Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 105– 3/31/2022

“Journeys bring power and love back into you. If you can’t go somewhere, move in the passageways of the self. They are like shafts of light, always changing, and you change when you explore them.”
~ Rumi ~

welcome, well come to day 61 of a season of peace, this day of closing the circle on merging march, a day of reverie reverencing this wild and woolly moonth of transformation as we draw down the powerful enegies of this new moon in aries starting the astrological new year calling us into a deep dive in a journey of adventure, a pilgrimage into great rainbow mystery…

as always with a new moon and amplified with this one initiating a new turn around the sun, we have the opportunity to tap into the field of new beginnings and plant seeds of intention in the fertile ground for this new moment, this new day, this new cycle, this new year… so, let’s breathe in the clarity radiating from this dark moon representing both inner and outer love, universal love… yes, feel the awakening, the enlivening energy of this fire moon inspiring creative action and the real-eye-sing of long held dreams to live life as a great adventure where you are the shining star… with a theme of rebirth present, it is the moment of eternity to fan the flames of fiery aries that catalyze renewal… invoking the medicine of this new moon:

“I bow to you, Great Fire.
You who calls me to come and sit, to rest and listen. As the fires blaze orange to red to blue and to white,
My vision begins to blur and I am pulled into your depths.
Here, I lose my ego self and enter the realms of Soul Ignition. With the crackle of your flames, I experience oneness.
And revel in your power and glory.
Your ability to unite.
Your gift of cleansing and purification. Into your embrace, I cast my worries.
I toss my fears. 
I incinerate uncertainty.

Thank you, Great Fire.
Through your Love, I regenerate.
We all regenerate.
And we thrive.”

and so it is… blessed bee…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 104– 3/30/2022

on this 60th day of a season of peace, as we come to the eve of the moment of blessing the space between us and close this moon of the lion and lamb of march, i reflect on the space we have traversed, the space we have silently dwelt in, the space we honor and celebrate, the space of journey, of walking each other home, the space of awakening and deepening, of being fully present, of curiosity, of imagination, of courage in the face of chaos, of trust, of letting go, of breathing in and breathing out, of ebb and flow, of being lovingkindness, of standing in love for love, of being a space of peace built on justice and guided by love on this 29th day of devotedly dwelling in the peace hut as rainbowmaker…

so, blessings and blissings and welcome, well come to day 60 of a season of peace, another day of embarking on a pilgrimage of hearing gaia’s call to be a healing vessel, a temple of love which has been forming forever, a day to celebrate the astonishing lightness of being and this day of not knowing, surrendering to and trusting in the whirlwind to lead the way as i devotedly tend soil as my ancestors have over the millenia…

 in the very instant of surrendering to the whirlwind, we are transmuted into whirling rhythm… and in that moment,that long drawn-out moment, the world cracks wide open as we return to being farmers of the heart caring for the holy vessel we interare…

may we all awaken to earth’s energy re-membering we are one heart…
may we all awaken to earth’s oceans as our clean-sing tears…
may we all awaken to earth’s wind as our enlivening breath…
may we all awaken to earth’s landscape as our one body…

may our one heart open dormant seeds
may our tears fill rain clouds
may our breath give flight to migrating birds
may our body be an island of refuge

 may earth mother open dormant seeds
may earth mother fill rain clouds
may earth mother give flight to migrating birds
may earth mother nurture islands of refuge

and, may the cycles of life flow unceasingly…

“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.” 

