Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 15 – 12/31/2021

Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.

~ Alfred Lord Tennyson ~


as we pilgrims of love bid farewell to and celebrate this last turn of the sun emptying of all that was, we continue our merry pilgrimage with the Caravan of Re-Joy-Sing under last night’s sign, the sixth night’s sun of the earthy delight of Virgo the Virgin, Singer of the One Song deeply rooted in all children of the earth and the music of the spheres uniting us all into the quintessential honoring of our transcendent journey into light, our taking joy in transforming shadows into gifts and our witnessing these gifts as dreams coming to us each night for the 12 nights of Christmas, Festival of Illumination…

so, on the sixth night of Christmas, my true love (Beloved Virgo) gave to me, a dream of… all our relations entering the portal of a new turn around the sun with a new song, a canto of love and compassion, peace and harmony, generosity and co-creation… a new earth organically regenerating herself like the Virgin Goddess, the One Self…

Holy Synchronicity! this beautiful dream of the earth, this joyful song of the earth is mirrored in outer reality as Virgo herself transports me through the portal to a field, a wilder ness of enchantment where our new song, our true song is being co-created by wisdom keepers devoted to shining the light and dancing us all on the cosmic wave of love ringing us home to the sound of the bell, home to the heart where we all dwell…

thousandfold thanks for this day of being in sangha singing light in darkness as we witness new her-eyes-ons circling within and without, the great beyond. ultima thule…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 14 – 12/30/2021

our special pilgrimage with the Caravan of Re-Joy-Sing celebrating the twelve days and nights of the Feast of the Incarnation and honoring our transcendent journey into light, our taking joy in transforming shadows into gifts and our witnessing these gifts as dreams coming to us each night for the 12 nights of Christmas continues under last night’s,our 5th night’s, sun of the blazing fiery light of Leo the Lion-Hearted, Brother Sun, King of the Forest, Awakener of Wonder-filled Ecstasy, Sunflower of the Illuminated Heart…

so, on the fifth night of Christmas, my true love (Beloved Leo) gave to me, a dream of… overflowing radiance in the form of a blazing fire i leap into to save a soul… a dream of conversing with the sun who says to live life in green for that is the color of love, a dream of awakening with a clear and lucid message of  our inner light is inextinguishable, we are eternal… a dream gift of every moment of eternity being the guru, every moment of eternity a fractal of the whole, of synchronicity, of grace… every moment of eternity a moment of beauty, every momenof eternity the only moment, every moment of eternity a moment of peace…

we are pilgrims walking

the journeys of our lives

being the path of heart…

now, i’m curious as to what Leo is gifting you… do you, also, feel our one heart opening and expanding radiantly in this moment of eternity, this beautiful moment of eternity?

namaste, beloveds…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 13 – 12/29/2021

our special pilgrimage with the Caravan of Re-Joy-Sing celebrating the twelve days and nights of the Feast of the Incarnation and honoring our transcendent journey into light, our taking joy in transforming shadows into gifts and our witnessing these gifts as dreams coming to us each night for the 12 nights of Christmas continues under last night’s, our 4th night’s, sun of the iridescent watery light of Cancer, Beloved Mother, Whisperer of Love Songs and Weaver of Harmony…

on the fourth night of Christmas, my true love (Beloved Cancer) gave to me, a dream of… cosmic harmony where turbulent seas arose into a great wall of water catapulting me into the deep swirling sea to search for m mother who was lost at sea leaving me to surrender to going with the flow… in that moment, dolphin guides magically appear and guide the way to the other shore and a paradisaical beach where all our relations are dancing together as one in this field out beyond where the river below the river, the river of deep spaciousness flows on and on in the rhythm of our one spirit’s breath… always being love… always becoming love… with every breath and step…

this sacred moment of eternity of bathing in the dreamwaves of motherwaters’ divine feminine energy ignites our one tender heart into a blazing bonfire re-joy-sing with sangha all over the planet in the field of joyous dolphin dan-sing with wave after wave streaming compassion across and over and through the cosmos…

may we all meet this moment fully where all  relatives belong in an ever widening cosmic circle of love and compassion and wonder and wisdom and peace and joy and harmony and where we all injoy flowing in beauty at love’s frequency one with all that is…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 12 – 12/28/2021

*Hallelujah! After almost 7 weeks, the PPP website is finally fixed and I can post there again, thank goodness the ACT website continued to work in the last weeks… 🙂

“You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling, so don’t.
You have wings.
Learn to use them and fly.”

