Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 156 – 5/21/2022

“The Symphony of Peace Prayers builds upon our diversity to create a sense of oneness. Through our collaboration, and by bringing our hearts together, we are building a peaceful world.”
~ Masami Saionji, Fuji Sanctuary ~

building a peaceful world begins with each and every one of us; we are being called upon in this moment of eternity of existential crisis to transcend our differences in faith, creed, ethnicity, nationality, and background, and to come together with an elevated consciousness to forge a new path of light going forward with the Symphony of Peace Prayers aiming to be one of the vehicles for our cosmic transformation…

celebrated every year in May since 2005, it was actually last Saturday – between the outpouring of so many things going down and the breakdown of my websites and the timelessness of reality – this is the moment i want to write of something and somewhere i so love being a part of each year as i “travel” to the land of the rising sun with Mt Fuji as background…

following the offerings of prayers for peace on earth, there’s an amazing ceremony with each of the 194 flags of the countries on earth brought forward so we can all chant together peace in _ saying peace in the country’s native language… it is so beautiful, encouraging, heartening and inspiring to be awash in this symphony of peace…

here is the vision for a world of peace from the Fuji Declaration…

As individuals responsible for the future of life on Earth, we hereby declare that:

We affirm the divine spark in the heart and mind of every human being and intend to live by its light in every sphere of our existence. • We commit ourselves to fulfilling our shared mission of creating lasting peace on Earth through our ways of living and acting. • We intend to live and act so as to enhance the quality of life and the well-being of all forms of life on the planet, recognizing that all living things in all their diversity are interconnected and are one. • We will continually strive to free the human spirit for deep creativity, and to nurture the transformation necessary to forge a new paradigm in all spheres of human activity, including economics, science, medicine, politics, business, education, religion, the arts, communications and the media. • We shall make it our mission to design, communicate and implement a more spiritual and harmonious civilization—a civilization that enables humankind to realize its inherent potential and advance to the next stage of its material, spiritual, and cultural evolution.

AWAKENING THE DIVINE SPARK IN THE SPIRIT OF HUMANITY For a Civilization of Oneness with Diversity on Planet Earth

peace prevails on earth…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 155 – 5/20/2022

beyond all the turbulence and dissonance, are you joining me in the field out beyond and hearing The Beloved’s love song echoing through the canyons and valleys of our deep earth beingness where we trust in and surrender to the journey, rest and relax, tune into the tiny space of the heart, into true nature, beloved community  where we all belong to each other and are inextricably interconnected as one cosmic heart web of life?…


“It has no membership, save those who know they belong.

It has no rivals because it is non competitive.

It has no ambition – it seeks only to serve.

It knows no boundaries, for nationalisms are unloving.

It is not of itself because it seeks to enrich all groups and religions.

It acknowledges all great teachers of all the ages who have shown the truth of love.

Those who participate, practice the truth of love in all their being.

There is no walk of life or nationality that is a barrier.

Those who are, know.

It seeks not to teach, but to be, and by being, enriched.

It recognizes that the way we are may be the way of those around us because we are that way.

It recognizes the whole planet as a being of which we are a part.

It recognizes that the time has come for the supreme transmutation, the ultimate alchemical act of conscious change of the ego in to a voluntary return to the whole.

It does not proclaim itself with a loud voice, but in the subtle realms of loving.

It salutes all those in the past who have blazoned the path, but have paid the price.

It admits no hierarchy or structure, for no one is greater than another.

Its members shall know each other by their deeds and being, and by their eyes and by no other outward sign, save the fraternal embrace.

Each one will dedicate their life to the silent loving of their neighbour and environment, and the planet, will carry out their task, however exalted or humble.

It recognizes the supremacy of the great idea, which may only be accomplished if the human race practices the supremacy of love.

It has no reward to offer, either here or in the hereafter, save that of the ineffable joy of being and loving.

Each shall seek to advance the cause of understanding, doing good by stealth and teaching only by example.

They shall heal their neighbour, their community, our planet and living beings in whatever form they take.

They shall know no fear and feel no shame and their witness shall prevail over all odds.

It has no secret, no arcanum, no initiation, save that of true understanding of the power of love and that, if we want it to be so, the world will change, but only if we change.

All who belong, belong; they belong to the Church of Love.”


~an adaptation of The Cathar Creed of 1244 AD~

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 154 – 5/19/2022

today, in this extraordinary moment of eternity, as i listen to the cosmic hum, i see the peace pilgrimage as our unfolding collective journey of transformation moving us from egocentrism to ecocentrism… let’s listen to the sacred voice always calling us home to our true nature as heard by Black Elk…

“Then a Voice said: “Behold this day, for it is yours to make. Now you shall stand upon the center of the earth to see, for there they are taking you.” I was still on my bay horse, and once more I felt the riders of the west, the north, the east, the south, behind me, as before, and we were going east. I looked ahead and saw the mountains there with rocks and forests on them, and from the mountains flashed all colors upward to the heavens.