Marcel Proust ~

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 103– 3/29/2022

welcome, well come to day 59 of a season of peace…


take heart, pilgrim!

you were born for this:

to leap into the void and real-eyes how to sprout wings and fly…


feeling tender in the turbulence as i write tonight, so, i shall let  Pema’s words on the deepening interior journey we are all traversing speak for me…

On the journey of the bodhisattva, the path goes down, not up, as if the mountain pointed toward the earth instead of the sky. Instead of transcending the suffering of all creatures, we move toward turbulence and doubt however we can. We explore the reality and unpredictability of insecurity and pain, and we try not to push it away. If it takes years, if it takes lifetimes, we let it be as it is. At our own pace, without speed or aggression, we move down and down and down. With us move millions of others, our companions in awakening from fear. At the bottom we discover water, the healing water of bodhichitta. Bodhichitta is our heart—our wounded, softened heart. Right down there in the thick of things, we discover the love that will not die. This love is bodhichitta. It is gentle and warm; it is clear and sharp; it is open and spacious. The awakened heart of bodhichitta is the basic goodness of all beings.

yes, take heart…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 102– 3/28/2022

welcome, well come to day 58 of a season of peace, another day of being invited to leap into the void of oceanic being trusting in the soul to know the way along the pathless path merging us into cosmic union…

wondering if you too are hearing a call for a sacred pause in the midst of the outer turbulence and if so, how is this pause going for you? i’m re-membering how as a wee child, i was instructed in the wisdom of pausing when things are getting overwhelming… years later i would hear of the wisdom of incorporating this practice of pausing throughout the day according to our ultradian healing rhythm cycling throughout our body every ninety minutes or so… honoring this cycle sustains the natural healing program of  our body temples and entrains the new rhythm we are all called to dance…

so, right now, in this moment of eternity, let’s tune in together to the transformational frequency of loving presence and experience one of the most important actions we can do this moment, this day, this life…



Rest in the Gap

Slow Down


Witness the Beauty


Offer Thanksgiving

Bless this Space

on our collective sojourn of pause, may we each be present in a deeper way trusting more profoundly whilst listening to the whispers from our one heart calling us to align with cosmic wisdom and flow in beauty being the soul of the space wherever we are…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 101– 3/27/2022

welcome, well come to day 57 of a season of peace, a day of celebrating the astonishing light of our being by leaping into the void of oceanic being trusting in the soul to flow in concert with the magnetic waves of spaciousness, trusting in the waves to bring us home to the one heart to dance in harmony with great mystery gracefully…

for so,so many moons, perhaps you too have felt as i have felt this calling to let go of all save the essential sensing deep in my bones a tidal wave building that would sweep away everything in its path leaving us to take refuge in the tiny space of the heart resting in the deep song and peace of the running wave where we are flanked by and hold paws with our sea otter tribe ensuring we all stay connected and do not drift away from each other during the dark night…

in this deep earth space of an unprecedented chaos cycle enveloping the cosmos, we share the tunnel, the birth canal and living the questions of what’s to come…


First the animals began dying, going extinct, and we did not stop
what we were doing because we are not animals.
Then the glaciers started melting and we did not stop
what we were doing because we thought we could do without them.
Then the forests were disappearing and we did not stop
cutting down the trees
because we could not imagine being unable to breathe.
Then the virus [of fear] came and there was no one to stop us
but ourselves.” ~ Deena Metzger ~


in this liminal space where existence is at stake, we don’t have the indulgence of lies and pretense, we must ground ourselves in love and face courageously the questions of how to meet the challenges, how to live; we must dig deeply into the roots and listen for their radical (rooted) answers, answers we may not have come up with on our own… yes, we are dying, not one of us will get out of here alive; while we are here, may we use this dark night for the benefit of all and learn how to truly live harmoniously with all our relatives as the dancing stars of luminous light we are…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 100– 3/26/2022…

welcome, welcome to day 56 of a season of peace and day 100 of this ninth turn around the sun on the poetic peace pilgrimage…

in the midst of all the whirling energies, i am reminded of falling in love with paths and pilgrimages as a child; i loved the annual spring ritual of watching The Wizard of Oz and dancing merrily down the yellow brick road with Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion… march winds and turbulent energy flows are taking me back to the whirlwind that began the journey of awakening for Dorothy, for me, for you…

