Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 74 – 2/28/2022

blessing the space between us

as we journey into mystery

the pilgrimage to our one heart


how I love meeting you daily in the quantum field of deep spaciousness where love is all there is and where we celebrate a season of peace for…

This is the bright home
in which I live,
this is where
I ask
my friends
to come,
this is where I want
to love all the things
it has taken me so long
to learn to love.

This is the temple
of my adult aloneness
and I belong
to that aloneness
as I belong to my life.

There is no house
like the house of belonging.

~ David Whyte ~


thank you for walking home with me … this moon as in month also brings an especially touching poignancy to the space between us as this journey into mystery, this pilgrimage into the tiny space of our one heart, the void, the sacred space of emptiness is such a deep dive into the stillpoint of creation…

surrendering to the beloved and trusting in the tenemos of great mother to support and nourish us, we summon the courage to leap into the unknown and relax into the organic, rhythmic flow of the mysterious dance of life…

holding hands in the dark, feeling the waves of our one beating heart, we witness the birth of the new, the promise of every inbreath followed by the re-joy-sing of every outbreath… for in our coming together in the sacred space of our cosmic heart, we change everything, we are transformation dancing to the tune of el canto hondo, the deep soul song… all is well for out in this field of creativity we weave a world where peace prevails…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 73 – 2/27/2022

welcome, welcome to day 29 of a season of peace on this twenty-seventh day of fledging february, the day of celebrating the astonishing light of being on this day with the sun shining on the energy of  tenderness, the crucible of our interconnectedness with the courage to say yes to creator, creation, creativity, the creative process…  with all the turbulence in the outer world, i’m so called by source to come into the dream cave, the grand canyon of stillness to be chanting shant, shanti, shantihi awakening us all to the peace that passeth all understanding especially the ones in power who must be tuned into justice for all and thank you for all our relations who always see and be the sun shining to light the way… let us take this moment of eternity to cleanse and purify the Inner Temple…

see in the center of our being, a large fireball radiating like a sun… into the center of the fireball, we place anything on the physical plane that is needing to be transformed, that no longer serves… as it goes into the center of the fireball, it is transformed, and the energy of life is released like the rays of the sun…

see this fireball turn into a blazing yellow sun… place into the center of the sun any emotions, desires, energies, ways of running energy that no longer serve… these energies are transformed into radiant rainbow spokes of pure energy…

now the sun turns into a deep indigo blue and we place into the center of the indigo sun any separative thoughtforms, ideas, concepts… as they enter into the sun, these thoughtforms are transformed into radiant spokes of pure energy and are being released into the temple of being in all the colors of the rainbow…

see the soul itself appear in the center of the temple of being… all of the love and the light that’s been released, we offer to the soul’s plan and purpose… this energy rises merging with the group soul quantum field infusing the greater plan…

from our soul quantum field, see and feel an energy of golden light come down through us all descending into our crown center all the way through all our vehicles clean-sing and purifying us for the engoldenment cycle to come when we real-eyes the astonishing luminosity of our interbeing… a la la ho!

thank you for walking home with me … this moonth also brings an especially touching poignancy to the space between us as this journey into mystery, this pilgrimage into the tiny space of our one heart, the void, the sacred space of emptiness is such a deep dive into the stillpoint of creation…

surrendering to and suspending in the beloved and trusting in the tenemos of great mother to support and nourish us, we summon the courage to leap into the unknown and relax into the organic, rhythmic flow of the mysterious dance of life…

holding hands in the dark, feeling the waves of our one beating heart, we witness the birth of the new, the promise of every inbreath followed by the re-joy-sing of every outbreath… for in our coming together in the sacred space of our cosmic heart, we change everything, we are transformation dancing to the tune of el canto hondo, the deep soul song… stillness flowing, singing, re-joy-sing… be love, be loved; be peace, be peaced…

 thousandfold thanks for being an astonishing light of being… seeing the best in others, spreading lovingkindness virally which is the most impactful peace work there is…

