Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 64 – 2/18/2022

welcome, welcome to day 20 of a season of peace, a day when i find myself whirling in the winds of change, breathing deeply into the womb of wisdom to ground and to see the divine star child descending down the birth canal of chaos to be welcomed into the implicate order of rainbow mystery…


listening to motherwaters’ song, seeding fields of love the whole day long,

great mother oya weaves spiraling webs of light

while whirling, swirling winds cut through rainbow mists

and, spirits dance wildly in the innerground

swimming in braided waters of uncharted earthscape

rhythmically returning to our original source,

the cosmic womb where we re-member…

birthing, surrendering to transforming whirlwind

breathing, re-birthing cosmic harmony again…


may every breath be a blessingway, a blessingway of deepening balance, a flowing with the waters of life in harmony revealing every moment of eternity as sacred…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 63 – 2/17/2022

come home to the heart, in the ocean of being…





welcome, welcome to day 19 of a season of peace, another beautiful day of gathering the quintessence, ambassadors of love and light with the sun shining through the clouds on the energy of  rapture/rupture…

today, on this the ides of fledging february my attentionis drawn so raptly to the chaos/cosm of the outer world… as we hear through the ethers of so much chaos abounding across the planet calling us to listen deeply, to bear witness intimately being ever so patient with what’s riotously germinating in the core, what’s emerging out of the collective, i turn to a poet, another pilgrim on the journey who so beautifully amplifies the message of coming home to the heart and waiting for right action to organically arise out of  patiently bearing witness…

Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.

– Rainer Maria Rilke –


Letters To A Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke is an extraordinary book of ten letters written to a young man of nineteen years about to enter the German military named Franz Kappus who wrote Rilke looking for guidance and a critique of some of his poems. Rilke was himself only 27 when the first letter was written. The resulting five year correspondence is a virtual owner’s manual on what it is to be an artist and a person. Since we are all poets, pilgrims on a journey, it seems poetic justice to share the wisdom here and now for us to apply to the metaphor of our own lives…

“You ask whether your verses are any good… You have asked others before this. You send them to magazines. You compare them with other poems, and you are upset when certain editors reject your work. Now (since you have said you want my advice) I beg you to stop doing that sort of thing. You are looking outside, and that is what you should most avoid right now. No one can advise or help you – no one. There is only one thing you should do. Go into yourself. Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread its roots into the very depths of your heart; confess to yourself whether you would have to die if you were forbidden to write. This most of all: ask yourself in the most silent hour of your night: must I write? Dig into yourself for a deep answer. And if this answer rings out in assent, if you meet this solemn question with a strong, simple “I must”, then build your life in accordance with this necessity; your whole life, even into its humblest and most indifferent hour, must become a sign and witness to this impulse. Then come close to Nature. Then, as if no one had ever tried before, try to say what you see and feel and love and lose.”

may we all be peace, love, joy, harmony and patience aligned with source in co-creating the beautyfull cosmos…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 62 – 2/16/2022

our task is to widen our circle of compassion embracing all that is in its beauty… i love this quotation from beloved humanitarian Einstein, i could post it daily – it feels so appropriate now when collectively we’re in a powerful window of transformation, a moment of eternity in the creative process when we are at a crossroads and the fiery moon of leo is about cataly-sing a shift and fledging from a nest that is now constricting into a wider world with a moon singing or roaring to us of our soul song…let us radiate these frequencies in this moment beginning with ourselves by calming the mind/heart with deep cleansing belly breaths into our wisdom center which generates warm, gentle, loving feelings inside of our being saying:

may I be safe

may I be happy just as I am

may I be peaceful with whatever is happening

may I be healthy and strong

may I care for myself in this ever-changing world graciously, joyously…

now, move out spaciously into your immediate surroundings to include every living being within this circle saying:

may all beings in the air, on land, and in the water be safe, happy, healthy, and free from suffering…

as you feel your immediate surround fill with the power of loving kindness, move on, expanding the surround in concentric circles until you envelop the entire planet and are able to visualize Earth spinning within the vast, mysterious universe… continue expanding the sense of loving kindness filling the endless spaciousness of the universe saying:

may all living beings everywhere on all planes of existence, known and unknown, be filled with loving kindness, be peaceful, be free from suffering and be well… and from this sacred place let us proclaim:

I AM Light.
Full and Radiant,
Glorious and Luminous.

With full agency, I exert the Will of the Divine through my Body.
I use my voice to speak against Injustices.
I use my power to stand for Equality.
I use my privilege to transform systems that Ignore and Neglect.
I use my freedoms to protect the Earth.

I am here.
And I will be heard.
I will be seen.
I am out of hiding.
Full and Radiant,
Glorious and Luminous.

I am a Force for Love.
{Please add whatever is alive for you and that which you are ready to
embody even more.
Also, make sure this is spoken with your full presence.}

I weave with the power of Sisters,
honoring the power of the sacred pride.

In this Full Illumination, hear me ROAR.
I am alive.

And So It Is! Blessed Bee!

