Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 146 – 5/11/2022

i’ve been holding onto this picture i love so of mothering peace, their innergy is so dear and so inspiring of us all, all our relations, coming together peacefully in a moment of eternity when we must all be peace and stop the othering re-membering we are one body… and, now, i’d like to perfume this sacred space with a poem of Shiloh Sophia’s that is in dynamic flux every year…

A Blessing for All Kinds of Mamas

“Your mother wove the fabric of the universe in which you came forth. This day we honor our mamas for giving life to us. This is a blessing for all different kinds of mothering! For mamas to be, cradling expectant bellies we look forward to life with you. For those giving birth, we send the strength of the circle of women that you and your child are held in love. For those tilling fertile soil with hope may fruit be born of your womb. For the mamas being embraced by your children today, we celebrate with you. This is a blessing for women who tried and yet did not carry or birth, Your body carries the codes of life. Every time you create, your mother-life energy is shared. For mamas who miscarried, carrying precious life in your womb. You are still a mother of life, even if that life did not cross the veil f rom your womb. May you experience grace. A blessing for mamas whose child was lost, by the hand of life or her own we send compassion from our hearts. This is for mamas who died giving life and for the lives who suffered the loss of her. May you be remembered. This is a blessing for mamas who grieve the impossible loss of a child. May your hearts be comforted in knowing you are not alone. Let all of us embrace you today. For women who did not carry by choice who have become the mothers of others. Many of you are mothering the future with the life-force other mothers gave to their children. May life be bountiful for you. May you be renewed in your offerings. This is a blessing for the mamas who had to give up their babies to others. May you find peace in knowing your child has another mother to love them. Your choice to give life will always be with your child. For the women who chose to mother those children whose mothers could not mother them, you are co-mothering with another mother providing the love she was not able to give. May your chosen child be able to receive all the love you have to give and return it to you. May you be lifted up in your chosen family! This is for those mamas who were mothered well! Praises Be to Your Mother! This is for those whose mamas just didn’t know how to raise you well enough. May healing come to you! For those who had crazy mamas who eventually taught you one way or another that you had to tend to your own life on your own terms. Can we find forgiveness in the unknown? Set her free, set yourself free and set your own children free too from too many of your stories. Any mama that did not love you well, was not well enough In so many of her family stories, she didn’t know how and wasn’t mothered herself well enough to mother you well. This is for the mamas who struggle to care for their babies. And for the mamas whose children, have abandoned them. May support and healing come to you! This is for the women whose mamas have gone on ahead, dancing through the milky way. We see you Ancestral Mothers , and Grandmothers, You who are never gone from us! For women who are in the change of menopause and the pausing of the red moon, we welcome your moving toward Elderhood and the remothering you need when your physical mother is no longer. This is a blessing for women who gave their mama love to lovers, projects, dreams. May you rest into choosing yourself to bless and nourish your own life. For those who are midwifing humanity and tending to the needs of Mama Earth, Mama Earth, we bless you as you bless us every day with life! Forgive us and teach us and show us how to be your family! For young and single mamas who want a true mate, who are working too hard, for too little. For married mamas who feel so blessed to be loved by another to make life with them! For double mamas, how blessed your children are to have two of you to love them! For those who are coupled with partners who do not see them in their fullness, we feel this and send our seeing to you. For the mamas who, after giving birth feel they lost their identity for a time we pray you return to yourself. For those women who never got to have a mama to hold them, may you find remothering in the circle of women. For fairy godmamas, godmothers and goddess-mothers and aunties! Our children need your stories thank you for your presence in our lives! A Blessing for All Kinds of Mamas For happy mamas whose children honor them. For sad mamas whose children just don’t know. For those who still don’t feel like a good enough mama. For the mamas whose children struggle with despair, depression and danger. Our prayers are mighty for you all today. For those who are mamas of a lineage, legacy and body of work who share your gifts. You share with those who are not blood yet you are bonded together by love and a red thread of connection. All women, we honor! We unite in our love to send a blessing to ALL Mamas! May our quest for wholeness connection, belonging and healing bear the fruit of joy! All life today, we celebrate! Blessed Mother Life, hear the prayers of your children this day. Open our hearts to hear and our eyes to see what you are speaking to us and through us. Give us your sound wisdom! For all beings who are in need of re-mothering may you find home within yourself and the circle of women loving you. This is for the circle of mamas that surround us as teachers passing on essential wisdom. For all kinds of mothering not spoken here, for you… for you… for you… too For our Cosmic Mother, Our Divine Mother, Our Water Mother, Our Earth Mother, May we remember from whose milky way we are fed on the milk of love and compassion. Mama wake us from our sleeping. Mama call us to awareness. Mama give our hearts your wisdom. Mother Life, We Love You!