deepest bows, cohearts…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 72 – 2/26/2022

welcome, welcome to day 28 of a season of peace, on this day when collectively our hearts are heavy as we are so aware of all the global suffering, a day, calling for us to suspend as in pause, breathe deeply through our one cosmic heart and come hOMe to the sacred space of the stillpoint, the timeless spaciousness of the deep self and in thought, word and deed be in balance, in harmony with all our relatives expanding and radiating this vibration in ever widening circles…

i have arrived, i am home in the eternal now, this present moment where my soul intention is to live simply and wholeheartedly as a willow tree who offers her branches freely as resting space for great mystery to breathe us sacredly…

here, in this true refuge of flow on the other shore, this openhearted place of welcome, let us perch as in pause and listen for the cosmic hum, the vibrational tune of whispering wind, spirit waves of spiraling notes… singing of love and devotion across the many splendored vast wild ocean of ever changing being… always different, always the same…

in this place of deep repose, hear waters falling home, singing of a secret joy deep within, always present in the moment, listen to source and attune with the music of the spheres, thehaunting melody of the lost chords animating all, cosmic harmony ringing out a call…

in this moment, our one heart’s a tree providing belonging space for you, for me to sing our soul song of mystery… many voices, one frequency… multiversed universiddhi…  shanti, shanti, shantihi…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 71 – 2/25/2022

welcome to day 27 of a season of peace, how “just right” it is that while we are going through such turbulence, we have this organizing matrix of a season re- minding and re-heartening us to come into the stillpoint, slow down and be an instrument of peace, a harmony frequency raising all in our ever widening orbital circle to the vibration of compassion as we awaken to the true reality that we all belong to each other, that no being is free until all beings are free and that when each of us awakens, it is a tremendous gift and catalyzer for the awakening of the whole…

as we dance the via transformativa, the way of rebirth, of awakening, i find myself being in dark, unknown spaces, uncertain moments which open into portals leading home as i return to the breath and the magical blessing of thanks transporting me into the  deep earth of our being, the wisdom place in the core where we float in the sea of love energy, the most powerful healing, wholeing medicine that gives birth to dancing stars… with the dangers of this moment so intense, i must match that intensity with being a living prayer of peace – thank you for standing in solidarity as a huge orchestra of instruments of peace – i love envisioning us all encircling and encircling and encircling this third rock from the sun where we dwell committed to living in peace and harmony with every breath…

as we close this circle, let’s conspire, breathe together and feel the golden light we are pouring into every one of our trillions of cells illuminating the pathless path of the deep self and hear the music of the celestial spheres ringing through our ears transforming us into seers of the beloved community that is our birthright… 

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 70 – 2/24/2022

re-membering today the wise old saying that truth is the first casulty of war, i feel the call in this moment of eternity when our island home desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, lovers and storytellers to re-visit once again an old legend of the first peoples of this turtle island land which has been passed down orally from generation to generation; it is a legend about a savior named deganawida, the peacemaker, originating over a thousand years ago during the final decades of pre-columbian america at a time like now, a time of pervasive fear and instability in the haudenosaunee world when a young virgin gave birth to a son… she was told in a dream that “your child will be a messenger of the creator and will bring peace and harmony to the people on earth.”

when deganawida came of age he told his mother, “I shall now build my canoe from white stone, for the time has come for me to start my mission in this world. I know I must travel afar on lakes and rivers to seek out the council smoke of nations beyond this lake. It is now time for me to go stop the shedding of blood among human beings.”

as deganawida began his mission, he first encountered a group of hunters who were fleeing from the bloodshed in the their own village and he instructed them: “Go back to your people and tell them that the Good News of Peace and Righteousness has come to your nation.”