in the midst of the tornado, everything known and stable is deconstructed to be built anew and so we must start fresh with a child’s vision of wonder and trust as we travel the yellow brick road, the golden path, the SHERO Journey to SELF™ where we re-member, like Dorothy, that we had the power all along, we are the power, we always have the ability to come home, we are always home for, after all, home is where the heart is…


on this pilgrimage home, I AM surrendering more completely…

re-membering we are love and that’s all that there is

living from the heart in thought word and deed

real-eye-sing we are rainbow clouds

flowing into great mystery

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 99– 3/25/2022

welcome, well come to day 55 of a season of peace and day 99 of this ninth turn around the sun on the poetic peace pilgrimage… with 55 vibrating at the frequency of freedom, how holy synchronisiddhi that today is United Nations International Day of Remembrance of Slavery Victims and the Transatlantic Slave Trade honoring the lives of those who died as a result of slavery and who experienced the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade which makes it a perfect moment to feature such a shero as General Moses who is 200 years old this month and in further celebration of women’s herstory month, it is also the 111th anniversary of a terrible fire in the garment district which led to a protest which led to international women workers day…

the slave trade is now universally regarded as one of the worst ever violations of human rights, a violation viscerally felt by Hariette Tubman as a young child born into and victimized by this inhumane institution which early on she began running from and accomplished by walking through thick forests, over rivers and over hills following the North Star until she got to what she learned was a place called Pennsylvania (a so-called “free” state) and she noted: “I had crossed the line. I was ‘free,’ but there was no one to welcome me to the land of freedom. I was a stranger in a strange land; and my home, after all, was down in Maryland, because my father, my mother, my brothers, my sisters and friends were there. But I was free, and they should be free! I would make a home in the North and bring them there!”

She said it. She meant it. She did it.

again and again, she would return to carry out her sacred mission of freedom for the enslaved…later, she said of her upbringing and of slavery itself: “I grew up like a neglected weed — ignorant of liberty, having no experience of it. I was not happy or content. Every time I saw a white man, I was afraid of being carried away. I had two sisters carried away in a chain gang — one of them left two children. We were always uneasy. . . . I think slavery is the next thing to hell.” her raids into the prison-states of the South led to the freedom of literally hundreds of Black people including her own aged parents, Harriet and Benjamin Ross…

from beginning to end, the life of General Moses was one of resistance and struggle in freedom’s cause, may we be inspired by her life and take up her mission of waging freedom for all our relatives…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 98– 3/24/2022

welcome, well come to day 54 of a season of peace, a day of listening to the rhythm of the waves and the song of the soul calling us to come home fully to ourselves and create what is only ours to birth and to the the voice of grandmother echoing from the deeps of the river below the river saying:

“I send love and blessings to all from the spirit world. I am so honored to feel your love and your concern. 

Do not forget to do everything you can to heal the oceans and water of this beautiful planet. Send your healing, loving thoughts to the water daily and get others to do the same. You must hold a vision of the water sparkling clean and full of vibrant life, for as you create this vision it will be done. It will however, take millions of people holding this vision to make the shift.

Do not be dragged down by the current chaos in the world. Humans are gifted and powerful creators. You only need to shift your focus ever so slightly to come into alignment and do good for each other and all creatures on planet earth. It is time to forgive and let go of violence. Make your priority loving the earth, loving and supporting each other, loving and protecting all creatures, and doing everything you can to make life a paradise for all.” 

~ Granny ~

ahhh… love, sweet love… as i float in the spaciousness of the stillpoint, i re-member a poem that it is said that Charlie Chaplin wrote for and read on his seventieth birthday in 1959; many years later Kim McKillen wrote a book with the same poem, As I Began to Love Myself… whether the words are only Kim’s or both of theirs and many other people’s, the poem is so beautiful, so filled with wisdom and exactly the right medicine to sing our one heat home as we watery beings dance along the rainbow trail…

“As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is ‘AUTHENTICITY’.

As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody if I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I call it “RESPECT”.