~For my Birth Mama and my Heart Mama and my Spirit Mama and all those who have mothered me. For those women who have allowed the good mothering I have received to allow me to mother you in return. For Mama Mary for showing me the need for a mother in the story. May this Blessing for All Kinds of Mamas ring out as a song a praise for the Divine Feminine! All Mamas we celebrate you today!

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 145 – 5/10/2022

in this moment of eternity when mercury has gone retrograde opening the vaults of the shadowlands, let us join together in the strength of solidarity in a one heart meditation in gratitude for every sacred moment and for all our relations living as one rainbow people of peace…

Breathing In, I enjoy my in-breath.
Breathing out, I enjoy my out-breath.

Enjoying In-breath.
Enjoying Out-breath.

Breathing In, I become mindful of my heart beating, sending blood and new oxygen to every part of my body.
Breathing out, I smile to this life, flowing inside me

Aware of heart beating
Smiling to life flowing through me

Breathing In, I feel my in-breath bringing life to every cell of my body
Breathing out, I feel my out-breath deepening my awareness of being alive

In-breath, bringing life to every cell
Out-breath, deepening my being alive

Breathing In, I know that my heart beating is also the heart of my ancestors, with all their dreams, joy, happiness, strength and courage
Breathing out, I am determined to continue to nourish this heart for them and for me

My heart, the heart of my ancestors
Determined to continue their joy, courage and strength

Breathing In, I know that my heart beating is also the heart of my ancestors, with all their fears, sadness, hunger, anger, hatred and discrimination
Breathing out, I am determined to practice to transform the afflictions of my ancestors in my own heart

My heart, the heart of my ancestors
Determined to transform their afflictions

Breathing in, I am aware of the very many hearts beating in this room right now, bringing life, blood and oxygen to many parts of the many bodies here.
Breathing out, I smile to this life flowing all around me

Aware of very many hearts around
Smiling to life flowing all around me

Breathing in, I am aware that all these hearts are the hearts of many ancestors, with their joy, dreams and suffering
Breathing out, I am determined to learn to embrace, accept and love all the people around me

Hearts around, the hearts of many ancestors
Determined to embrace, accept and love

Breathing in, I am aware of the Heart of the Earth under and all around me, beating in the trees, rocks, grass, water, birds…
Breathing out, I take refuge in the Heart of the Earth, in Her Love, Strength, Forbearance and Creativity, always bringing forth new life.

Aware of the Heart of the Earth
Taking refuge in the Earth

may we all be blessed by the thousand thousandfold blessings the implicate order rains upon us with every breath sounding and re-sounding thank you in rhythm with the ebb and flow tides of the unfolding of great mystery…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 144 – 5/9/2022

as promised in yesterday’s mother’s day post when i broke my long standing tradition of featuring Julia Ward Howe that i would extend the celebration of mothers for at least another day and maybe more in these daily posts, so here goes… many countries around the world celebrate mother’s day on the second sunday of may; in the United States, the origins of the official holiday go back to 1870 when Julia Ward Howe – an abolitionist best remembered as the poet who wrote “Battle Hymn of the Republic” – worked to establish a Mother’s Peace Day. Howe dedicated the celebration to the eradication of war and organized festivities in Boston for years….