Then I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I saw in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.

Then as I stood there, two men were coming from the east, head first like arrows flying, and between them rose the daybreak star. They came and gave a herb to me and said: “With this on earth you shall undertake anything and do it.” It was the Daybreak-Star herb, the herb of understanding, and they told me to drop it on the earth. I saw it falling far, and when it struck Mother Earth it rooted and grew and flowered, four blossoms on one stem, a black, a white, a scarlet, and a yellow. The rays from these streamed upward to the heavens so that all creatures saw it and in no place was there darkness.

may we all listen, listen, listen for the heartsong, the sacred call, the original words of instruction that created the world and ask us to witness the wonder and do our part in co-creating a world of harmony, one symphony with a thousand thousandfold instruments of peace…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 153 – 5/18/2022

so much to share in this moment of eternity; however, an explosion forty-two years ago today takes precedence when Mt St Helens exploded shooting ash 80,000 feet into the air and violently sweeping away thirteen hundred feet of her height, in effect, decapitating her, disappearing Spirit Lake, desolating a once fertile landscape, delivering ash around the world and prompting a communal mourning… today, let’s bow to the raw power of nature and to her cycles of ebb and flow, destruction and creation, desolation and restoration, chaos and harmony and sorrow and joy which are all integral to the unfolding design of oneness and an echo reverberating in this present now moment as we witness our old world in collapse and graphicly see the re-newal that follows…

this “after” picture, taken recently, from Harmony Point, shows a restored Spirit Lake with green growth gracing the once inflamed area reminding us rebirth always follows death always follows rebirth, the eternal turning of the comic wheel, breathing in and breathing out the only constant being that only love is real…

i’ll close this post with a “before” and “during” picture of the ancient wise woman, Mt St Helens towering above the life giving waters of Spirit Lake…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 152 – 5/17/2022

so many beautiful moments of eternity listening to and filling the bowl/chalice/heart/womb with haunting melodies echoing/reverberating throughout the canyon lands of being… in deep silence, music from the ethers flows as gently as water through the reeds…

what a sweet day being a hollow reed… tuning into the rhythm of cosmic hum, relaxing into the running waves that come, savoring, especially, the hohum… meeting each moment as a friend, breathing out and breathing in, vibrating at the frequency of a grin… knowing the greatest gift we offer to each other is our openhearted presence, may each moment be sacred space of reverence and each step a delightful dance of luminescence…

may deep peace of the stillpoint always be alive within, thousandfold blessings, beautiful friends…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 151 – 5/16/2022

still in the glow of lunar beltane with the full blood moon asking us to be the impossible dream, i say YES! in this critically extraordinary moment of eternity to the power of unconditional love while re-membering:

being a buddha body in that one place

is being a verb moving in grace…

balan-sing, dan-sing, re-joy-sing and more

real-eye-sing, synchroni-sing, tao-sing on the other shore

simply being a buddha body in that one place

contributes mightily in co-creating a field of unitive sacred space…

keeping it simple, being true essence

what a gift is divine presence


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 150 – 5/15/2022

amazing moment

our one heart bursting open

overflowing grace


such a powerful portal, an amazing moment of eternity when we are emphatically called to release the unsustainable and be the new dream that requires all the courage, all the heart, all the love we can give… thousand fold thanks, Buddha, for returning today to stand in the field of illumination in the glow of sacred mountain pouring out blessings illuminating the one buddhic body of which we are a star cell

in addition to being the wesak full moon of illumination and the blood red moon with the total lunar eclipse, today is also known as guarding day, it seems appropriate to close this peace in the manner His Holiness opens each day…

May I Be A Guide

May I be a guard for those who need protection
A guide for those on the path
A boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood
May I be a lamp in the darkness
A resting place for the weary
A healing medicine for all who are sick
A vase of plenty, a tree of miracles
And for the boundless multitudes of living beings
May I bring sustenance and awakening
Enduring like the earth and the sky
Until all beings are free from sorrow
And all are awakened.

may we all dream this prayer into reality…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 149 – 5/14/2022

beloved, we hear the call to wander into wonder on this eve day of the full moon of birth, enlightenment and death of the buddha when we feel the buddha’s outpouring of blessings inspiring us to dwell in grace, to dream in the rhythm of dolphins, to tune into celestial spheres and transform into radiant orbs of luminescence floating through the sky sea of love catalyzed to serve and support all sentient beings…

on this day of celebrating awakening to our purpose and trusting in our soul to show us the way, let us invoke our true nature of divine light…


I am created by Divine Light

I am sustained by Divine Light

I am protected by Divine Light

I am surrounded by Divine Light

I am ever growing into Divine Light…

Every cell of this my physical body is filled with Divine Light;

Every level of my consciousness is illumined with Divine Light.

