 217 – 7/21/2022

in a field of love may we walk
all day long may we walk
through the turnings may
we walk
on the trail of pollen
may we walk
with love in our one heart may we walk
with  love before us may we walk
with love behind us may we walk
with love above us may we walk
with love all around us may we
in any age, wandering on a trail of
love, lively, may we walk
in any age, wandering on a trail of
love, living again, may we walk
it is beginning in love
it is deepening in love

yes, this deep plunge calls for 1000% devocean to walking in the field of love, of wholeheartedly being the transformation we see for the cosmos both personally and collectively which, of course, are the same…

thank you for joining in this healing chant used in the chinese medicineless hospitals of: already healed, already healed, already healed…

we are a caravan always moving toward our destiny of re-joy-sing in the field of always being love…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 216 – 7/20/2022

there’s so much to say as we are poised on the precipice of great turning with some of us filled with varying degrees of fear and some with eagerness and all of us when we are honest knowing we are in such a prolonged moment of unknowing and uncertainty which brings up for me that image of kindergartners hand in hand with their milk and cookies at snack time in-joy-ing the warmth of softened hearts… it seems so very right to honor all beings right now with a practice of peace, a method for generating love and compassion for all… what follows is Pema’s teaching on bodhicitta practice… may we open our hearts and be loving compassion…

“The best way to begin this practice is by thinking of a person whose suffering you feel strongly and whose happiness is very important to you. This could be someone you know or have known, or someone you’ve seen on the street or read about in the newspaper. The thought of certain people naturally and easily awakens bodhicitta in us: we care about them and we don’t want them to suffer. Think of such a person and, whether you feel love, gratitude or compassion for them, say, “May they be free of suffering and the root of suffering; may they enjoy happiness and the root of happiness.”

There are two aspects of working with bodhicitta, both of equal importance: one is connecting with the flow of bodhicitta we already feel, and the other is being awake to where that flow is blocked. So you can do this practice not only thinking of people you care about, but also visualizing people you don’t like. It’s important to have an unbiased, compassionate attitude toward whatever is arising.

Think, now, of an area of the world that’s in great turmoil—an area where you know people and animals are suffering a lot. When you’ve chosen the place, think of the men there, and say, “May all the men in that place be free of suffering and the root of suffering; may they enjoy happiness and the root of happiness.” Give yourself time. Take a few minutes.

Then think of all of the children in that place and wish that they be free of suffering and the root of suffering, and that they might enjoy happiness and the root of happiness.

Then think of all the women in that place, and wish that they too could be free of suffering and the root of suffering, and that they could enjoy happiness and the root of happiness.

Finally, think of all the animals in that place—the mammals, the birds, the fish, the insects and all the other animals—and wish that they be free of suffering and the root of suffering; that they might enjoy happiness and the root of happiness.

Imagine, then, all the men in the world who are starving to death right now, and wish that they could be free of suffering and the root of suffering; that they could enjoy happiness and the root of happiness.

Then imagine all the women in the world who are starving, and wish that every one of them—starving all over the world at this very moment—could be free of suffering and the root of suffering, and that they could enjoy happiness and the root of happiness.

Imagine all the children who are starving at this very moment all over the earth, and wish that they, too, could be free of suffering and the root of suffering; that they could enjoy happiness and the root of happiness.

Then imagine all the animals in the world who are starving to death right now, and wish that every one of them, all over the planet, could be free of suffering and the root of suffering; that they could enjoy happiness and the root of happiness.

Then bring to mind all the men on this planet—whether you respect them, feel neutral toward them or consider them bad people—and wish that they could be free of suffering and the root of suffering. Wish that they could enjoy happiness and the root of happiness. Because if all of the men on this planet could be free of the root of suffering and could enjoy the root of happiness—if they could be free of all the self-absorption that causes so much pain—we would be at peace.

Do the same with all the women on the earth—whether you like them or dislike them or feel neutral about them—and wish that they too could all be free of suffering. If all the women on the earth could be free of the root of suffering and enjoy the root of happiness, the world would be at peace.

Now do the same with all the children on the earth—whether you like them, dislike them or feel neutral about them. Wish that they could all be free of suffering. Because if all the children on the earth could be free of the root of suffering and could enjoy the root of happiness, the world would be at peace.

