are you feeling like you are in the vortex of mind-blowing change? of course you are, we are in quite a potent threshold – super full moon in capricorn conjuncting intense pluto which may bring up deep ancestral emotions which our cap goat is adept at scaling and sextiling the imaginative neptune where this seagoat moon loves to swim in mystical depths… as much as we are called to listen with a child’s heart, this moon is also of maturescence, of maturing into our essence of the inner light of unconditional love… this guru purnima moon inspires our naming our gratitude throughout the radiation of this moon, for all the gurus, the awakeners of the light we are…
yes, this moment of eternity and every moment of eternity i’m accompanied on the journey into the heart by a child named Bliss… without her by my side this moment and every moment, i would not find the courage to take another step… owing her my all, in return, i devote each breath to her as we rock gently in the waves of creation. may we all care for all our relatives, all the children of the earth being healing presence sowing seeds of joy in our cosmos of peace built on justice guided by unconditional love flowing and being the light we see in the dark… i am so grateful for everything, everything is a guru, an inspirer of seeing anything and all things as light amplifyers…
now, let us join hands together and draw down the energy of this radiant moon calling us into the dream cave of our one heart and be with whatever is there seeing it as an opportunity to name our gratitudes as we commit to deepening and expanding:
Full Moon Vows
In the light of this Moon, I vow to use my freedoms.
I am here to shine light into what has not been seen or what has been ignored,
in my family lineage
or my cultural conditionings.
I will listen.
I will hear beyond words to feel the energy.
I will know when something is being disguised as progress.
And I will be part of the team in which control is crucified.
To this, I Vow.
For my Heart, my Soul.
For my Family.
My children or descendants of my lineage.
For the Earth.
What do you Love and Value?
And how will you continue on your Awakened Path?
Anything else you wish to add at the point, please do.
Perhaps a song, continued prayers and/or a dance.
AND SO IT IS {3 times}
BLESSED BEE {3 times}
thank you, thank you, thank you