Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 58 – 2/12/2022

what an enlightening day this 14th day of a season of peace is and filled with so many synchronisiddhis beginning this morning with being in a circle including Gandhi’s granddaughter discussing quantum physics of the wave mechanics variety with its emphasis on complementarity and underlying process echoing all the ancient wisdom traditions and then moving on to a joint celebration of Darwin and Lincoln and Frederick Douglass who share today as a birthday though there is controversy around Douglass’s birth date… with Darwin coming from a family that for generations had worked for abolition and Douglass, one of our foremost abolition advocates who persisted with Lincoln for the Emancipation Proclamation, there are things to sing about in the midst of all the stormy seas…

underlying the call to action today, is this pivotal moment where once again we find ourselves at the brink and looking through the lens of many disciplines for a way to hold the tensions and not act from the unworkable dominance culture consciousness that brings us to the brink of the possibility of another mass extinction… what a joy to be with scholars and others who have really read Darwin and quote him accurately – he was not about survival of the fittest and selfish genes; he was about cooperation and collaboration and love and mutual aid and so just as his theories provided a middle way during the earlier Cold War, his ideas of culture and evolution being about partnerism provide wise guidance for today… yes, let us bring back his focus, wisdom tradtions’ focus, chaos theory’s focus and not relive the robber barons of the gilded age’s false narrative of “Social Darwinism” with its empfasis on dominance and agression which was the opposite of Darwin‘s theory of oneness…

in this moment of eternity of great turning, let us re-member who we really are – living beings, relatives who have lived in peace and harmony for the mutual aid of all for long periods throughout our time here…