Finally, do the same with all the animals on the earth—whether you like them, don’t like them or feel neutral about them—and wish that they too could all be free of suffering. If all the animals on the earth could be free of the root of suffering and enjoy the root of happiness, the world would be at peace.”

sometimes when we do this kind of bodhicitta practice, we touch on people who immediately awaken warm feelings in us, other times, though, we just feel numb and then there are the times when we contact the hardness of our heart… noticing this shows us when we’re open and when we’re closed… notice all of these things with compassion and lovingkindness towards ourselves as the more we’re able to feel tenderness towards ourselves, the more easily it flows to others… as the airlines say, put your oxygen mask on first… boundless love…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 215 – 7/19/2022

174 years ago on this very day, about 300 people met for two hot days and candlelit evenings in the Wesleyan Chapel in Seneca Falls, New York setting the stage for the women’s suffrage movement… in the first formal women’s rights convention ever held in the United States, 68 women supported by 32 men who signed a separate list “in favor of the movement” declared:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

although the convention became best known for its demand for women’s right to vote, the Declaration of Sentiments covered a wide agenda and as the first women’s rights convention, Seneca Falls initiated the organized women’s rights movement in the United States…

the pioneers of women’s rights—drawn from Quaker, Congregationalist, and Methodist backgrounds—provided support for the emerging formal women’s rights movement in the 1840s… it was the hurriedly organized Seneca Falls convention, the brainchild of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, that brought national attention to the issue of women’s rights… touching off a major national debate, newspapers across the country picked up the story with press reaction to the convention varying widely… one editor thought it was “a most insane and ludicrous farce” while the Lowell Courier feared women’s equality because “the lords must wash the dishes, scour up, be put to the tub, handle the broom, darn stockings…” some editors, however, praised the meeting with the St. Louis Daily Reveille declaring that “the flag of independence has been hoisted for the second time on this side of the Atlantic…”

in a speech in 1888 before the International Council of Women in Washington, D.C., Frederick Douglass recalls the women at the Seneca Falls convention where he was one of the very few men who attended:

“The women who have thus far carried on this agitation have already embodied and illustrated Theodore Parker’s three grades of human greatness. The first is greatness in executive and administrative ability; second, greatness in the ability to organize; and, thirdly, in the ability to discover truth. Wherever these three elements of power are combined in any movement, there is a reasonable ground to believe in its final success; and these elements of power have been manifest in the women who have had the movement in hand from the beginning. They are seen in the order which has characterized the proceedings of this Council. They are seen in the depth and are seen in the fervid eloquence and downright earnestness with which women advocate their cause. They are seen in the profound attention with which woman is heard in her own behalf. They are seen in the steady growth and onward march of the movement, and they will be seen in the final triumph of woman’s cause, not only in this country, but throughout the world.”

finally, the organizers of the convention were profoundly influenced and inspired by the very powerful women of the Haudenosaunee who to this day have a very powerful role in the running of and leadership in their communities; in large part we owe a great gratitude to these women who taught us and showed us the way…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 214 – 7/18/2022

only traveling on the path with heart, what a way to live

looking, looking breathlessly, living from the heart

in a field of unity grounded in equanimity

surrendering more and more into love…

drawing down the energy of the moonth of cancer, the true home of the great mother, are you feeling her call to authenticity, being the true self, living from the heart? when we listen deeply, we can here pachamama whispering the song of the earth… come home to the heart, return to me and live in a sacred way in harmony… her invitation is to sync deeply into love, the most expansive and deepest vibrational frequency of the cosmos… travel into the here and now, the indwelling place of boundless love where nothing else is happening, only love is real… buen camino, mutantneers!

there’s an old prophecy declaring the hypocrisy and lies of our time call forth the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse – famine, sickness, war and death… fortunately, there is redemption coming from a woman, a goddess and earthmother calling to everyone, especially women, to rise up and give birth to the new for the goddess always brings forth the next revolution… may we rise to the call and venture deep down into our one cosmic heart to re-imagine and re-weave a cosmos of courage, of heart, of boundless love…


“A Map to the Next World

In the last days of the fourth world I wished to make a map for
those who would climb through the hole in the sky.

My only tools were the desires of humans as they emerged
from the killing fields, from the bedrooms and the kitchens.

For the soul is a wanderer with many hands and feet.

The map must be of sand and can’t be read by ordinary light. It
must carry fire to the next tribal town, for renewal of spirit.

In the legend are instructions on the language of the land, how it
was we forgot to acknowledge the gift, as if we were not in it or of it.

Take note of the proliferation of supermarkets and malls, the
altars of money. They best describe the detour from grace.

Keep track of the errors of our forgetfulness; the fog steals our
children while we sleep.

Flowers of rage spring up in the depression. Monsters are born
there of nuclear anger.

Trees of ashes wave good-bye to good-bye and the map appears to

We no longer know the names of the birds here, how to speak to
them by their personal names.

Once we knew everything in this lush promise.

What I am telling you is real and is printed in a warning on the
map. Our forgetfulness stalks us, walks the earth behind us, leav-
ing a trail of paper diapers, needles, and wasted blood.

