in this moment of pregnant pause, i see us standing still and simultaneously moving at the speed of light on a high dune dedicated to free flight and deep dives into blessing this belonging space we share… this precipice where we see the collapse of a world that no longer serves and receive visions of a new world quietly forming, a sacred space where we realize there is no separation… this stillpoint at the center of our circle, the hub of the wheel where all that is, is still, where everything is oh so real, where the peace that passeth all understanding is palpable calling us into deep silence…. listen, listen to the cosmic hum… listen, listen to our heartbeat’s drum… listen, listen for the sound of the bell syncing our breathing to the mantra of all is well… deep peace of the running wave to you, deep peace, deep peace, deep peace…
deep bows to us all as we close the circle of joyvolution july and bless this space of the deep peace of the flowing wave and big sky and high plains and inner light while in the very same moment we all feel the inner and outer tectonic plates shifting as we close out an era, an epoch, a cycle of nature… for the last nine days i’ve been on retreat celebrating re-creation and profoundly plunging into the waters of life to listen, listen, listen to mama gaia and papa cosm and all our relatives’ heartsongs of blessing and lament, the soul songs that are our connective tissue reminding us, re-membering us that we are one, one family belonging to each other… on this ninth day of retreat, on this last da of july, re-membering it’s the day an ancestor, a joy revolutionary, my father died, listen to this heartsong from Rumi….
“This longing you express
is the return message.
The grief you cry out from
draws you toward union.
Your pure sadness
that wants help
is the secret cup.
Listen to the moan of a dog for its master.
That whining is the connection.”
i return from this retreat of deep union with spirit and earth more committed than ever to every moment being a moment of peace watered by the river below the river, our underground wellspring, the river of joy reverencing the mystery of unfolding the wholeness we are as we summon the courage to face what is real-eye-sing this is what in forms us, forms us, re-creates the world of original blessing for that is our origin, we are blessing living in a world of blessing beautifully revealed as we polish the mirror, see through the eyes of loving acceptance, opening our one heart’s circle of compassion ever wider…
thanks be, great mystery, for awakening to the beauty of the unitive field we are we are… one cosmos, one web, one tribe, one family, one being, one ocean, one underground/aboveground wellspring of the river of joy, one love, one…