Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 364 – 12/15/2021

With every breath, I plant the seeds of devotion. I am a farmer of the heart.

~ Rumi ~

“I can think of no other edifice constructed by ‘man’ as altruistic as a lighthouse. They were built only to serve.”

~ George Bernard Shaw ~

on this ides of december, this day of rain falling and the day taking me on such a different journey than i’d imagined, this next to last day of my calendar year, i want to take this moment of voicing thaksgiving for all our relatives traversing the pathless rainbow trail… here we are on the 4th day of the 12/12 portal, a moment of eternity when light rains down as at the same time we move into the soulstice rhythm when we all slow down and stand still with the sun… in gratitude for our holding the light sacredly, for our interbeing as a lighthouse, join with me in invking the light of resurrection…

in the name of the Great Mother, we invoke the benevolent streams of universal light to come and enfold us in a soft cocoon of love’s transforming grace… COME COME COME subtle realms of elevated and deepened vibration and infuse this coalescing energetic matrix with the purest frequencies of harmony, balance and peace… may this field of redeeming grace weave ever so gently, in, through and around us now, blessing us with its qualities of enduring strength and resilience… we now invite the inner light to enter into the deepest regions of our thoughts and feelings offering up all of our resistances, attachments, pains, stress, anxiety and suffering… please help us to see our personal circumstances through the eyes of the soul shifting our perceptions into right understanding, that we may pass through our difficult times with more grace and equanimity… thank you for deep and abiding comfort embodying every wild cell as we re-member who we really are… there is no greater source of comfort than the inner light…

may our hearts be softened, may our minds be purified, may our words be more tenderly spoken, may our thoughts extend love to every living thing, may our actions be a blessing unto the world, may our souls shine , and may we be continually humbled in alignment with the most expansive and deepest blessing for all… thank you, thank you, thank you…