An imperfect map will have to do, little one.

The place of entry is the sea of your mother’s blood, your father’s
small death as he longs to know himself in another.

There is no exit.

The map can be interpreted through the wall of the intestine—a
spiral on the road of knowledge.

You will travel through the membrane of death, smell cooking
from the encampment where our relatives make a feast of fresh
deer meat and corn soup, in the Milky Way.

They have never left us; we abandoned them for science.

And when you take your next breath as we enter the fifth world
there will be no X, no guidebook with words you can carry.

You will have to navigate by your mother’s voice, renew the song
she is singing.

Fresh courage glimmers from planets.

And lights the map printed with the blood of history, a map you
will have to know by your intention, by the language of suns.

When you emerge note the tracks of the monster slayers where they
entered the cities of artificial light and killed what was killing us.

You will see red cliffs. They are the heart, contain the ladder.

A white deer will greet you when the last human climbs from the

Remember the hole of shame marking the act of abandoning our
tribal grounds.

We were never perfect.

Yet, the journey we make together is perfect on this earth who was
once a star and made the same mistakes as humans.

We might make them again, she said.

Crucial to finding the way is this: there is no beginning or end.

You must make your own map.”

Joy Harjo ~

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 213 – 7/17/2022

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

~ Albert Einstein ~

in this wild and precious moment of eternity on today’s pilgrimage of peace celebrating the astonishing light of our being, i join hands and come together with all our relations across our earth mother and beyond as we breathe through our one heart down into the center of all being, breathing in the deep peace that passeth all understanding and holds the center, sacred space of dreaming and creating, in the rhythm of the waves of radiant light re-membering and constellating the words of our brother john… may we all dream peace into reality as we indwell in the frequency of the running wave…  blessed be…


Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today… Aha-ah…

Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace… You…

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world… You…

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 212 – 7/16/2022

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.

~ Albert Einstein ~

in this moment of eternity with the explicate order overcast whilst the implicate order is the radiant sun spilling forth love caressing everything, flowing boundlessly, i offer this poem of years ago just right for this day of communing with chaseahrooster, with all beloveds:

traveling with an invisible passport stamped indelibly with the places to go,

we enter the interior spaciousness of the divine akashic ocean

dancing the meandering path of sublime belovedment

aligning with our one heart resonating in all


we enter the interior spaciousness of the divine akashic ocean

involuting like a quantum leaping dolphin

aligning with our one heart resonating in all

evoluting like turtle with slow, deliberate steps


involuting like a quantum leaping dolphin

 breathing in rhythm with the waves

evoluting like turtle with slow, deliberate steps

such a practice of devocean opens the flow of grace


traveling with an invisible passport stamped indelibly with the places to go

dancing the meandering path of sublime belovedment

breathing in rhythm with the waves

such a practice of devocean opens the flow of grace…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 211 – 7/15/2022

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.

~ Albert Einstein ~

let’s take this moment of eternity, this wild and precious moment to suit up as psychonauts, walkto the launch pad, inter the space capsule, settle into our seat breathing deeply through our one heart as the countdown proceeds… 10, smile… 9, hands on heart… 8, breathe in… 7, down into belly… 6, hold… 5, hold… 4, exhale… 3, release… 2, empty… 1, relax deeper and deeper with every deep breath… blast in…

take a look around as we descend deeper and deeper into the inner space of being… look into the window of your soul with your inner eyes taking in all the beauty, feeling gratitude for this wild and precious moment of having everything that is needed fueled by wonder and awe as your eyes adjust to seeing everything as one, real-eye-sing we are swimming in a sea of love energy…

notice a bright light pulling you into a golden waterfall of luminescence lighting up every wild cell to vibrate at the frequency of cosmic hum singing us into ecstasy, rainbow harmony… breathe in the bliss and listen, listen, listen for your heartsong calling us into deeper communion of giving and receiving for nothing ever goes one way… breathing in beauty, breathing out compassion… breathing in blessing, breathing out gratitude… in joy as many wild and precious moments here gnowing you are always welcome in the field of flow to rest in the river of life, in the ocean of being and becoming… always being love, always becoming love…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 210 – 7/14/2022

on this world orca day alerting us to the vulnerability of this species, i see, in my imagination, a poignant image of  Tahlequah, the mourning mother who carried her dead calf  for seventeen days and it takes me to another image of years ago, this one of a mare gone wild searching all over for her colt who was stillborn and it brings me close to home… is there anything more painful than experiencing the loss of a child you have carried inside your heart?

