throughout each day, i’m ingesting each moment of eternity to come to this point at the end of the day to crystal-eyes the unfolding mystery… last night, i’d thought i’d be writing about the chaos and confusion of these be-wildering great turnings but when i went to write, my website wasn’t working and i did what i could to remedy the situation to no avail and then called the hosting company which turned out to set me back profoundly and then i came back to give it one more try – eureka! so, after all that, i really needed to tune into the unitive field where we interare as one connected interbeing and when i come here now and chant this tibetan prayer i love so, i see how it is such a prayer of interbeing, of coming from the place of the one cosmic heart we are and i real-eyes that on this day seven years ago i traveled on the peace train with a partner in peace into the belly of this land to celebrate my completion of the sungazing cycle of 44 minutes in a park built many years ago by conscientious objectors interned here during a war… it seems this peace found just the right moment…
let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me and thee…
living in these times of crisis, these times of danger and opportunity, we are called us to summon the courage to take on the response ability of being peace, of exploring the hard places in our heart and softening, of being water washing over the rigid and melting it into healing flow…
for so many moons, like you, i re-member we are the ones we’ve been waiting for and have been calling in wise leadership being catalyzed within our collective soul with a song of justice and true power quoted below…
Psalm 15
Lord, who can be trusted with power,
and who may act in your place?
Those with a passion for justice,
who speak the truth from their hearts;
who have let go of selfish interests
and grown beyond their own lives;
who see the wretched as their family
and the poor as their flesh and blood.
They alone are impartial
and worthy of the people’s trust.
Their compassion lights up the whole earth,
and their kindness endures forever.
(The Psalms, translations by Stephen Mitchell)
will you join me in this moment, in every moment in a smile (start my internal love engine) of peace and breathe in deeply the boundless love all around us… informing us every moment is a teacher with a healing gift of grace for love is the most powerful medicine, the most powerful energy of all…we can and must generously share this eternally renewable energy source with everyone and everything…
may we be bridge-builders, repairers of the breach, menders of brokenness, tenders of beauty in wounded places… in order to be whole, to be peace, we must accept every cell of our one body of interbeing as the beloved, yes each of the trillions and trillions of threads of the web of life; this is our calling and thankfully we are so re-sourced to interbe this great work…