the peacemaker’s mission, as the many accounts of the legend make clear, was to re-establish the natural equilibrium on which the well being of individuals, societies, and the whole of creation depends… deganawida achieved this mission by healing them—by “making their minds straight.” deganawida’s role was not that of a warrior, but a redemptive shaman—a healer… he was quite explicit about the mission: “health means peace, for that is what comes when minds are sane and bodies are cared for.” the peacemaker, like the rainmaker, like all healers and medicine elders, well knows that conflict is born of suffering and the root causes must be addressed for the villages to come back into health and equilibrium where all feel they belong and are cared for and are treated with dignity…

as the story goes, deganawida traveled between each of these warring tribes to spread a message of peace, friendship, and unity, but was not always met with understanding… as the white pine tree was known to them as the tree of peace, deganawida used it as a symbol of his intentions…. auspiciously, the tree was said to have four symbolic roots, the great white roots of peace, which extended north, east, south and west… all the leaders of each nation who agreed to bury their weapons under this tree and be a part of the peace agreement would meet beneath its branches to talk about preserving The Great Peace and be joined together as one…

let us gather under the tree of peace, bury our weapons, breathe deeply together into the sacred space of wisdom and courageously take on the transformative mission of being peacemakers every moment of eternity so that we can create a sustainable world of peace we all desire and demand that our world leaders do the will of the people by acting like adults who come from a place of the onemind…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 69 – 2/23/2022

thanks be for the continuation of Thay’s work and wisdom so needed in our world today as the world unravels before our eyes… breakdown to breakthrough in this moment of emerge-n-see, this moment of both danger and opportunity of bringing lasting peace for all beings…

this prayer was used throughout South Vietnam in 1965 in the “Don’t Shoot Your Own Brother” campaign to rouse the willingness to work for peace… during meetings of young people, they chanted this poem, uniting our hearts and our efforts to continue to work for peace:

“In beauty, sitting on a lotus flower,
is Lord Buddha, quiet and solid.
Your humble disciple,
calm and pure of heart,
forms a lotus flower with his hands,
faces you with deep respect,
and offers this heartfelt prayer:

Homage to all Buddhas in the ten directions.
Please have compassion for our suffering.
Our land has been at war for two decades.
Divided, it is a land of tears
and blood and bones of young and old.
Mothers weep till their tears are dry
while sons on distant fields decay.
Its beauty torn apart,
only blood and tears now flow.
Brothers killing brothers
for promises from outsiders.
Homage to all Buddhas in the ten directions.
Because of your love for all people,
have compassion on us.
Help us remember we are just one family,
North and South.
Help us rekindle our compassion and brotherhood,
and transform our separate interests
into loving acceptance for all.
May your compassion help us overcome our hatred.
May Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva’s love
help the flowers bloom again in the soil of our country.
Humbly, we open our hearts to you,
so you may help us transform our karma
and water the flowers of our spirits.
With your deep understanding,
help our hearts grow light.

Homage to Shakyamuni Buddha
whose great vows and compassion inspire us.
I am determined to cultivate only thoughts
that increase trust and love,
to use my hands to perform only deeds
that build community,
to speak only words of harmony and aid.

May the merit of this prayer
be transformed into peace in [the world]
May each of us realize this,
our deep aspiration.”

shanti shanti shantihi…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 68 – 2/22/2022

Happy TwosDay! 22-02-2022

welcome, well come to this once in a century portal day, a day filled with celebrations of this moment in eternity… a very beautiful celebration i attended this morning was for the launch of pianist, philosopher, systems scientist Ervin Laszlo’s new book and movement, Upshift… Understanding we are at a critical crossroads, Laszlo is issuing a powerful call for us to live wiser and responsibly with our eyes to the seven generations rather than short-term benefits…