as Tahlequah suffered through this momentous loss swimming over 1000 miles with her dead calf raised above her, she was never alone… her tribe was always close by giving her food, comfort and support… her six kindred sisters forming a seamless circle of love show us all what it means to hold space and compassionately offer support during those moments of heartbreak we all suffer, we all endure…

this circle of crones, these astonishing beings of light inspired me to learn that the elder sisters of the orcas are the ones who know where to find soul and physical nourishment and so are vital for the life of the tribe… once again, these wisdom keepers offer all relatives a loving way to be…

and so, today as i am teleported back to the sacred space of Talequah and feeling so in awe of her actions many moons ago, actions still offering so much wisdom in this epic epoch of mutation when nature messages us over and over to radically change our ways, to root ourselves in a new/old way of walking home together in solidarity and support real-eye-sing we are onebody with all cells belonging to each other interdependent on each other…

may we, like our orca elders, our sisters, know where the feeding grounds of true self nourishment are and how to be with and guide others during these times of  heartbreak to the still waters of solace and the deep peace of the running wave…

ps: Talequah now swims with her latest offspring as the miraculous cycle of birth, death, rebirth turns eternally in the ocean of being…

World Orca Day is a celebration of the species.
We aim to raise awareness of orca in the wild and the threats they face. 
Our overarching goal is to increase protection for the species and, as a result, the oceans.  
We strive to support a movement that brings together people who are interested in, and who advocate for, orca.

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 209/9 Years – 3131 Days – 7/13/2022

are you feeling like you are in the vortex of  mind-blowing change? of  course you are, we are in quite a potent threshold – super full moon in capricorn conjuncting intense pluto which may bring up deep ancestral emotions which our cap goat is adept at scaling and sextiling the imaginative neptune where this seagoat moon loves to swim in mystical depths… as much as we are called to listen with a child’s heart, this moon is also of maturescence, of maturing into our essence of the inner light of unconditional love… this guru purnima moon inspires our naming our gratitude throughout the radiation of this moon, for all the gurus, the awakeners of the light we are…

yes, this moment of eternity and every moment of eternity i’m accompanied on the journey into the heart by a child named Bliss… without her by my side this moment and every moment, i would not find the courage to take another step… owing her my all, in return, i devote each breath to her as we rock gently in the waves of creation. may we all care for all our relatives, all the children of the earth being healing presence sowing seeds of joy in our cosmos of peace built on justice guided by unconditional love flowing and being the light we see in the dark… i am so grateful for everything, everything is a guru, an inspirer of seeing anything and all things as light amplifyers…

now, let us join hands together and draw down the energy of this radiant moon calling us into the dream cave of our one heart and be with whatever is there seeing it as an opportunity to name our gratitudes as we commit to deepening and expanding:

 Full Moon Vows

In the light of this Moon, I vow to use my freedoms.
I am here to shine light into what has not been seen or what has been ignored,
in my family lineage
or my cultural conditionings.

I will listen.
I will hear beyond words to feel the energy.
I will know when something is being disguised as progress.
And I will be part of the team in which control is crucified.
To this, I Vow.

For my Heart, my Soul.
For my Family.
My children or descendants of my lineage.
For the Earth.

What do you Love and Value?
And how will you continue on your Awakened Path?

Anything else you wish to add at the point, please do.
Perhaps a song, continued prayers and/or a dance.

AND SO IT IS {3 times}
BLESSED BEE {3 times}

thank you, thank you, thank you

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 208 – 7/12/2022

 Happy Continuation Day, Malala! and Happy Malala Day!

“To every child – I dream of a world where you can laugh, dance, sing, learn, live in peace and be happy.”

~ Malala Yousafzai~

as always, this young woman of peace, she is both the youngest UN Messenger of Peace and Nobel Laureate, wishes on her birthday for all girls to have the opportunity to go to school, to learn and to lead... it was her activism as a teen that resulted in her being shot and almost killed by a member of a fundamentalist group who believed girls should not be educated…

“After months of surgeries and rehabilitation, I joined my family in our new home in the U.K.,” says Malala on her site. “It was then I knew I had a choice: I could live a quiet life or I could make the most of this new life I had been given. I was determined to continue my fight until every girl could go to school… I’m grateful that I was able to complete my education. And every day I fight to ensure all girls receive 12 years of free, safe, quality education. I travel to many countries to meet girls fighting poverty, wars, child marriage and gender discrimination to go to school. Malala Fund is working so that their stories, like mine, can be heard around the world. With more than 130 million girls out of school today, there is more work to be done. I hope you will join my fight for education and equality. Together, we can create a world where all girls can learn and lead.” yes, let us all join with Malala in waging peace and education and equality…

and, may we all  keep alive our child heart of wonder, of pure awareness seeing the beauty and sacredness of this moment, of every moment…