a hundred years later, i along with thousands of others would take up the same cause of tending the peace field holding the contention that it was the mothers who stopped the war known in the US as the Vietnam War and in Vietnam as the American War… so confirming to learn some decades ago that Julia had been planting the same seeds in the field a century earlier and that her call for women to arise remains electrifying one hundred and fifty-two years later… what an uplift that more and more of us are becoming aware of her proclamation for peace and the need to return to mother’s day’s original focus – that of promoting world peace…  on this Mother’s Day and every day is mother’s day, honor your mother by contributing to the “great and general interests of peace” both at home and abroad… when 1000 mothers come together calling for peace, harmony becomes the frequency of consciousness…

may all mothers of invention feeling divine feminine energy rising within, no matter our gender, come together being peace now with the power to heal, soothe suffering, conjure courage and be the transformation…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 143 – 5/8/2022

for this week’s installment of the astonishing light of being which falls on Mother’s Day, i am breaking my long standing tradition of posting Julia Ward Howe’s Mothering Peace Declaration for a different Mother of Peace on this very different Mother’s Day in this very different moment of eternity… on this mothering peace day, this feast of mother julian day, i feel a deep song arising foreshadowed by a lucid dream, a soul song of the many waves of the ocean, a song of peace passing all understanding and uniting us all in one murmuration, one frequency of harmony… let “all shall be well” breathe us all again and again as our one heart opens in the rhythm of the tides of ebb and flow with peace, thousand fold peace in this moment of eternity asking all our relations to be mothers of peace re-membering:

Nothing could have prepared
Your heart to open like this.

From beyond the skies and the stars
This echo arrived inside you
And started to pulse with life,
Each beat a tiny act of growth,
Traversing all our ancient shapes
On its way home to itself.

Once it began, you were no longer your own.
A new, more courageous you, offering itself
In a new way to a presence you can sense
But you have not seen or known.

It has made you feel alone
In a way you never knew before;
Everyone else sees only from the outside
What you feel and feed
With every fiber of your being.

Never have you traveled farther inward
Where words and thoughts become half-light
Unable to reach the fund of brightness…

Like some primeval moon,
Your soul brightens
The tides of essence…

You know your life has changed forever,
For in all the days and years to come,
Distance will never be able to cut you off…

May you be blessed with quiet confidence
That destiny will guide you and mind you.

May the emerging spirit of your child
Imbibe encouragement and joy
From the continuous music of your heart,
So that it can grow with ease,
Expectant of wonder and welcome
When its form is fully filled

And it makes its journey out
To see you and settle at last
Relived, and glad in your arms.”

~ John O’Donohue ~

may we all give birth to a consciousness of peace real-eye-sing we are one interbeing interdependent on each imaginal cell to be a soul song of peace…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 142 – 5/7/2022

“To be whole, let yourself break.
To be straight, let yourself bend.
To be full, let yourself be empty.
To be new, let yourself wear out.
To have everything, give everything up.

Knowing others is a kind of knowledge;
knowing yourself is wisdom.

Conquering others requires strength;
conquering yourself is true power. “

~ Lao Tzu ~

welcome, well come to world labyrinth day of peace… if i had my druthers, i would always have a physical labyrinth wherever i live but as i don’t have access, i’ll in vite you to join me in an innergetic pilgrimage to the center of our interbeing…

let’s start at the beginning of the labyrinth imagining this meditation as a walking in nature, into our true nature… standing at the entrance, let’s go inside and greet the light centering on going to the still place  of our one heart and listening for intention, where we’ll place our attention as we walk this pilgrimage of the heart…

as a peace pilgrim, i love chanting peace with every step on the way in and thank you on the return and offering this prayer for the benefit of all our relations… now, three deep purifying breaths as we silently  say… make me an instrument of peace, peace, peace…

as we tread this path, be aware of the rhythmic ebb and flow of breath sounding like  ocean waves… letting go into the dance of the stillpoint, we are carried into the center, the heart, to pause and reflect on the deep peace of the running waves… letting go into the dance of the stillpoint, we are carried into the center, the heart, to pause and reflect on the deep peace of the running waves…

in this moment, this beautiful moment of eternity, let us echo the peace prayer for the benefit of all… make me an instrument of peace…  thousand fold thanks…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 141 – 5/6/2022

“Every leaf that grows will tell you: what you sow will bear fruit, so if you have any sense my friend, don’t plant anything but Love.”

