Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 152 – 5/17/2022

so many beautiful moments of eternity listening to and filling the bowl/chalice/heart/womb with haunting melodies echoing/reverberating throughout the canyon lands of being… in deep silence, music from the ethers flows as gently as water through the reeds…

what a sweet day being a hollow reed… tuning into the rhythm of cosmic hum, relaxing into the running waves that come, savoring, especially, the hohum… meeting each moment as a friend, breathing out and breathing in, vibrating at the frequency of a grin… knowing the greatest gift we offer to each other is our openhearted presence, may each moment be sacred space of reverence and each step a delightful dance of luminescence…

may deep peace of the stillpoint always be alive within, thousandfold blessings, beautiful friends…