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 61 – 2/15/2022

welcome, welcome to day 17 of a season of peace, our day to celebrate as we travel the path with heart and another beautiful day of gathering the quintessence as ambassadors of love and light with the energy of rapture still present today…

i choose to be kind, gentle and patient with myself so i can be this and offer it to others…

i choose to be compassionate with myself so i deepen and expand being this way…

i choose to love beginning with myself and rippling out to all relatives…

please join me in this movement of our choosing this path with heart which sets us free to be one sea of love energy…yes, LALAs, love ambassadors, light ambassadors, it all comes down to being love, period; for in the field of the great beyond we real-eyes we belong to each other,that tthis moment, this day we choose love letting it begin with SELF (Stillness Essence Love Flow)…

the truth is: you are more wonderfilled than you can imagine and it is nothing short of a miracle that you were born at this time on this planet to do your work no matter what it is… we have lived long enough thinking ‘not enough’ is a way of being… today, on the cusp of the full moon in creative leo. this thinking ends as we commit to love the sometimes fragile and broken and sometimes confused and still glorious SELF that we are where we reinvent in this moment a story about who we are that you would love to tell and live… this is an invitation to unleash your own personal legend transforming the critic into the almighty muse…

thank you for joining in the global community of imaginal cells sharing the medicine of  love

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 60 – 2/14/2022

Dedicated to St Valentine, Patron Saint of Pilgrims…

every moment is valentine’s, a celebration of love… every pilgrimage is journeying along the path with heart… every pilgrim is a poet on a journey deeper into the heart, a saunterer – a holy lander, spiraling ever more profoundly into the ground of being where…

every breath is a naming prayer

every step a walking meditation

bringing us home to our one cosmic heart, an ocean of devotion

dreams often inspire a flow of contemplation which inspire words and deeds… i’m in a classroom sharing with the openhearted children of the earth, sharing a heart mudra to the tune of “this little light of mine…” where you join your thumbs together for the base of the heart temple and your index fingers together for the spire which you place on your third eye to open the flow of divine light to shine through the heart as lovingkindness and compassion and then you move your hands, the heart temple of light, down to the belly, the center of being, the stillpoint, the watery womb of creation and with this movement, this simple action, our inner light, the eternal flame flows soundlessly throughout the all that is in ever widening waves, one with the tides of interbeing, the sheltering arms of the tree of life…

as we meet this moment of eternity fully, we are loving kindness and compassion, joy dancing in swirling and whirling circles of peace passing all understanding, one with divine flow…

may we be filled with loving kindness

may we be well

may we be peaceful and at ease

may we be free

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 59 – 2/13/2022

welcome, welcome to day 15 of a season of peace which auspiciously coincides with this being a moment of celebrating the astonishing light of your being on this day celebrated for the last fifteen years as Self Love Day when we re-member to put on our oxygen masks first by breathing through our central channel deeply into the belly and the earth below and the vast skysea above and finally, we injoy another beautiful day of gathering the quintessence, the essence of love as ambassadors of love and light on this rapturous day of delight…

another day on the pilgrimage of love where we are given the opportunity to live this day as a day with a simple way to be… as easy as breathing one two three… breathing in love, breathing out love, breathing in love, breathing out love, breathing in love, breathing out love… seeding/re-seeding, cycling/re-cycling the unitive field, the ocean of consciousness, the sea of love energy, cosmic oneness with the only energy there is – particles of radiant love forming one vast wave of light, the first emanation to pour forth from the great silence and travel, as do we, as a rolling wave of loving light energy… sometimes as a whirling dervish transforming everything in the path, other times as a stationary lighthouse commanding stillness, always a wave of light flowing love through the cosmos, always a wave of love flowing light through the cosmos, seeding/re-seeding, cycling/re-cycling particles of love into the one radiant wave of light…


“…help me to live this day quietly, peacefully. To lean upon Thy great strength trustfully, restfully. To wait for the unfolding of Thy will patiently, serenely. To meet others peacefully, joyously…”

~St Francis~


love love love love love

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 58 – 2/12/2022

what an enlightening day this 14th day of a season of peace is and filled with so many synchronisiddhis beginning this morning with being in a circle including Gandhi’s granddaughter discussing quantum physics of the wave mechanics variety with its emphasis on complementarity and underlying process echoing all the ancient wisdom traditions and then moving on to a joint celebration of Darwin and Lincoln and Frederick Douglass who share today as a birthday though there is controversy around Douglass’s birth date… with Darwin coming from a family that for generations had worked for abolition and Douglass, one of our foremost abolition advocates who persisted with Lincoln for the Emancipation Proclamation, there are things to sing about in the midst of all the stormy seas…

underlying the call to action today, is this pivotal moment where once again we find ourselves at the brink and looking through the lens of many disciplines for a way to hold the tensions and not act from the unworkable dominance culture consciousness that brings us to the brink of the possibility of another mass extinction… what a joy to be with scholars and others who have really read Darwin and quote him accurately – he was not about survival of the fittest and selfish genes; he was about cooperation and collaboration and love and mutual aid and so just as his theories provided a middle way during the earlier Cold War, his ideas of culture and evolution being about partnerism provide wise guidance for today… yes, let us bring back his focus, wisdom tradtions’ focus, chaos theory’s focus and not relive the robber barons of the gilded age’s false narrative of “Social Darwinism” with its empfasis on dominance and agression which was the opposite of Darwin‘s theory of oneness…

in this moment of eternity of great turning, let us re-member who we really are – living beings, relatives who have lived in peace and harmony for the mutual aid of all for long periods throughout our time here…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 57 – 2/11/2022

