Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 156 – 5/21/2021

every moment of eternity is pregnant with the promise of peace, every moment is a world day of meditation; on this world meditation day, let’s listen for the soul song singing us and be the instruments of peace our true nature calls us to be… may we be peace, the even more beautiful world, in each moment… let us join together in this moment, in every moment, to wage peace for all our relatives on earthmother…

we call all noble-hearted people to find within the divine light of love the soul is always shining…
may this light … expand on the earth showering her face with peace and harmony…
may this light … calm and harmonize the black shadow of war, violence, hate and disharmony .
may this light … fill the hearts of all relatives…

we extend our profound gratitude to all sentient beings from all cardinal directions who have joined us and those who will join us in this effort to raise a meditation for peace… 

we wash away the cries of the distressed, the blood of the victims of violence, the pain of the one family we are… may they be replaced by the innocent laughter of children, the ideals of youth and the wisdom of life of our elders.
may we no longer know the signs of strife or hear birds singing sorrows, nor watch clouds stained with blood, nor feel breezes intense with heat, nor see rivers swollen by the mountains’ tears that new bonds of unity and peace are formed through our invocation together…

may we all come into a deeper and more expansive knowing of who we truly are… slowed down sound and light waves in a sea of love energy, the ocean of being, the flowering field of interconnection and may we take this extraordinary moment to do the deep work of radical (rooted) change by plugging into the taproot/umbilical cord in the core of our interbeing and aligning our antennae with the source antenna…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 155 – 5/20/2021

today, with still being in the midst of so much outer turbulence, after a day of rocking the baby i feel full of  hope amplified by the ceasefire…  here we are in graduation time in this moment of eternity and the late, great Howard Zinn gave quite a doozy of a graduation speech a few years ago in 2005, it along with MLK’s Beyond Vietnam speech may well be my two most favorite speeches of all seasons… Zinn”s is long, well worth the read and so needed today with so many young people discouraged about their futures…

contemplate his words as he urges the students of Spelman College not to despair, but, instead to enter the world with heads held high, imagining what each of them might do for him or herself — and for the rest of us…

Against Discouragement

“I am deeply honored to be invited back to Spelman after forty-two years. I would like to thank the faculty and trustees who voted to invite me, and especially your president, Dr. Beverly Tatum. And it is a special privilege to be here with Diahann Carroll and Virginia Davis Floyd.

But this is your day — the students graduating today. It’s a happy day for you and your families. I know you have your own hopes for the future, so it may be a little presumptuous for me to tell you what hopes I have for you, but they are exactly the same ones that I have for my grandchildren.

My first hope is that you will not be too discouraged by the way the world looks at this moment. It is easy to be discouraged, because our nation is at war — still another war, war after war — and our government seems determined to expand its empire even if it costs the lives of tens of thousands of human beings. There is poverty in this country, and homelessness, and people without health care, and crowded classrooms, but our government, which has trillions of dollars to spend, is spending its wealth on war. There are a billion people in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East who need clean water and medicine to deal with malaria and tuberculosis and AIDS, but our government, which has thousands of nuclear weapons, is experimenting with even more deadly nuclear weapons. Yes, it is easy to be discouraged by all that.

But let me tell you why, in spite of what I have just described, you must not be discouraged.

I want to remind you that, fifty years ago, racial segregation here in the South was entrenched as tightly as was apartheid in South Africa. The national government, even with liberal presidents like Kennedy and Johnson in office, was looking the other way while black people were beaten and killed and denied the opportunity to vote. So black people in the South decided they had to do something by themselves. They boycotted and sat in and picketed and demonstrated, and were beaten and jailed, and some were killed, but their cries for freedom were soon heard all over the nation and around the world, and the President and Congress finally did what they had previously failed to do — enforce the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. Many people had said: The South will never change. But it did change. It changed because ordinary people organized and took risks and challenged the system and would not give up. That’s when democracy came alive.

I want to remind you also that when the war in Vietnam was going on, and young Americans were dying and coming home paralyzed, and our government was bombing the villages of Vietnam — bombing schools and hospitals and killing ordinary people in huge numbers — it looked hopeless to try to stop the war. But just as in the Southern movement, people began to protest and soon it caught on. It was a national movement. Soldiers were coming back and denouncing the war, and young people were refusing to join the military, and the war had to end.

The lesson of that history is that you must not despair, that if you are right, and you persist, things will change. The government may try to deceive the people, and the newspapers and television may do the same, but the truth has a way of coming out. The truth has a power greater than a hundred lies. I know you have practical things to do — to get jobs and get married and have children. You may become prosperous and be considered a success in the way our society defines success, by wealth and standing and prestige. But that is not enough for a good life.

Remember Tolstoy’s story, “The Death of Ivan Illych.” A man on his deathbed reflects on his life, how he has done everything right, obeyed the rules, become a judge, married, had children, and is looked upon as a success. Yet, in his last hours, he wonders why he feels a failure. After becoming a famous novelist, Tolstoy himself had decided that this was not enough, that he must speak out against the treatment of the Russian peasants, that he must write against war and militarism.

My hope is that whatever you do to make a good life for yourself — whether you become a teacher, or social worker, or business person, or lawyer, or poet, or scientist — you will devote part of your life to making this a better world for your children, for all children. My hope is that your generation will demand an end to war, that your generation will do something that has not yet been done in history and wipe out the national boundaries that separate us from other human beings on this earth.

Recently I saw a photo on the front page of the New York Times which I cannot get out of my mind. It showed ordinary Americans sitting on chairs on the southern border of Arizona, facing Mexico. They were holding guns and they were looking for Mexicans who might be trying to cross the border into the United States. This was horrifying to me — the realization that, in this twenty-first century of what we call “civilization,” we have carved up what we claim is one world into two hundred artificially created entities we call “nations” and are ready to kill anyone who crosses a boundary.Is not nationalism — that devotion to a flag, an anthem, a boundary, so fierce it leads to murder — one of the great evils of our time, along with racism, along with religious hatred? These ways of thinking, cultivated, nurtured, indoctrinated from childhood on, have been useful to those in power, deadly for those out of power.

Here in the United States, we are brought up to believe that our nation is different from others, an exception in the world, uniquely moral; that we expand into other lands in order to bring civilization, liberty, democracy. But if you know some history you know that’s not true. If you know some history, you know we massacred Indians on this continent, invaded Mexico, sent armies into Cuba, and the Philippines. We killed huge numbers of people, and we did not bring them democracy or liberty. We did not go into Vietnam to bring democracy; we did not invade Panama to stop the drug trade; we did not invade Afghanistan and Iraq to stop terrorism. Our aims were the aims of all the other empires of world history — more profit for corporations, more power for politicians.

The poets and artists among us seem to have a clearer understanding of the disease of nationalism. Perhaps the black poets especially are less enthralled with the virtues of American “liberty” and “democracy,” their people having enjoyed so little of it. The great African-American poet Langston Hughes addressed his country as follows:

‘You really haven’t been a virgin for so long.
It’s ludicrous to keep up the pretext

You’ve slept with all the big powers
In military uniforms,
And you’ve taken the sweet life
Of all the little brown fellows

Being one of the world’s big vampires,
Why don’t you come on out and say so
Like Japan, and England, and France,
And all the other nymphomaniacs of power.’

I am a veteran of the Second World War. That was considered a “good war,” but I have come to the conclusion that war solves no fundamental problems and only leads to more wars. War poisons the minds of soldiers, leads them to kill and torture, and poisons the soul of the nation.

My hope is that your generation will demand that your children be brought up in a world without war. If we want a world in which the people of all countries are brothers and sisters, if the children all over the world are considered as our children, then war — in which children are always the greatest casualties — cannot be accepted as a way of solving problems.

I was on the faculty of Spelman College for seven years, from 1956 to 1963. It was a heartwarming time, because the friends we made in those years have remained our friends all these years. My wife Roslyn and I and our two children lived on campus. Sometimes when we went into town, white people would ask: How is it to be living in the black community? It was hard to explain. But we knew this — that in downtown Atlanta, we felt as if we were in alien territory, and when we came back to the Spelman campus, we felt that we were at home.

Those years at Spelman were the most exciting of my life, the most educational certainly. I learned more from my students than they learned from me. Those were the years of the great movement in the South against racial segregation, and I became involved in that in Atlanta, in Albany, Georgia, in Selma, Alabama, in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, and Greenwood and Itta Bena and Jackson. I learned something about democracy: that it does not come from the government, from on high, it comes from people getting together and struggling for justice. I learned about race. I learned something that any intelligent person realizes at a certain point — that race is a manufactured thing, an artificial thing, and while race does matter (as Cornel West has written), it only matters because certain people want it to matter, just as nationalism is something artificial. I learned that what really matters is that all of us — of whatever so-called race and so-called nationality — are human beings and should cherish one another.

I was lucky to be at Spelman at a time when I could watch a marvelous transformation in my students, who were so polite, so quiet, and then suddenly they were leaving the campus and going into town, and sitting in, and being arrested, and then coming out of jail full of fire and rebellion. You can read all about that in Harry Lefever’s book Undaunted by the Fight. One day Marian Wright (now Marian Wright Edelman), who was my student at Spelman, and was one of the first arrested in the Atlanta sit-ins, came to our house on campus to show us a petition she was about to put on the bulletin board of her dormitory. The heading on the petition epitomized the transformation taking place at Spelman College. Marian had written on top of the petition: “Young Ladies Who Can Picket, Please Sign Below.”

My hope is that you will not be content just to be successful in the way that our society measures success; that you will not obey the rules, when the rules are unjust; that you will act out the courage that I know is in you. There are wonderful people, black and white, who are models. I don’t mean African- Americans like Condoleezza Rice, or Colin Powell, or Clarence Thomas, who have become servants of the rich and powerful. I mean W.E.B. DuBois and Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and Marian Wright Edelman, and James Baldwin and Josephine Baker and good white folk, too, who defied the Establishment to work for peace and justice.

Another of my students at Spelman, Alice Walker, who, like Marian, has remained our friend all these years, came from a tenant farmer’s family in Eatonton, Georgia, and became a famous writer. In one of her first published poems, she wrote:

‘It is true–
I’ve always loved
the daring
Like the black young
Who tried
to crash
All barriers
at once,
wanted to
At a white
beach (in Alabama)

I am not suggesting you go that far, but you can help to break down barriers, of race certainly, but also of nationalism; that you do what you can — you don’t have to do something heroic, just something, to join with millions of others who will just do something, because all of those somethings, at certain points in history, come together, and make the world better.

That marvelous African-American writer Zora Neale Hurston, who wouldn’t do what white people wanted her to do, who wouldn’t do what black people wanted her to do, who insisted on being herself, said that her mother advised her: Leap for the sun — you may not reach it, but at least you will get off the ground.

By being here today, you are already standing on your toes, ready to leap. My hope for you is a good life.”


and, my wise hope and prayer and intention is that we make leap after leap injoy…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 154 – 5/19/2021

Behold, a sacred voice is calling you; All over the sky a sacred voice is calling your name.

~Black Elk ~

today, in this moment of eternity, as i listen to the cosmic hum, i see the peace pilgrimage as our unfolding collective journey of transformation moving us from egocentrism to ecocentrism… let’s listen to the sacred voice always calling us home to our true nature as heard by Black Elk…

“Then a Voice said: ‘Behold this day, for it is yours to make. Now you shall stand upon the center of the earth to see, for there they are taking you.’ I was still on my bay horse, and once more I felt the riders of the west, the north, the east, the south, behind me, as before, and we were going east. I looked ahead and saw the mountains there with rocks and forests on them, and from the mountains flashed all colors upward to the heavens.

Then I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I saw in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.

Then as I stood there, two men were coming from the east, head first like arrows flying, and between them rose the daybreak star. They came and gave a herb to me and said: ‘With this on earth you shall undertake anything and do it.’ It was the Daybreak-Star herb, the herb of understanding, and they told me to drop it on the earth. I saw it falling far, and when it struck Mother Earth it rooted and grew and flowered, four blossoms on one stem, a black, a white, a scarlet, and a yellow. The rays from these streamed upward to the heavens so that all creatures saw it and in no place was there darkness.”

may we all listen, listen, listen for the heartsong, the sacred call, the original words of instruction that created the world and ask us to witness the wonder, align with the sacred call to wisdom and do our part in co-creating a world of harmony, one symphony with many instruments of peace…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 153 – 5/18/2021

so much to share in this moment of eternity; however, an explosion forty-one years ago today takes precedence when Mt St Helens exploded shooting ash 80,000 feet into the air and violently sweeping away thirteen hundred feet of her height, in effect, decapitating her, disappearing Spirit Lake, desolating a once fertile landscape, delivering ash around the world and prompting a communal mourning… today, let’s bow to the raw power of nature and to her cycles of ebb and flow, destruction and creation, desolation and restoration, chaos and harmony and sorrow and joy which are all integral to the unfolding design of oneness and an echo reverberating in this present now moment as we witness our old world in collapse and graphicly see the re-newal that follows…

this “after” picture, taken recently, from Harmony Point, shows a restored Spirit Lake with green growth gracing the once inflamed area reminding us rebirth always follows death always follows rebirth, the eternal turning of the comic wheel, breathing in and breathing out the only constant being that only love is real…

i’ll close this post with a “before” and “during” picture of the ancient wise woman, Mt St Helens towering above the life giving waters of Spirit Lake…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 152 – 5/17/2021

YES! in this unprecedented moment of eternity on another day of celebrating the astonishing light of being in the tiny space of the heart, re-member…

being a buddha body in that one place

is being a verb moving in grace…

balan-sing, dan-sing, re-joy-sing and more

real-eye-sing, synchroni-sing, tao-sing on the other shore

simply being a buddha body in that one place

contributes mightily in co-creating a world of divine grace…

and now, let’s turn to Hafiz for his words of wisdom on flourishing in tumultuous times such as these…


What is the key
To untie the knot of your mind’s suffering?

Is the esoteric secret
To slay the crazed one whom each of us
Did wed

And who can ruin
Our heart’s and eye’s exquisite tender

Hafiz has found
Two emerald words that

That I now cling to as I would sacred
Tresses of my Beloved’s

Act great.
My dear, always act great.

What is the key
To untie the knot of the mind’s suffering?

Benevolent thought, sound
And movement.


in these challenging times, may we tune into radical (rooted) resilience and be buddha bodies living in earthmother’s embrace of equanimity…  

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 151 – 5/16/2021

i have returned from my returning to the sea nestled in the mountains where i joined in today, on this astonishing light of being day, in the beginning of the celebration of shavuot, the moment of eternity over 3300 years ago when moses ascended mt sinai and received the divine transmission of the torah, the blueprint for creation for all of humanity… mystical wisdom explains the torah was given to bring peace to the world… it is said that most of torah’s secrets are still deeply hidden within layers of code but every year on the anniversary, the hidden is revealed and accessible here now… what a moment for needing revelation and the veils to be lifted and peace brought to the area surrounding mt sinai…

i invite you to join me on a metaphorical midnight pilgrimage simulating moses’ climbing the mountain to receive the 10 commandments by reflecting on the 10 commitments as proposed by rabbi michael lerner…

1. YHVH, the Power of Transformation and Healing, is the Ultimate Reality of the Universe and the Source of Transcendent Unity

Aware of the suffering caused by not acknowledging the ultimate Unity of All Being, I vow to recognize every human being as a manifestation of the Divine and to spend more time each day in awe and wonder at the grandeur of Creation.

Aware of the suffering that is caused when we unconsciously pass on to others the pain, cruelty, depression and despair that has been inflicted upon us, I vow to become conscious and then act upon all the possibilities for healing and transforming my own life and being involved in healing and transforming the larger world.

2. Idolatry

Aware of the suffering caused by taking existing social realities, economic security, ideologies, religious beliefs, national commitments, or the gratification of our current desires as the highest value, I vow to recognize only God as the ultimate, and to look at the universe and each part of my life as an evolving part of a larger Totality whose ultimate worth is measured by how close it brings us to God and to love of each other. To stay in touch with this reality, I vow to meditate each day for at least ten minutes and to contemplate the totality of the universe and my humble place in it.

3. Do not take God in Vain

Aware of the suffering caused by religious or spiritual fanaticism, I vow to be respectful of all religious traditions which preach love and respect for the Other, and to recognize that there are many possible paths to God. I vow to acknowledge that we as Jews are not better than others and our path is only one of the many ways that people have heard God’s voice. I vow to remain aware of the distortions in our own traditions, and the ways that I myself necessarily bring my own limitations to every encounter with the Divine. So I will practice spiritual humility. Yet I will enthusiastically advocate for what I find compelling in the Jewish tradition and encourage others to explore that which has moved me.

4. Observe the Sabbath

Aware of the suffering produced by excessive focus on “making it” and obtaining material satisfactions, I vow to regularly observe a 25 hour Shabbat as a day in which I focus on celebrating the world rather than trying to control it or maximize my own advantage within it. I will build Shabbat with… some… spiritually alive community to which I make a commitment to support emotionally… and through participation in that community will enjoy loving connection with others. I will use some Shabbat time to renew my commitment to social justice and healing and reject the false dichotomy that sees spirituality as ruined if it also involves talking about the pain and cruelty in this world and exploring paths and strategies to heal and transform our world. I will also set aside significant amounts of time for inner spiritual development, personal renewal, reflection, and pleasure.

5. Honor your Mother and Father

Aware of the suffering caused by aging, disease, and death, I vow to provide care and support for my parents.

Aware that every parent has faults and has inflicted pain on their children, I vow to forgive my parents and to allow myself to see them as human beings with the same kinds of limitations as every other human being on the planet. And I vow to remember the moments of kindness and nurturance, and to let them play a larger role in my memory as I develop a sense of compassion for them and for myself.

6. Do not Murder

Aware of the suffering caused by wars, environmental irresponsibility, and eruptions of violence, I vow to recognize the sanctity of life and not to passively participate in social practices that are destructive of the lives of others. I will resist the perpetrators of violence and oppression of others, the poisoners of our environment, and those who demean others or encourage acts of violence. Aware that much violence is the irrational and often self-destructive response to the absence of love and caring, I vow to show more loving and caring energy to everyone around me, to take the time to know others more deeply, and to struggle for a world which provides everyone with recognition and spiritual nourishment.

7. Do not Engage in Sexual Exploitation

Aware of the suffering caused when people break their commitments of sexual loyalty to each other, and the suffering caused by using other people for our own sexual purposes, I vow to keep my commitments and to be fully honest and open in my sexual dealings with others, avoiding deceit or manipulation to obtain my own ends. I will rejoice in my body and the bodies of others, will treat them as embodiments of Divine energy, and will seek to enhance my own pleasure and the pleasure of others around me, joyfully celebrating sex as an opportunity for encounter with the holy. I will do all I can to prevent sexual abuse in adults and children, the spreading of sexually transmitted diseases, and the misuse of sexuality to further domination or control of others. I will respect the diversity of non-exploitative sexual expression and lifestyles and will not seek to impose sexual orthodoxies on others.

8. Do not Steal

Aware of the suffering caused by an unjust distribution of the world’s resources, exploitation, and theft, I vow to practice generosity, to share what I have, and to not keep anything that should belong to others while working for a wise use of the goods and services that are available. I will not horde what I have, and especially will not horde love. I will support a fairer redistribution of the wealth of the planet so that everyone has adequate material well-being, recognizing that contemporary global inequalities in wealth are often the resultant of colonialism, genocide, slavery, theft and the imposition of monetary and trade policies by the powerful on the powerless. In the meantime, I will do my best to support the homeless and others who are in need.

Aware that others sometimes contribute much energy to keeping this community functioning, I will give time and energy to the tasks of building… community, and, when possible, will donate generously of my… talents and time.

9. Do not Lie

Aware of the suffering caused by wrongful speech, I vow to cultivate a practice of holy speech in which my words are directed to increasing the love and caring in the world. I vow to avoid words that are misleading or manipulative, and avoid spreading stories that I do not know to be true, or which might cause unnecessary divisiveness or harm, and instead will use my speech to increase harmony, social justice, kindness, hopefulness, trust and solidarity. I will be generous in praise and support for others. To heighten my awareness of this commitment, I will dedicate one day a week to full and total holiness of words, refraining from any speech that day which does not hallow God’s name or bring joy to others.

10. Do not Covet

Aware of the suffering caused by excessive consumption of the world’s resources, I vow to rejoice in what I have and to live a life of ethical consumption governed by a recognition that the world’s resources are already strained and by a desire to promote ecological sustainability and material modesty. I vow to see the success of others as an inspiration rather than as detracting from my own sufficiency and to cultivate in myself and others the sense that I have enough and that I am enough and that there is enough for everyone.


let us close this mountain visualization with meditating on this mantra…

Hear, you who struggle to connect to God or Goddess or the ultimate spiritual reality of the universe: The Power of Healing and Transformation is the ultimate reality and shaper of the universe, the Transformative Power unifies all being as One spiritually-alive, mutually inter-dependent, awesome, fantastic, evolving, conscious totality of which we are each a tiny part.

let’s seal this sacred space with the reciting of the poem for the twenty – third day of the forty days of cultivating peace = people emerging and cultivating equanimity….

“When the earth is in distress, it attunes itself with love and sends out a prayer.

The True One hears it, and with total ease is pleased to give Its strength and steadiness.

It sends a command to the Power of Rain, and the rain pours down in torrents.

The wealth of grain and corn grows thick.

A person cannot describe its value.

Oh Naanak, appreciate the Divine Identity.

You, Divine One, cause the life-giving food to be given to all the creatures.

Eating this, peace grows, and the cycle of pain comes no more.”

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 149 – 5/14/2021

still longing for the sea, the buoyansea of love energy, i hear beloved singing hauntingly… return, return, return to me… align, attune to cosmic flow gracefully… dance home to the heart of great mystery where we live in peace and harmony…

i’m going to be answering the call to return to the sea and spend some time in silence and stillness surrendered to love with nowhere to go and nothing to do, yes, to being now here…

and taking this moment of eternity to simply be, savoring beloved’s breathing thee… feeling the support of universal community, a friendly universe of buoyansea… dancing you, dancing me, deeper and deeper into the sea, into the sea of great mystery… the boundless ocean of love energy…

my heart smiles with yours/our one heart smiles as we walk the spirit path hand in hand…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 148 – 5/13/2021

in this moment of eternity, this melodious moment of…

being a hollow reed

an instrument of peace songs

harmony fills the heart

in this moment as i rock the baby the only words i hear are from the light reminding us to love the baby, the new life that wants to come through, the creative spark awaiting our kindling, the organic sprout awaiting our nurture… in this moment, this melodious moment…

today, as well, i am longing for the sea, so i float like a cloud in the buoyansea imagining i am an instrument of peace… a water harp, a hollow reed, a true refuge of emptiness/spaciousness where divine mother waters flow through entraining every cell to hum her cosmic grace frequency…

deep moments of listening fill the bowl/chalice/heart/womb with haunting melodies echoing/reverberating throughout the canyon lands of being… in this silence, etherial music flows as gently as water through the reeds…

ah, this day of being a hollow reed, an instrument of peace… tuning into the rhythm of cosmic hum, relaxing into the running waves that come, savoring, especially, the hohum… meeting each moment as a friend, breathing out and breathing in, vibrating at the frequency of a grin… knowing the greatest gift we offer to each other is our openhearted presence, may each moment be sacred space of reverence with each step a soulful dance of kissing the earth…

and, may we all feel the deep peace of the stillpoint that is always alive within, thousandfold blessings, beautiful friends…

let’s seal this sacred space with the reciting of the poem for the twentieth day of the forty days of cultivating peace = people emerging and cultivating equanimity….

“When the earth is in distress, it attunes itself with love and sends out a prayer.

The True One hears it, and with total ease is pleased to give Its strength and steadiness.

It sends a command to the Power of Rain, and the rain pours down in torrents.

The wealth of grain and corn grows thick.

A person cannot describe its value.

Oh Naanak, appreciate the Divine Identity.

You, Divine One, cause the life-giving food to be given to all the creatures.

Eating this, peace grows, and the cycle of pain comes no more.”

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 147 – 5/12/2021

aware so viscerally today of the struggles and suffering so many of us face and that we are a vast sea of love energy, may we all hear the call to be and send out love with every breath… tuning into the awesome frequency of unconditional love is as simple as a smile to start my internal love engine and some deep heart breaths to slow down and embrace and reverence this moment of eternity, this beautiful moment which opens our one heart ever wider to radiate more and more love…

let us join together right now in a one heart meditation in gratitude for every sacred moment and for all our relations living as one rainbow people of peace…

breathing In, we love our in-breath.
breathing out, we love our out-breath
loving in-breath.
loving out-breath.

breathing in, we are mindful of our one heart beating, sending blood and new oxygen to every part of our one body.
breathing out, we smile to this life, flowing inside us

Aware of heart beating
Smiling to life flowing through us…

breathing in, we feel our in-breath bringing life to every cell of our one body
breathing out, we feel our out-breath deepening our awareness of being alive

in-breath, bringing life to every cell
out-breath, deepening our being alive…

breathing in, we know our one heart beating is also the heart of all our relatives with all their dreams, joy, happiness, strength and courage
breathing out, we are continuing to nourish our one heart for all relatives

our one heart, the heart of all relatives
continuing to nourish our joy, courage and strength…

breathing in, we know that our one heart beating is also the heart of all our relatives with all their fears, sadness, hunger, anger, hatred and discrimination
breathing out, we practice to transform the afflictions of all our relatives in our one heart

our one heart, the heart of all our relatives
practicing transforming our afflictions…

breathing in, we are aware of the very many hearts beating in synchrony right now, bringing life.
breathing out, we smile to this life flowing all around us

aware of very many hearts around
smiling to life flowing all around…

breathing in, we are aware of all our relatives with our joy, dreams and suffering
breathing out, we are learning to embrace, accept and love all relatives

hearts around, the hearts of all relatives
learning to embrace, accept and love…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 146 – 5/11/2021

the awakening moment of eternity is right now… how i love this new moon of embodied love that’s been constellating for soooo many moons quietly in the river below the river, this moon calling us deeper and deeper into the vast inner landscape of canyons and cavernous space, our kiva to enter into to die and be reborn, to plant seeds of equanimity and peace, trees of strength to support us in the great turning… thank you, lady luna, moon of grounding for this opportunity to draw down the germinating energy of the dark moon letting go what no longer nourishes to open space for bathing in her new  earthsong singing us into how to serve in this moment of rebirth…

In Praise of the Earth

“Let us bless
The imagination of the Earth.
That knew early the patience
To harness the mind of time,
Waited for the seas to warm,
Ready to welcome the emergence
Of things dreaming of voyaging
Among the stillness of land. And how light knew to nurse
The growth until the face of the Earth
Brightened beneath a vision of color. When the ages of ice came

And sealed the Earth inside
An endless coma of cold,
The heart of the Earth held hope,
Storing fragments of memory,
Ready for the return of the sun. Let us thank the Earth
That offers ground for home
And holds our feet firm
To walk in space open
To infinite galaxies.Let us salute the silence
And certainty of mountains:
Their sublime stillness,

Their dream-filled hearts. The wonder of a garden
Trusting the first warmth of spring
Until its black infinity of cells
Becomes charged with dream;
Then the silent, slow nurture
Of the seed’s self, coaxing it
To trust the act of death.The humility of the Earth
That transfigures all
That has fallen

Of outlived growth. The kindness of the Earth,
Opening to receive
Our worn forms
Into the final stillness. Let us ask forgiveness of the Earth
For all our sins against her:
For our violence and poisonings
Of her beauty. Let us remember within us
The ancient clay,
Holding the memory of seasons,
The passion of the wind,
The fluency of water,
The warmth of fire,
The quiver-touch of the sun

And shadowed sureness of the moon.That we may awaken,
To live to the full
The dream of the Earth
Who chose us to emerge
And incarnate its hidden night
In mind, spirit, and light.”

~ John O’Donohue ~