The Divine Light penetrates every single cell of my being,

Every level of consciousness.

I have become a channel of pure Light.

I am One with the Light…


this radiance pilgrimage blessing is a beautyway to open and close each day letting this light spiral from source into our one cosmic heart…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 148 – 5/13/2022

blessing the space between us

as we journey into mystery

the pilgrimage to our one heart

in these times of such dynamic energies, it is a necessity and a love to dwell in the quantum field of deep spaciousness where love is all there is and where we celebrate a season of peace for:

This is the bright home
in which I live,
this is where
I ask
my friends
to come,
this is where I want
to love all the things
it has taken me so long
to learn to love.

This is the temple
of my adult aloneness
and I belong
to that aloneness
as I belong to my life.

There is no house
like the house of belonging.

~ David Whyte ~

thank you for meeting me in this field out beyond, in the crystalline house of belonging… this moon as in month also brings an especially touching poignancy to the space between us as this journey into mystery, this pilgrimage into the tiny space of our one heart, the void, the sacred space of emptiness is such a deep dive into our one cosmic heart, the stillpoint of creation where the is only the dance…

surrendering to the beloved and trusting in the tenemos of great mother to support and nourish us, we summon the great courage inspired by father sky to leap into the unknown and relax into the organic, rhythmic flow of the mysterious dance of life…

holding hands in the dark, feeling the waves of our one beating heart, we witness the birth of the new, the promise of every inbreath followed by the re-joy-sing of every outbreath… for in our coming together in the sacred space of our cosmic heart, we change everything, we are transformation dancing to the tune of el canto hondo, the deep soul song… all is well for out in this field of creativity we weave a world where peace prevails…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 147 – 5/12/2022

may we always stand like curious children (aka true scientists) before great mystery…

last night, i intuitively sensed i would want to share this image of a black hole today having no conscious idea that today i would awaken to hear that astronomers have the first image of the black hole at the center of the milky way – holy synchronicity! and, it’s another day in the stillness of the bardo- like state where we have lost our old reality and don’t yet know what our new reality might be in this year of rest luxuriating in true emptiness, sacred space of the void/open spaciousness/liberation where we are free from bondage to any dogma/system/anything and free to be our true nature re-membering we are bits of dancing stars wandering in wondering in the great beyond…

this rupture, this breakdown, this death in our old way of seeing and being, may also bring with it a sense of groundlessness, uncertainty and our instinct to fill in the story as quickly as possible so we can hold on to some sense of continuity in our lives to which i say, not so fast…

injoy this mind-blowing magical mystery tour moment of eternity we all collectively find ourselves in with mama gaia imploring us to deeply reflect upon and contemplate our true reality and how we are to be in the turning and unfolding of great mystery… as Carl Sagan reminds us, “The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.” yes! we are starlings…

and, may we relax into the reality of not knowing, impermanence and uncertainty as we bear witness compassionately to the powerful dynamism of the cosmos coming into harmony for as surely as we are going through rupture, breakdown and death, we simultaneously are coming into rapture, breakthrough and rebirth if we hold the tension with trust in the unfolding softening into the open spaciousness of creation… let us all re-member that as much as we consciously know, it is only the tip of the iceberg of the ground of our interbeing in the vast oceanic field out beyond right and wrong doing:

“Before you judge others or claim any absolute truth, consider that you can see less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum and hear less than 1% of the acoustic spectrum. As you read this, you are traveling at 220 kilometers per second across the galaxy. 90% of the cells in your body carry their own microbial DNA and are not “you”. The atoms in your body are 99.9999999999999999% empty space and none of them are the ones you were born with, but they all originated in the belly of a star. Human beings have 46 chromosomes, 2 less than the common potato. The existence of the rainbow depends on the conical photoreceptors in your eyes; to animals without cones, the rainbow does not exist. So you don’t just look at a rainbow, you create it. This is pretty amazing, especially considering that all the beautiful colors you see represent less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum.”


may we gather our courage and use this collective initiation wisely transmuting into dancing rainbow mystery, luminescent stars shining across infinity’s deep sea answering mama gaia’s call to live imaginally, as the next iteration of all our relations living by source’s original instructions in a peaceable realm, a unitive field knowing in every cell we are one…