– Rumi –

this is the murmuration month of may so the lenticular clouds hovering over this sacred apu looking like visitors from another world match the dreamtime world i,like uou, am being magnetically pulled into, a coming home to the heart, tahoma, the mountain feeling like divine mother, our first home…

what a joy and a wonder this ever deepening into the heart’s tiny space, a field of green, a field of love, a circle of timelessness in the center of the cosmic medicine wheel, the sacred space of stillness, the resonant place of silence where everything is music, the harmony of the cosmic hum…

gather with me here in wholey communion feeling the new world breathing us…

into being the world of the sixth sun, a gathering of lovers, a family of one, a world of peace founded in balance guided by compassion…

namaste’, beloved co-hearts of the one heart…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 140 – 5/5/2022

“We try to re-create ourselves when things fall apart. We return to the solid ground of our self-concept as quickly as possible. …When things fall apart, instead of struggling to regain our concept of who we are, we can use it as an opportunity to be open and inquisitive about what has just happened and what will happen next. That is how we turn this arrow into a flower.”

~ Pema Chödrön ~

i see cinco de mayo as a day of celebrating liberation, once again i honor this day by going on a re-treat inside of our collective re-treat and injoying it as an opportunity to be open and curious about what is going on the continued unfolding of this great mystery… this image is one of my favorites, i call it rainbow rebirth which seems LOVEly for this day of liberation in the eclipse portal when we are called to go deeply within to murmurate and change direction re-membering who we truly are…

like you, i’ve been feeling an ongoing seismic shift for so many moons, thirty years ago i began my daily mantra of being one of the ones to call in the new/old world and here she is and here i am with an emphatic calling to gather with imaginal cells, a starling murmuration, open to aligning with divine flow…

may we all come into a deeper and more expansive knowing of who we are… slowed down sound and light waves in a sea of love energy, the ocean of being, the flowering field of interconnection and may we take this extraordinary moment of eternity to do the deep work of radical (rooted) change by plugging into the taproot/umbilical cord in the core of our interbeing and aligning our antennae with the source antenna living like the river of life flowing in wonder with the mystery of the unfolding…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 139 – 5/4/2022

today marks the 52nd anniversary of  Kent State, a day when students all over were protesting the war, a day that turned tragic with four dead in Ohio, a day that would lead to a general strike four days later when four million of us gathered to wage peace…

 today, let us weave these threads together, the threads of coming home to the heart and re-membering all those who serve peace by sharing the sage wisdom of a woman named Mildred Norman Ryder who inspired this poetic peace pilgrimage and me along with hundreds of others… on a New Year’s Day many years ago, she left behind her home, her family and her name, to begin what would turn into a 28-year walk for a meaningful way of life. Peace Pilgrim’s fearlessness, love and simplicity continues to inspire people worldwide. Hear her words on the four relinquishments, or what we might call today surrenders or softenings, that powered her way of life…


“Once you’ve made the first relinquishment, you have found inner peace because it’s the relinquishment of self-will. You can work on this by refraining from doing any not-good thing you may be motivated toward, but you never suppress it! If you are motivated to do or say a mean thing, you can always think of a good thing. You deliberately turn around and use that same energy to do or say a good thing instead. It works!