“The souls of people, on their way to Earth-life, pass through a room full of lights; each takes a taper – often only a spark – to guide it in the dim country of this world. But some souls, by rare fortune, are detained longer – have time to grasp a handful of tapers, which they weave into a torch. These are the torch-bearers of humanity – its poets, seers, and saints, who lead and lift the race out of darkness, toward the light. They are the law-givers and saviors, the light-bringers, way-showers, and truth-tellers, and without them, humanity would lose its way in the dark”  ~Plato~

thousand fold thanks for the weird people, creative rebels, imaginal cells of real-eye-sing… you astonishing lights of being who rekindle our flame by setting their lives on fire and fanning the flames of and for all relatives in the field… it has been said that when living in a dark time such as we are living in, it is the creatives, those with the courage, the heart to follow their weird, their genius, their sacred call, to devotedly give themselves to the soul song that inspirits, these are the ones, the ones awakened to the mystical level who thrive in the dark times; the good news is that we all have the potential to real-eyes our true self…

i love that this quest ion of following your weird that showed up so emphatically as i began my seventh decade this go around is resurrecting even more emphatically as i take flight into the eighth decade with the energy of infinity as the melody… let’s come together now and conspire, breathe together deeply as we visual-eyes ourselves in the most sacred of spaces, the crystal we are and embody the energies of the blessingway below…

~ Beatitudes for the Weird ~
by Jacob Nordby

“Blessed are the weird people
—poets, misfits, writers, mystics
heretics, painters & troubadours—
for they teach us to see the world through different eyes

Blessed are those who embrace the intensity of life’s pain and pleasure,
for they shall be rewarded with uncommon ecstasy.

Blessed are ye who see beauty in ugliness,
for you shall transform our vision of how the world might be.

Blessed are the bold and whimsical,
for their imagination shatters ancient boundaries of fear for us all.

Blessed are ye who are mocked for unbridled expression of love in all its forms, because your kind of crazy is exactly that freedom for which the world is unconsciously begging.

Blessed are those who have endured breaking by life,
for they are the resplendent cracks through which the light shines.”


may we all be blessed to be weird devoting ourselves to embodying this manifesto for mystics as we wander in wonder throughout and within the crystalline clear light of the boundless skysea of love energy…

and, may we be weirdness, daimons for each other giving strength and consolation fully real-eye-sing that the cup of life is a cup of sorrow that opens the compassionate cup of joy warming the cup of sorrow that opens our one heart ever wider to the compassionate cup of joy endlessly…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 56 – 2/10/2022

welcome, welcome to day 12 of a season of peace, day 10 of this moon of fledging in this moment of blessed unrest and great turning… are you wondering about peace on earth when we see so much falling apart, so much suffering? it is said that confusion and uncertainty are the raw materials of wisdom and understanding, that every birth is messy and painful and then once the new creation emerges, our one heart melts and we sing at the frequency of ecstasy, of moving out of the stuckness of turbulence and unrest and into a peace passing all understanding… and so it is…

may the provocations of the outer and inner worlds awaken us more deeply to our seeing provocations as pro vocations impelling us into our vocations, our callings to be who we truly are – rainbow lightwaves of love and peace re-joy-sing that in this moment of presence, in every present moment, peace prevails on earth regardless of the outer dramas…

let us be ambassadors of peace in this moment of eternity, in every moment of eternity humming, re-joy-sing, dancing the anthem of the poetic peace pilgrimage…

“Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me
Let there be peace on earth
The peace that was meant to be
With earth as our mother
Family all are we
Let me walk with my relative
In perfect harmony Let peace begin with me
Let this be the moment now
With every step I take
Let this be my solemn vow
To take each moment
And live each moment
To take each moment
And live each moment
To take each moment
And live each moment
In peace eternally
Let there be peace on earth
Let there be peace on earth
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin
With me”…

blessed bee…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 55 – 2/9/2022

thank you, thank you, thank you, thousand fold thanks to all our relatives including and not limited to human people, tree people, stone people, star people, four-legged people, insect people, mountain peope, moments of eternity people, all bodies of water people, cloud people, rainbow people, moon people, planet people and on and on forever and ever for everything is sacred and is our teacher… thanks be for devoting ourselves to peace, to harmony, to loving unconditionally, to being joy and compassion and listening generously and living openheartedly and smiling and bearing witness and connecting with source as source breathes us and being curious and openhearted and grounded in the beauty of the earth and the grandeur of the skies and for standing for love when you are too tired to stand and for shining your lightfor others to see their way home in the dark…. boundless love, beloveds and boundless blessings and gratitude…