in this moment of eternity of celebrating the astonishing light of our being and on the next to the last day of the sixth moon of this turn around the sun, here is a painted pony image of this pivotal moon of navigating the journey… how do we navigate? when i tune into the wisdom of this painted pony so lovingly crafted by one of my favorite poetic peace pilgrim artists and am transported to a historic lighthouse on the outer banks of the tarheel state, the message is simple and clear… stand still in your radiance and shine; in silence, listen to the whispers of the heart and follow with your whole heart and an unwavering YES! we must re-member that we the people are the power and when we align our power with the spirit of ultimate reality, we are unstoppable…
“There was a startling recognition that the nature of the universe was not as I had been taught… I not only saw the connectedness, I felt it.… I was overwhelmed with the sensation of physically and mentally extending out into the cosmos. I realized that this was a biological response of my brain attempting to reorganize and give meaning to information about the wonderful and awesome processes that I was privileged to view.”
in the quotation above, astronaut Edgar Mitchell shares an epiphany from outer space travel, a shift in consciousness that has been called the overview effect, a shift that all our relatives are being called to adopt… after many days/moons/turns around the sun of inner space exploration, the overview effect has been living me for several turns around the sun and like Mitchell and thousands of others, i sit perched in a nest high in the heavens and deep in the buoyant sea with telescopic vision empowering a 360 degree view of the cosmic web in that field out beyond right and wrong doing which mightily informs my living lucidly here on earth… thank you for walking along the rainbow trail of spirit with me transforming homo sapiens to homo luminous standing in solidarity in the astonishing light of our true being, our true nature…