Ervin Laszlo’s Ten Commandments for Thriving in a World of Diversity

  1. Live in ways that enable other people to live as well: Meet your needs and pursue your objectives without detracting from the chances of other people to meet their needs and pursue their objectives.
  2. Live in ways that respect the right to life and to economic and cultural development of all people, wherever they live and whatever their ethnic origin, sex, citizenship, station in life, and belief system.
  3. Live in ways that safeguard the right to live in a viable environment of all the living things that inhabit the earth.
  4. Pursue happiness, freedom, and personal fulfillment in harmony with the integrity of nature and with consideration for the related pursuits of others around you.
  5. Require of political leaders that they relate to other peoples peacefully and in a spirit of cooperation, recognizing the legitimate aspirations for a better life and a healthy environment of all members of the human family.
  6. Require of business leaders that they accept responsibility not only for the owners and shareholders of their enterprise, but for all its stakeholders, demanding that they produce goods and offer services that satisfy legitimate demand without impairing nature and reducing the opportunities of local enterprises and poor economies to compete in the marketplace.
  7. Require public media to provide a constant stream of reliable information on basic trends and crucial processes to enable citizens and consumers to reach informed decisions on issues that affect their health, prosperity, and future.
  8. Make room in your life to help those less privileged than yourself to live a life of dignity, free from the struggles and humiliations of abject poverty.
  9. Work with like-minded people to preserve or restore the essential balances of the environment in as well.
  10. Encourage young people and open-minded people of all ages to evolve the spirit that could empower them to make ethical decisions on issues that decide their own future and the future of their family, partners, and children.

“Evolving our consciousness is not something we do only for ourselves — it is something we do also for others… for all others, and for the Earth. Because when we open up and let our body and mind feel our ties with others and with nature, we change ourselves, and change others around us. When a sufficient number of people pray or meditate together, or find another path to evolve their consciousness, other people are affected as well. More sick people heal, divorce and suicide rates drop, crime and violence diminish. When many people open up, a powerful force develops — a leap of consciousness takes place. All the great prophets and sages of history knew this, Jesus as well as the Buddha, Mohammed as well as Zoroaster — and more recently Bahá’u’lláh the same as Sri Aurobindo, Teilhard de Chardin and the Dalai Lama.“

~ Ervin Laszlo ~

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 67 – 2/21/2022

Happy 64th Birthday, Peace Symbol!

welcome, well come to day 23 of a season of peace on this twenty-first day of fledging february, the sixty-fourth birthday of the peace symbol and a beautiful day of gathering the quintessence as ambassadors of love and light with the sun shining on the energy of  freedom… on a somber note, it is the fifty-seventh anniversary of Malcolm X’s assassination…

now, back to the peace sign…

 “Children of today easily identify it. They may not know its original meaning, but they know it stands for good things – be nice to friends, be kind to animals, no fighting. This is a marvelous achievement for Gerald Holtom’s simple design. Peoples around the world have marched with it, worn it, displayed it during combat, held it high on banners, and been arrested in its name. Ask any man, woman or child, ‘What one thing would everyone in the world want more than anything else?’ The answer would surely be world peace.’”

~ Ken Kolsbun, Peace: The Biography of a Symbol ~

on this day of walking into the unknown through a field of  impermanence, a day when peace is so called for, it is a beautiful synchrony that it’s the re-birthday of the symbol for peace…

Gerald Holtom, an artist and conscientious objector, created the Peace Symbol on February 21,1958. According to Christopher Driver, author of The Disarmers: A Study in Protest, Holtom created the design and then brought it to an organizer of a local British peace group. After several revisions, it was unveiled publicly on Good Friday of that year, by anti-nuclear demonstrators — the British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) — who marched 50 miles from London’s Trafalgar Square to the weapons factory at Aldermaston. It was the first Ban-the-Bomb March.

When Gerald Holtom sat down at his drawing board sixty-four years ago, he was in almost total despair. He later told the editor of Peace News: ‘I was in despair. Deep despair. I drew myself: the representative of an individual in despair, with hands palm outstretched outwards and downwards in the manner of Goya’s peasant before the firing squad. I formalized the drawing into a line and put a circle round it symbolizing Earth.”

Welcome “International Peace Symbol Day.”  May we hoist peace everywhere waving the remedy for despair…  Peace Out!

