i’ve been holding onto this picture i love so of mothering peace, their innergy is so dear and so inspiring of us all, all our relations, coming together peacefully in a moment of eternity when we must all be peace and stop the othering re-membering we are one body… and, now, i’d like to perfume this sacred space with a poem of Shiloh Sophia’s that is in dynamic flux every year…
A Blessing for All Kinds of Mamas
“Your mother wove the fabric of the universe in which you came forth. This day we honor our mamas for giving life to us. This is a blessing for all different kinds of mothering! For mamas to be, cradling expectant bellies we look forward to life with you. For those giving birth, we send the strength of the circle of women that you and your child are held in love. For those tilling fertile soil with hope may fruit be born of your womb. For the mamas being embraced by your children today, we celebrate with you. This is a blessing for women who tried and yet did not carry or birth, Your body carries the codes of life. Every time you create, your mother-life energy is shared. For mamas who miscarried, carrying precious life in your womb. You are still a mother of life, even if that life did not cross the veil f rom your womb. May you experience grace. A blessing for mamas whose child was lost, by the hand of life or her own we send compassion from our hearts. This is for mamas who died giving life and for the lives who suffered the loss of her. May you be remembered. This is a blessing for mamas who grieve the impossible loss of a child. May your hearts be comforted in knowing you are not alone. Let all of us embrace you today. For women who did not carry by choice who have become the mothers of others. Many of you are mothering the future with the life-force other mothers gave to their children. May life be bountiful for you. May you be renewed in your offerings. This is a blessing for the mamas who had to give up their babies to others. May you find peace in knowing your child has another mother to love them. Your choice to give life will always be with your child. For the women who chose to mother those children whose mothers could not mother them, you are co-mothering with another mother providing the love she was not able to give. May your chosen child be able to receive all the love you have to give and return it to you. May you be lifted up in your chosen family! This is for those mamas who were mothered well! Praises Be to Your Mother! This is for those whose mamas just didn’t know how to raise you well enough. May healing come to you! For those who had crazy mamas who eventually taught you one way or another that you had to tend to your own life on your own terms. Can we find forgiveness in the unknown? Set her free, set yourself free and set your own children free too from too many of your stories. Any mama that did not love you well, was not well enough In so many of her family stories, she didn’t know how and wasn’t mothered herself well enough to mother you well. This is for the mamas who struggle to care for their babies. And for the mamas whose children, have abandoned them. May support and healing come to you! This is for the women whose mamas have gone on ahead, dancing through the milky way. We see you Ancestral Mothers , and Grandmothers, You who are never gone from us! For women who are in the change of menopause and the pausing of the red moon, we welcome your moving toward Elderhood and the remothering you need when your physical mother is no longer. This is a blessing for women who gave their mama love to lovers, projects, dreams. May you rest into choosing yourself to bless and nourish your own life. For those who are midwifing humanity and tending to the needs of Mama Earth, Mama Earth, we bless you as you bless us every day with life! Forgive us and teach us and show us how to be your family! For young and single mamas who want a true mate, who are working too hard, for too little. For married mamas who feel so blessed to be loved by another to make life with them! For double mamas, how blessed your children are to have two of you to love them! For those who are coupled with partners who do not see them in their fullness, we feel this and send our seeing to you. For the mamas who, after giving birth feel they lost their identity for a time we pray you return to yourself. For those women who never got to have a mama to hold them, may you find remothering in the circle of women. For fairy godmamas, godmothers and goddess-mothers and aunties! Our children need your stories thank you for your presence in our lives! A Blessing for All Kinds of Mamas For happy mamas whose children honor them. For sad mamas whose children just don’t know. For those who still don’t feel like a good enough mama. For the mamas whose children struggle with despair, depression and danger. Our prayers are mighty for you all today. For those who are mamas of a lineage, legacy and body of work who share your gifts. You share with those who are not blood yet you are bonded together by love and a red thread of connection. All women, we honor! We unite in our love to send a blessing to ALL Mamas! May our quest for wholeness connection, belonging and healing bear the fruit of joy! All life today, we celebrate! Blessed Mother Life, hear the prayers of your children this day. Open our hearts to hear and our eyes to see what you are speaking to us and through us. Give us your sound wisdom! For all beings who are in need of re-mothering may you find home within yourself and the circle of women loving you. This is for the circle of mamas that surround us as teachers passing on essential wisdom. For all kinds of mothering not spoken here, for you… for you… for you… too For our Cosmic Mother, Our Divine Mother, Our Water Mother, Our Earth Mother, May we remember from whose milky way we are fed on the milk of love and compassion. Mama wake us from our sleeping. Mama call us to awareness. Mama give our hearts your wisdom. Mother Life, We Love You!
~For my Birth Mama and my Heart Mama and my Spirit Mama and all those who have mothered me. For those women who have allowed the good mothering I have received to allow me to mother you in return. For Mama Mary for showing me the need for a mother in the story. May this Blessing for All Kinds of Mamas ring out as a song a praise for the Divine Feminine! All Mamas we celebrate you today!“