“Every leaf that grows will tell you: what you sow will bear fruit, so if you have any sense my friend, don’t plant anything but Love.”
– Rumi –
this is the murmuration month of may so the lenticular clouds hovering over this sacred apu looking like visitors from another world match the dreamtime world i,like uou, am being magnetically pulled into, a coming home to the heart, tahoma, the mountain feeling like divine mother, our first home…
what a joy and a wonder this ever deepening into the heart’s tiny space, a field of green, a field of love, a circle of timelessness in the center of the cosmic medicine wheel, the sacred space of stillness, the resonant place of silence where everything is music, the harmony of the cosmic hum…
gather with me here in wholey communion feeling the new world breathing us…
into being the world of the sixth sun, a gathering of lovers, a family of one, a world of peace founded in balance guided by compassion…
namaste’, beloved co-hearts of the one heart…