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 66 – 2/20/2022

“The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named is not the eternal name
The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth
The named is the mother of myriad things

Thus, constantly free of desire
One observes its wonders
Constantly filled with desire
One observes its manifestations

These two emerge together but differ in name
The unity is said to be the mystery
Mystery of mysteries, the door to all wonders”

~ Lao Tzu ~

welcome, welcome to day 22 of a season of peace, on this 20th day of fledging february so that we have a day pulsing at the quintessential frequency of 22222, a day of grace, wisdom, clarity and a day also known as world social justice day – may it be so, may we roll up our sleeves, come home to our heart, set our eyes within and in thought, word and deed be in balance with all our relatives… and, it’s the moment of celebrating the astonishing light of our interbeing with all our relatives who vaya con gaia en paz with the sun shining through the clouds radiating the liberating energy of  freedom…

and, today is a day of rainmaking, of holy synchronicity… do you know the rainmaker story? it is a favorite of mine and has been for decades, this story of restoring circulation between the inner and outer flow of life which is the central story of my life…

during a time of great drought, a rainmaker was asked by villagers of a neighboring province if he could help bring rain to their dry fields… they had tried many other approaches without success before reaching out to him… the rainmaker agreed to come and asked for a small hut with a garden that he could tend… for three days, he simply tended the garden… on the fourth day, rain began to fall on the parched earth… when asked how he had achieved such a miracle, the master answered that when he came to the village, he had sensed disharmony within himself and the village… each day, as he tended the garden, he returned a little more to himself… when he returned to balance, the rain came naturally…

yes, it has long been known by indigenous gaiians that it takes three days for the body to settle when on retreat, for the rainmaker, the rainbowmaker  to come into harmony and for the re-joy-sing to flow…

we rise up singing kissed by sun

on the banks of the river of joy dreaming the magic to come

gliding over stones, nothing impedes the flow

wind whispers softly to lean in and let all go

trusting in the rhythm of eternal ebb and flow…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 65 – 2/19/2022

welcome to day 21 of a season of peace, a day i need to dive so deeply into the earth and sky and ocean of our creative cosmic being to be the peace and love we are in our core while in this moment of turbulence and of ebb tide in the outer world as we witness an escalation of threatening actions, i’m also re-membering birth is often messy and painful as we let go of what no longer serves to revolve/revolute into a more sustainable way…

on this day in 1942, the usa decided to arrest and imprison all citizens of Japanese ancestry – even as little as 1/16  percent and including orphaned infants – all of these beings were subject to mass incarceration with over 130,000 Japanese Americans – many full citizens and the children of citizens – forcibly relocated from their West Coast homes during the spring of 1942 and jailed for up to three years without a trial…

on this day of being peace and re-membrance of the inhumane ways we act when fear leads us to reacting blindly, i must dig deep singing psalm 15 again and again…

Who can be trusted with power,
and who may act in your place?
Those with a passion for justice,
who speak the truth from their hearts;
who have let go of selfish interests
and grown beyond their own lives;
who see the wretched as their family
and the poor as their flesh and blood.

They alone are impartial
and worthy of the people’s trust.

Their compassion lights up the whole earth,
and their kindness endures forever.”

breathing in peace and compassion, join with me in being the world we all want… for me, it is a world of peace and harmony and wisdom and generosity built on justice and balance guided by love and compassion surrendered into great mystery,,,


as we come alive in this wild and precious moment

dreaming a new world on the way,

let us breathe in deeply our dreams coming full circle

as dancing stars give birth today

dreaming a new world on the way,

we hear her whispering down under the sea

as dancing stars give birth today

creating sacred space for flowing beauty

we hear her whispering down under the sea,

now is the moment for the dream to fully be

creating sacred space for flowing beauty

from our one heart soaring into rainbow mystery

as we come alive in this wild moment,

let us breathe in deeply our dreams coming full circle

now is the moment for the dream to fully be

with our one heart soaring into rainbow mystery…

birthing a world where we live and let be, all of us re-joy-sing in harmony…