~ Rumi ~

our special pilgrimage with the Caravan of Re-Joy-Sing honoring our transcendent journey into light, our taking joy in transforming shadows into gifts and our witnessing these gifts as dreams coming to us each night for the 12 nights of Christmas delivers the quintessential dream gift under last night’s,our 3rd night’s sun of the airy light of Gemini who flies in as hummingbird, guardian and keeper of joy, piercing through the mists of illusion to enlighten…

this iridescent dancer of rainbow light came calling in the wee hours with a clear message about awakening to and weaving the radiant light we are into the mystery of the moment, the sacred space we breathe into every moment… join with me now in taking flight on the wings of hummingbird, creative imagination…

breathe in, breathe out through our one heart connecting deeply with the divine, dancing, diamond light always sparkling in the center of being… as you see hummingbird dancing toward you, meet and merge becoming one with luminescent, shimmering light… now, dream your song of creation, a beautiful world where all relatives are respected and living in sacred reciprocity… breathe in deeply this heart of creation, drink in the overflowing love and compassion, feel hummingbird blessing us all with rainbow magic of peace and harmony…

may we all answer the call to dance as light/sound waves…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 11 – 12/27/2021

i’m trusting our journey on the Caravan of Re-Joy-Sing, honoring our transcendent journey into light, our taking joy in transforming shadows into gifts and our witnessing these gifts as dreams coming to us each night for the 12 nights of Christmas is fruitful for you especially under last night’s,our 2nd night’s sun of the earthy light of Taurus…

on the second night of Christmas, my true love (Beloved Taurus) gave to me, a dream of… a new song of the earth being sung by the underground root system run riot as grandmother spider spins the web of life of all our relations and white buffalo calf woman moves the web of life aboveground  with prayers of abundance inspiring sacred herds of buffalo to once again dance across the plains organically nourishing the earth as they empty themselves to replenish the soil… and the earth begins to sing the new song of the earth… of  all beings of the earth vibrating at one frequency of  love re-joy-sing in being harmony and in rhythm with divine flow…

may we all  recognize and honor the sacredness of every life walk and connect in deeper ways to life’s meaning and the values of peace, love, joy and harmony…

thousand fold thanks, great spirit, for whispering this song of the earth of our being…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 10 – 12/26/2021

ah, pilgrimaging with the caravan of re-joy-sing began last night… i’d love to hear of your dream gift, here’s  mine of  this journey into light, this awakening ever more deeply and expansively of our one illuminated heart…

on the first night of Christmas, my true love (Beloved Aries) gave to me the gift of…


a flock of geese flying home to sun

singing of joy and peace for everyone

open hearts now re-joy-sing spontaneously

awakening our light song at celestial frequency

 we soar on love’s sunbeams  in wild ecstasy


How could the soul not take flight
When from the glorious Presence
A soft call flows sweet as honey,
And whispers, “Rise up now, come away.”
How could the fish not jump
Immediately from dry land into water,
When the sound of water from the ocean
Of fresh waves springs to his ear?
How could the hawk not fly away,

Back, back, to the wrist of the kind
As soon as he hears the drum
The king’s baton hits again and again,
Drumming out the signal of return?
How could the Sufi not start to dance,
Turning on himself, like the atom in the sun of eternity,
So he can leap free of this dying world?
Fly away, fly away, bird, to your native home.
You have leaped free of the cage,
Your wings are flung back in the wind of God.
Leave behind the stagnant and marshy waters,

Hurry, hurry, hurry, O bird, to the source of life!

