Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 64 – 2/18/2022

welcome, welcome to day 20 of a season of peace, a day when i find myself whirling in the winds of change, breathing deeply into the womb of wisdom to ground and to see the divine star child descending down the birth canal of chaos to be welcomed into the implicate order of rainbow mystery…


listening to motherwaters’ song, seeding fields of love the whole day long,

great mother oya weaves spiraling webs of light

while whirling, swirling winds cut through rainbow mists

and, spirits dance wildly in the innerground

swimming in braided waters of uncharted earthscape

rhythmically returning to our original source,

the cosmic womb where we re-member…

birthing, surrendering to transforming whirlwind

breathing, re-birthing cosmic harmony again…


may every breath be a blessingway, a blessingway of deepening balance, a flowing with the waters of life in harmony revealing every moment of eternity as sacred…