The second relinquishment is the relinquishment of the feeling of separateness. We begin feeling very separate and judging everything as it relates to us, as though we were the center of the universe. Even after we know better intellectually, we still judge things that way. In reality, of course, we are all cells in the body of humanity. We are not separate from our fellow humans. The whole thing is a totality. It’s only from that higher viewpoint that you can know what it is to love your neighbor as yourself. From that higher viewpoint there becomes just one realistic way to work, and that is for the good of the whole. As long as you work for your selfish little self, you’re just one cell against all those other cells, and you’re way out of harmony. But as soon as you begin working for the good of the whole, you find yourself in harmony with all of your fellow human beings. You see, it’s the easy, harmonious way to live.

Then there is the third relinquishment, and that is the relinquishment of all attachments. Material things must be put into their proper place. They are there for use. It’s all right to use them; that’s what they’re there for. But when they’ve outlived their usefulness, be ready to relinquish them and perhaps pass them on to someone who does need them. Anything that you cannot relinquish when it has outlived its usefulness possesses you, and in this materialistic age a great many of us are possessed by our possessions. We are not free.

Now the last: the relinquishment of all negative feelings. I want to mention just one negative feeling which the nicest people still experience, and that negative feeling is worry. Worry is not concern which would motivate you to do everything possible in a situation. Worry is a useless mulling over of things we cannot change. Let me mention just one technique. Seldom do you worry about the present moment; it’s usually all right. If you worry, you agonize over the past which you should have forgotten long ago, or you’re apprehensive over the future which hasn’t even come yet. We tend to skim right over the present time. Since this is the only moment that one can live, if you don’t live it you never really get around to living at all. If you do live this present moment, you tend not to worry. For me, every moment is a new opportunity to be of service.”

may we all empty ourselves to create a vast spaciousness, a field out beyond for planting seeds of peace within and service dedicated for the benefit of all…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 138 – 5/3/2022

You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling, so don’t.
You have wings.
Learn to use them and fly.

~ Rumi ~

welcome, well come to murmuration may, a moon of such potency so that as days ago i mused upon what this moon would be named, murmuration came across my consciousness and the more i comtemplated it, the more right on it seemed to be… this eclipse season, this bright fire moment offer such a portal for composting the unsustainable and imagining and regenerating a cosmos that works for all… today when i awoke, i heard the glad tidings that for the first time in 130 years, california condors were flying over the redwoods again and that seemed to be a lovely nudge from the multiverse to write in this moment of eternity of us as the starling beings we are, imaginal cells who love to cooperatively cluster together to change direction in such dazzling flowing fluid dances and who flock together in solidarity to meet the challenges of life…

and such challenges we face in this moment with the news of the probable overturning of women’s rights and today is the 80th anniversary of the internment of the Japanese in the usa and the unthinkable action of nuclear weapons being deployed again is actually being discussed while our living out of harmony continues to escalate…

so, let us take this moment to slow down and breathe and flutter our wings together in warm embrace re-membering who we truly are: dreamweaving starling beings of astonishing light shining luminously…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 137 – 5/2/2022

“Instead of resisting to changes, surrender. Let life be with you, not against you. If you think ‘My life will be upside down’ don’t worry. How do you know down is not better than upside?”

~ Shams of Tabriz ~

in the days of Rumi, when you traveled, you traveled in a caravan and spent the night in a guesthouse, Rumi asks us to look at our own heart like a guesthouse graciously entertaining all emotions while not identifying with or attaching to them… Rumi would have us ask, “What is the state of your heart, what are you entertaining this moment of eternity?”

and so when joy comes to visit, we welcome joy warmly knowing joy will be moving on with the caravan, this beautiful guest will pass onward… when the next guest knocks at the door, can we welcome sadness as graciously, as an old companion who has visited many times re-membering that sadness like joy does not stay and does pass on as well…

are you able to be this magnanimous with your own heart? know you are a solid, rooted tree of life with arms outstretched to the heavens… we are made in the image of love and this is our work to be and become more and more radical love, rooted love grounded in the deep earth and reaching into the ever expanding vast skysea… my intention more emphatic than ever is to live like the river of life flows carried by the mystery of unfolding…