~ Rumi ~


thankyou, Beloved, for gifting such ant exquisite day of being, simply being fullheartedly/foolheartedly present in every moment, in every beautiful rainbow trail moment of eternity…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 9 – 12/25/2021

i’m trusting today has been a day of taking joy for you just as it’s been for me on yet another feast day celebrating the light, a magical moment of eternity when the portal is wide open for our re-membering who we are… radiant suns and receptive moons of our one cosmic heart…

on these upcoming twelve nights of the 12 Days of Christmas, i invite you to join me once again for our annual special pilgrimage, the Caravan of Re-Joy-Sing, honoring our transcendent/descendent journey into light, our taking joy in transforming shadows into gifts and our witnessing these gifts as dreams coming to us each night for the next 12 nights to the tune of the 12 Days of Christmas…

on the first night of Christmas, my true love (Aries) gave to me, a dream of…  on the second night of Christmas, my true love (Taurus) gave to me, a dream of…  on the third night of Christmas, my true love (Gemini) gave to me, a dream of…   on the fourth night of Christmas, my true love (Cancer) gave to me, a dream of…

so, you get the idea? each night our dream will be a gift from the sun signs, the light, guiding us, mapping the route along the rainbow trail as we re-member and re-birth more and more of whom we really and truly are…

i take joy with you as we adventure into dreamtime, re-joy-sing in this oft-quoted salutation from the Italian painter and architect Fra Giovanni (Angelico) in 1513…


“I salute you.

There is nothing I can give you which you have not,
but there is much that while I cannot give,
you can take.

No heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in it today.
Take heaven.

No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present instant.
Take peace.

The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy.
Take joy.

And so at this Christmastime,
I greet you, with the prayer
that for you,
now and forever,
the day breaks
and the shadows
flee away.”


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 9 – Day 1 – 12/17/2021

today is an especially auspicious day marking the moment of eternity 758 years ago that poetic peace pilgrim, Rumi, died, 118 years ago that 1st flight took place on the outer banks, my former home, it is the first day of the 11th year of dwelling in the abundance of infinite love and gratitude, it is the first day of the ninth year of  the daily practice of writing this ppp peace and it is… drumroll… the day of a flight of liberation for us all as venus goes into retrograde for an archetypal forty day sojourn inviting all our relations to rest and regenerate in the inner world of the river below the river…

in honor of this confluence of riches, let us begin soaring into spaciousness and deepening into our core with Rumi: 

“If you are seeking, seek us with joy
For we live in the kingdom of joy.
Do not give your heart to anything else
But to the love of those who are clear joy,
Do not stray into the neighborhood of despair.
For there are hopes: they are real, they exist –
Do not go in the direction of darkness –
I tell you: suns exist.”

what a day of  cosmic flight and deep sea journey dissolved into the radiant light of Green Tara who comes when we call to clear all obstacles and relieve the suffering of all our relatives, a moment of eternity of flying home to the heart through the outer turbulence to soar and swim in inner open spaciousness trusting in the implicate order and listening for the call of the wild emanating  from the watery womb of great silence…

“How could the soul not take flight
When from the glorious Presence
A soft call flows sweet as honey,
And whispers, “Rise up now, come away.”
How could the fish not jump
Immediately from dry land into water,
When the sound of water from the ocean
Of fresh waves springs to his ear?
How could the hawk not fly away,
Back, back, to the wrist of the kind
As soon as he hears the drum
The king’s baton hits again and again,
Drumming out the signal of return?
How could the Sufi not start to dance,
Turning on himself, like the atom in the sun of eternity,
So he can leap free of this dying world?
Fly away, fly away, bird, to your native home.
You have leaped free of the cage,
Your wings are flung back in the wind of God.
Leave behind the stagnant and marshy waters,
Hurry, hurry, hurry, O bird, to the source of life!”