As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life, and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow. Today I call it “MATURITY”.

As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance, I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens at the exactly right moment. So I could be calm. Today I call it “SELF-CONFIDENCE”.

As I began to love myself I quit stealing my own time, and I stopped designing huge projects for the future. Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm. Today I call it “SIMPLICITY”.

As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF”.

As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, and ever since I was wrong less of the time. Today I discovered that is “MODESTY”.

As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worrying about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where everything is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it “FULFILLMENT”.

As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me and it can make me sick. But as I connected it to my heart, my mind became a valuable ally. Today I call this connection “WISDOM OF THE HEART”.

We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems with ourselves or others. Even stars collide, and out of their crashing new worlds are born. Today I know “THAT IS LIFE”!


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 97– 3/23/2022

welcome, well come to day 53 of a season of peace and to a day of watery loving presence re-treat, a day of savoring the quintessence, the essence of our essence… love, sweet love… as i float in the spaciousness of the stillpoint, i re-member a poem that takes us flying on the wings of celestial seaeagle to be lifted like a prayer and to be one long emanation and incantation of lovingkindness…

Eagle Poem

To pray you open your whole self
To sky, to earth, to sun, to moon
To one whole voice that is you.
And know there is more
That you can’t see, can’t hear
Can’t know except in moments
Steadily growing, and in languages
That aren’t always sound but other
Circles of motion.
Like eagle that Sunday morning
Over Salt River.  Circles in blue sky
In wind, swept our hearts clean
With sacred wings.
We see you, see ourselves and know
That we must take the utmost care
And kindness in all things.
Breathe in, knowing we are made of
All this, and breathe, knowing
We are truly blessed because we
Were born, and die soon, within a
True circle of motion,
Like eagle rounding out the morning
Inside us.
We pray that it will be done
In beauty.
In beauty.”

~ Joy Harjo ~

traveling this peace pilgrimage through the exterior landscape brings one deeper and deeper into the interior, a coming home to the heart where it is clearer and clearer, moment by moment, that we are always being led… boundless love, co-hearts… 

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 96– 3/22/2022

we are all rainclouds…

mni wiconi

water is life

welcome, well come to day 52 of a season of peace which synchronisticly falls on world water day calling me to totally be a body of water of life… let’s all take this moment, this breath to reset and to celebrate ourselves as bodies of water = we are the eternal radiance, astonishing lights of beingness made to flow into impermanence, uncertainty and the unknown as (w)hol(l)y seaworthy vessels…

UN World Water Day is a part of a worldwide mission to ensure everyone has access to safe drinking water with many in the world not having access to one of our most valuable natural resources…

in many areas around the world, taps, pipes and wells simply don’t exist and if they do they’re not affordable for many people which means drinking dirty water is the only option with dirty water being responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths each year…

we, like all other bodies of water, can change course and follow a sustainable direction by first believing we can and next acting on the belief with action by loving our waters for they are our mother, our ancestors and are the web weaving all our relatives into an amazing tapestry… we have a duty of care to protect and nurture our grandmothers and grandfathers and mothers and fathers and children who give us life…

let us all in this moment of eternity to breathe deeply together, yes, conspire and envision and answer the urgent call to action for a world where everyone drinks freely and safely of our life giving relative, water, instead of the present figure of only .01% of water being potable… here’s a first step whenever using this sacred elixir…

 Prayer When Drinking Water

“As I receive this water and it flows through me,
May it become medicine dispelling all ills,
May it become medicine revealing the wisdom within and through out.
I offer apology for any harm done through wrong speech & action

As this water flows through me and becomes vapor,
May it purify the atmosphere
May it nourish the wisdom potential in the people
I offer apology for any harm done through wrong speech & action

As this water flows through me, and returns to the water table
May it remove the impurities of chemicals placed within the water
May the water be made new again
May this water become medicine for all beings in this and all worlds

~ Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo ~