* written on the total soular eclipse 8/21/17…
groovin’ on the grass
poetic peace pilgrim puppy embraces
the path of totality…
indeed i am – embracing the path of totality… jo is letting me, nia, aka ms radiance, little ms firecracker, write the post today… i’m just returning from my first overnight pilgrimage with the fam – what an adventure! we traveled to the land of the ufo festival to gather with a bunch of two leggeds to watch the total eclipse of the sun… the relatives of the human variety got all excited as the big ball of gas in the sky got more and more eclipsed by the moon… we all had to wear these special contraptions on our eyes, they tasted a lot better than they helped me see… my favorite part was licking the dew off the grass and bounding across the field like a jumping bean… the two leggeds loved it when for a split second everything went totally dark… howlelujah! they sounded like my ancestors, the woof clan, who teach that an eclipse on the new moon, as this one was, amplifies the new world’s birth… howlelujah!!
thank you, nia, for re-membering that day and so glad we got to celebrate it again today in a very special way with a convergence of beings interested in flying objects like the one in the astonishing light image for today – woo hoo! the fourth anniversary of the total soular eclipse we experienced here and for all of us who shared this primal event, we remain transfixed and transformed forever by that magical mystical moment… that moment which initiated such a momentous turn around the sun with each moment pulling us deeper and deeper into the tunnel of light…
let’s celebrate totality now by centering together… and so we get comfortable and begin to breathe together, to conspire so we can go deeper and higher at the speed of light…
imagine a filament of light lifting us up from the crown chakra and another filament of light grounding us from our root chakra… feel ourselves as a bridge of light uniting heaven and earth…
now,imagine a great star radiating brilliant light over the whole cosmos and pouring this light like a waterfall onto us replenishing our chi and washing away all expended energy into earth for composting…
feel that waterfall of bright, warm, loving light raining down onto our head and suffusing into our eyes which now see beauty everywhere and into our ears which now listen deeply understanding heartfully and now the light suffuses into our tongue and throat so our speech is uplifting and the waterfall flows into our hands imbuing them with healing touch and flows into our lungs cleansing and purifying so each breath is refreshing and revivifying and into our one heart revealing the divine light of our true nature, the inner light of our immortal soul which shines eternally…
savor this light coursing through us enlivening, inspiring, washing away any blocks and experience the light within merging with the divine light of the waterfall forming a rainbow egg of light completely surrounding us, sheltering us,loving us, freeing us…
may all nourishing thoughts, words and deeds filter through this egg of light as blessings and afflictive ones bounce off the eggshell and be transmuted as blessings as well… yes, let’s go wild – wonder imaginatively in love and devotion… howlelujah!!!
let’s close our sacred ceremony for today with the Essene Communion for Sunday dedicating ourselves to living in the unity of our interbeing…
THE DEEPENING: Spend time outside. Hold in your hands a stone and explore it intently. Know that the Earth and all that dwells therein is but a reflection of the Heavenly Father.
MORNING COMMUNION: Angel of EARTH I invoke thee; for the Lord hath created this world to be a garden, where the magic of herbs and the secrets of plants nourish and heal the bodies of men. And as I regenerate my body, I regenerate my soul, and as each morning comes, I shall embrace thee.
MEDITATION: I feel my body become one with the earth. From the richness of the soil springs the fruits that you share…… and I am the rock. My center belongs to that which was kindled long ago. Bring that consciousness back to me now.
Blessed is the Child of Light who knoweth the Earthly Mother and brings peace unto her. Know that thy Mother is in thee and thou art in her, for she is the giver of life.
EVENING COMMUNION: Angel of CREATIVE WORK I invoke thee; for he who walks with the Angel of work has within him a field always fertile, where healing herbs and beautiful flowers blossom and grow. The mind that is idle is full of the weeds of discontentment, but he who has found his task shall not be in want of other blessings. And as each evening comes, I shall embrace thee.
THE BLESSING: The table in my house is full and I have much to share. I gather in the fruits of my labors. I work with the talents I have. In the labor of right livelihood, I find the greatest joys of life, and my cupboard overflows with its blessings.
To lift your eyes to heaven when all men’s eyes are on the ground, is not easy. To worship at the feet of the angels when all men worship only fame and riches, is not easy. But the most difficult of all is to think the thoughts of the angels, to speak the words of the angels, and to do as the angels do.
~Gospel of the Essenes~