Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 209 – 7/13/2021

deep within our ancient bloodstream

may we listen for the lost chords’ echoes

of a mystical, ethereal consciousness

where we all swim in an ocean of flow


thank you river of life for teaching us that WAre The Eternal Radiance, that Water is Life, that water renews life and is the womb of the birth-death-rebirth cycle we are always flowing in… what a moon of baptism, a moonth of celebrating our plunging into rainbow mystery, into the deeps of the ocean of being, the boundless spaciousness of the stillpoint where there’s only the dance…. and, we are in such solidarity with the water protectors who have accomplished what was considered impossible and are at it again on Line 3 in Minnesota by the Shell River listening to the inner call as to how to contribute to the continuance of the world – what a mighty contribution all water protectors make as Enbridge builds Line 3 through Anishinaabe treaty land and 20+ river crossings including the Mississippi Headwaters and we continue to stand strong… we will not stand by and watch a fossil fuel corporation fill their pockets by poisoning our water and producing oil we don’t need… we follow the pathless path and rise like the water protectors of Standing Rock living the sacred mini wiconi way…


All meaningful change requires a genuine surrender. Yet, to surrender does not simply mean to give up; more to give up one’s usual self and allow something other to enter and redeem the lesser sense of self. In surrendering, we fall to the bottom of our arguments and seek to touch the origin of our lives again. Only then can we see as we were meant to see, from the depth of the psyche where the genius resides, where the seeds of wisdom and purpose were planted before we were born. We fall in order to find what has secretly carried us all along and would now become consciously known.

In genuine surrender, we arrive at a silent place, a still point within the turmoil of life; the place of baptism and renewal. Baptism is one of the oldest rituals of humanity, one that involves an immersion in the waters of life in order to revive the vitality of one’s being. Baptism requires a symbolic return to the watery womb of the world, a return to primordial origins in order to briefly dissolve the fixations of the personality and renew one’s spirit for life. Such an immersion requires a surrender that can feel like death. In a sense, part of us does die as we let go of our current form of “halfness” in order to feel whole. Baptism repeats the archetypal pattern of birth, death, and rebirth as a “little death” is needed for a greater rejuvenation and resurgence to occur…

Any meaningful descent can be felt by the soul as an attempt to renew oneself by touching the origins of life again. The ego fears that it will die or disappear in the waters of the deep unconscious. But the soul knows that any descent in life can become a potential baptism that will return us to the full potential at the origin of our lives—back there at the beginning; down there near the source, where the underlying unity of life waits to be found and be touched again…

Something ancient in us bends us toward the origins of the whole thing. We either drown in the splits and confusions of our lives, or we surrender to something greater than ourselves. The water of our deepest troubles is also the water of our own solution. In surrender, we descend down to the bottom of it and back to the beginning of it; down into what is divided in order to get back to the wholeness before the split, all healing seeks what alone can truly unify our spirit.”

~ Michael Meade, “The Genius Myth” ~

may we be baptized to live wholeheartedly as if this moment is the last in this incarnation… to love with wild abandon… to laugh from a deep well of joy…

with a smile mirroring our heart of joy, let’s close this part of the sacred space of ceremony with the blessing we began reciting 40 days ago into the sacred fire within, the inner light of great spirit residing in all our relatives: may this day be blessed with gifts, lessons, understanding and friends… may our energy be a gift to all we meet… let us be centered, healing and open facing the day with courage, kindness, insight and compassion… may we honor this day…

with these 40 days coming to an end, there’s a devotion i want to add to my/our daily bhakti practice which syncs perfectly with our pilgrimage into the desert of the heart… the Essene Communions… as i post so into the night and by the time many see this message, it is the next day, i’ll go ahead and offer now the Essene Daily Communion for Wednesday:

THE DEEPENING: Let thy love be as the Angel of Sun which shines upon ALL the creatures of the earth, and does not favor even one blade of grass for another.

MORNING COMMUNION: Angel of SUN I invoke thee. Thou art the fountain of light that warms our days and lights our path. It is by your glory that man is born to live the words of the Holy Law, and as each morning comes, I shall embrace thee. 

MEDITATION: This day brings to the world the divine blessings of the glorious Sun and its radiant gifts of warmth and of light. How mindlessly we go about our days shielded from your nourishment and unable the receive your blessed gifts. Without fail, I shall find time this day to take the gift of your light into my soul, so that my own light may shine unto others with the same power and glory that you have given unto me.

NOON CONTEMPLATION: Peace with the FAMILY. He who hath found peace with his brother hath entered the kingdom of love and shall experience the Oneness of God. The Heavenly Father knoweth the hearts and the minds of his Children, and their inheritance shall forever be Peace.

EVENING COMMUNION: Angel of LOVE I invoke thee; for love is the first blessing of the Heavenly Father. Yea, it was said in the days of old, thou shalt love thy brother as thyself; and to every one who loveth another is born of the Heavenly Order, and shall drink from the well of eternity. And as each evening comes, I shall embrace thee.

THE BLESSING: The warmth of this day has filled me. How natural it is to feel this blessing and to radiate it back into the world. I look into the eyes of another and see only shared divinity. The boundaries have disappeared. You are no longer a stranger to my heart.

Truly, all must be born again of Sun and of truth, for your body basks in the sunlight of the Earthly Mother, and your spirit basks in the sunlight of truth of the Heavenly Father.
~ Gospel of Peace of Jesus Christ ~