this Scorpio Full Moon shining with the Taurus Sun is also known as the pink supermoon as it comes in the northern hemisphere at the threshold of the full blossoming of Spring, and is the most feminine energy moon of the thirteen moons… imagined as a clover field, this moon is ripe with luck. abundance and finding and awakening to metaphorical four leaf clovers, our own pearls of great price…
the pearl represents our true self, whose enlightenment and wisdom are the manifestation of this true self.. like the Buddha who once sat under a full moon and received enlightenment, we are invited to face our shadows and harvest the gifts and treasures hidden within which releases our true self to arise from the ashes of these old personal and collective stories and to rebirth completely new stories…
so let us come into sacred space sitting around the children’s fire and call in the spirits of the four directions and thank the directions and pachamama and papatata and great mystery for the abundance of blessings bestowed on us…
now, let us release our old domesticated skin into the fire so that we come into our true wild nature… let us call forth from the fire of purification what is ready to blossom in us in this moment of eternity, of rapid transformation re-membering we are all children of the same mother… finally, let’s dedicate this to all those who are suffering and in need of healing and sealing this blessing with a four fold breath four times….
let us close with day three of the forty day practice of repeating the shabad 11 times or for 11 minutes daily so that we can rewrite the destiny of the earth and adjust our habits to develop new habits that serve the most expansive and deepest good for Mother Earth and all…
“When the earth is in distress, it attunes itself with love and sends out a prayer.
The True One hears it, and with total ease is pleased to give Its strength and steadiness.
It sends a command to the Power of Rain, and the rain pours down in torrents.
The wealth of grain and corn grows thick.
A person cannot describe its value.
Oh Naanak, appreciate the Divine Identity.
You, Divine One, cause the life-giving food to be given to all the creatures.
Eating this, peace grows, and the cycle of pain comes no more.”