dreaming in waves’ rhythm in the vast expanse of the deep glassy pacific sea
sun’s luminous mists enshroud this liminal space – the cosmic hum’s silence of eternity…
breathing in, we are home for home is where the heart resides
breathing out, we dance spiraling love, flowing with the tides…
standing with each other, we come together now
in this present moment imagining the visionary how…
how for us all to know the world as blessingway of belonging space
and for us all to feel earth mother’s ever abundant nourishing flowing grace…
grandmother ocean whispers softly, her voice emphatic and clear
love one another, hold this wisdom dear…
today’s pilgrimage is day two of re-TREAT and what a treat to get to spend time with grandmother who washes over me conducting me into her watery depths for some dreamtime of re-membering/membering and re-creating/creating mystory/mystery… iridescence immersion has a nice ring and an even better feel as ocean dances with the sun along with a community of surfers riding the waves of chaos to the shore of creation… on this day when grief is close by, what a special treat to soak in grandmother’s negative ions bringing release to the bleeding heart, the foggy third eye and the grieving womb while living the eternal quest ion – what is wanting to be birthed in the cosm?
as we live the quest-ion, re – member the first time you stretched out your wings and real-eyesed you could fly? surely, you were as excited as this baby orca and felt like dancing in joy around the sun… what a gift to experience our free, wild selves… so, let’s all take in a deep breath drawing it down to our bellies letting go… letting go… letting go into flow with nowhere to go and nothing to do… simply be… floating beauty…. so, let’s all take in another deep breath drawing it down to our bellies and letting it explode out in raucous laughter that lightens and unites the whole universe…
may we return with every breath to the kingdom of joy vowing to live this moment, every moment in joy, the ultimate rebellion for these critical times… thank you for joining me on the caravan of rainbowmaker rebirth, being, living as joyous freespirits….
“The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that its center is really everywhere, it is within each of us…”
~ Black Elk ~
may we, like our orca sisters, know where the feeding grounds of true nourishment are and how to be with and guide others during times of heartbreak to solace and deep peace within each of us…