Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 207 – 7/11/2021

Returning to the Root

Be completely empty. Be perfectly serene. The ten thousand things arise together; in their arising is their return. Now they flower, and flowering sink homeward, returning to the root. The return to the root is peace. Peace: to accept what must be, to know what endures. In that knowledge is wisdom. Without it, ruin, disorder. To know what endures is to be openhearted, magnanimous, regal, blessed, following the Tao, the way that endures forever. The body comes to its ending, but there is nothing to fear.

~ Lao Tzu ~


welcome, well come to this day joyvolution, this moment of eternity when we celebrate the astonishing light of interbeing and that we are, all relatives are a pilgrim people, poets on a journey, a caravan of re-joy-sing, a journeying peace corps, with a deep abiding peace solid in our core, peace built with poetic justice guided by love, a love more powerful than any other force, a love that flows directly from source… so, let us come together, pilgrims of peace, to create beloved community, by being love with every breath, to create a world where all our relations experience heaven on earth, with everyone in the circle of love, flowing in rhythm like the angels above, dancing arm in arm under our central sun, re-joy-singing in the truth that we are one… yes, re-joy-singing in the truth that we are won… a cosmos of care and compassion woven intricately and interconnectedly together with each thread knowing we belong to each other…

what a perfect day to celebrate, as well, the 20th anniversary of the introduction of department of peace legislation with Dennis Kucinich giving a keynote address that moves us into the next inflection point of this movement as he runs again for mayor of cleveland with a deep commitment to the interconnectedness of the all that is and to instituting a department of peace in the city and a school system teaching peace… as is his way, dennis asks for our support whatever that looks like – energetic, ideas and on and on… visit peacealliance.org to watch a replay of the celebration and see a more complete list of how to get involved…

and, thank you all relatives for picking up your thread from the unraveling world tapestry to re-weave a world of compassion and care and wonder and wisdom irrigated by the river below the river, the bubbling spring of joy….