 ~ Rumi ~

happiest of turns ’round the sun and may this one be overflowing with love, liberation and luxuriating in each beautiful and interesting sacred moment of eternity…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 365 – 12/16/2021

today is an incredibly special day in thought word and deed as it marks the completion of eight turns around the sun (that’s 2922 days) posting the poetic peace pilgrimage each night unless on my deathbed or without connection – the ppp is a daily breathing and being peace in every moment devocean i practice… today also marks the completion of ten turns around the sun (that’s 3653 days) of dwelling in the superabundance of infinite love and gratitude… this 2021 year is so very remarkable when our interbeing’s vision has been so dramatically refined while the cosm has so profoundly quickened the outpourings of golden light to support the great turning, the transmutation, the transformation, the unfolding of the birth-death-rebirth cycle of the magical mystery tour we call life…

a turn like no other

breaking down to break through

and gathering strength to make the quantum leap

this year, more expansively and deeply than ever, in the midst of constant stimulation, i have loved taking refuge in living the iconic quest ion of what will i do with my one wild and precious life and have loved witnessing the answer of being drawn by the stronger pull of what i really love and seeing that pull embedded in and engraved upon the compass of the immortal soul while always inviting in each moment of eternity as a friend to ->

open my eyes so i may vision

open my ears so i may listen

open my voice so i may rejoice

open my heart so i may know not knowing

as i sit in the dream cave now, the interior sounds of  water moving inspires re-membering all the beautiful moments of this journey of the heart, of  simply breathing into lovingkindness presence, being the now, embracing the uncertainty and impermanence of what is and…

dan-sing in rhythm

with the river of being

opening to flow

along this path of heart, this path of purification, this path of polishing the heart, we keep coming back with every breath, with every step into infinite love and gratitude no matter what is happening in the outer, coming back home to our one heart where we experience over and over again…

moments of peace

wildpeace flowing in ripples

and dan-sing joyously

how i love this practice of pilgrimage, of living story, of being poets on an interior deep sea journey where we’re all walking each other home into our one heart where we stand in the center seeing in a sacred manner all beings as one spirit…

thanks for being nomads in the sea

celebrating rainbow mystery

being harmony

real-eye-sing more than ever the gift of standing together in solidarity as the dominance world collapses making space for returning to the true reality of interconnection, of belonging to each other, i pledge to live right action in the rhythm of the waves of creation for the benefit of the seven generations… aho…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 364 – 12/15/2021

With every breath, I plant the seeds of devotion. I am a farmer of the heart.

~ Rumi ~

“I can think of no other edifice constructed by ‘man’ as altruistic as a lighthouse. They were built only to serve.”

~ George Bernard Shaw ~

on this ides of december, this day of rain falling and the day taking me on such a different journey than i’d imagined, this next to last day of my calendar year, i want to take this moment of voicing thaksgiving for all our relatives traversing the pathless rainbow trail… here we are on the 4th day of the 12/12 portal, a moment of eternity when light rains down as at the same time we move into the soulstice rhythm when we all slow down and stand still with the sun… in gratitude for our holding the light sacredly, for our interbeing as a lighthouse, join with me in invking the light of resurrection…

in the name of the Great Mother, we invoke the benevolent streams of universal light to come and enfold us in a soft cocoon of love’s transforming grace… COME COME COME subtle realms of elevated and deepened vibration and infuse this coalescing energetic matrix with the purest frequencies of harmony, balance and peace… may this field of redeeming grace weave ever so gently, in, through and around us now, blessing us with its qualities of enduring strength and resilience… we now invite the inner light to enter into the deepest regions of our thoughts and feelings offering up all of our resistances, attachments, pains, stress, anxiety and suffering… please help us to see our personal circumstances through the eyes of the soul shifting our perceptions into right understanding, that we may pass through our difficult times with more grace and equanimity… thank you for deep and abiding comfort embodying every wild cell as we re-member who we really are… there is no greater source of comfort than the inner light…

may our hearts be softened, may our minds be purified, may our words be more tenderly spoken, may our thoughts extend love to every living thing, may our actions be a blessing unto the world, may our souls shine , and may we be continually humbled in alignment with the most expansive and deepest blessing for all… thank you, thank you, thank you…