Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 16 – 1/1/2022

They are the chosen ones who have surrendered.
Once they were particles of light
now they are the radiant sun.

~ Rumi ~


well come to us all to this new year, this new moonth of journeying january, the moonth of dreaming and this new day, this first day of beginning and the first day of seven days of rest being practiced by thousands of beings across the cosmos…

well come to us all to this journey of walking deeper and more expansively into the light, a journey like no other, a pathless path without markers where we feel our way and listen for the heart’s sounding and resounding, life lived as dream dreaming us… psychedelic, psychedolphic serpent of light coming into my life so early and leading me on a meandering spiral dance, the magical mystery tour, life…

our festival of illumination pilgrimage with the Caravan of Re-Joy-Sing continues under last night’s sign, the seventh night’s sun of the airy sign of Libra bringing a dream gift of an important key to life – balance – which is an image that has played through my dreams for as long as i can re-member as has contemplating life as walking a tightrope along the razor’s edge… on this first day of the new year, it feels so right to sit still on the seesaw of life and begin this turn with breathing in Libra’s gift of journeying to the inner stillpoint and breathing out the gift of balance into the cosmos… 

as we all sit on the seesaw of life, may we all feel the blessings of illuminated balance…

Blessing for the New Year

On the day when
The weight deadens
On your shoulders
And you stumble,
May the clay dance
To balance you.

And when your eyes
Freeze behind
The grey window
And the ghost of loss
Gets in to you,
May a flock of colours,
Indigo, red, green,
And azure blue,
Come to awaken in you
A meadow of delight.

When the canvas frays
In the currach of thought
And a stain of ocean
Blackens beneath you,
May there come across the waters
A path of yellow moonlight
To bring you safely home.

May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
May the clarity of light be yours,
May the fluency of the ocean be yours,
May the protection of the ancestors be yours.

And so may a slow
Wind work these words
Of love around you,
An invisible cloak
To mind your life.

John O’Donohue

and, every day of this turn around the sun as i awaken, i re-member to live these words of the Dalai Lama…

Every day as you wake up, think that I am fortunate to be alive. I have a precious human life, and I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand myself out to others; to achieve enlightenment for all beings.”