welcome, well come to this moment of eternity when we celebrate the astonishing light of our being and i’m so delighted that this image that i’ve/ we’ve been calling in for years showed up in just the right timing for this very special moment, a moment that’s been hard to get to tonight which has me re-membering it’s the impeded stream that sings, so, may this stream sing wildly el canto hondo, the deep soul song…
i will turn now to the creatrix and midwife of this painting, this image that moves me so deeply for us all to luxuriate in her offering… afterwards, in closing, i’ll repost the shabad from last night – at least one other being is committing to the invitation for the forty day practice of repeating the shabad 11 times or for 11 minutes daily so that we can rewrite the destiny of the earth and adjust our habits to develop new habits that serve the highest good for Mother Earth and all… now, onto the poem and then the shabad…
“Beloved MothersKind -Weaver of Whirrleds”
Clothed in Light,
Moon at Her feet
12 Stars in Her Crown
She weaves wondrous whirrleds into Being.
Love is her essence,
Gratitude her prayer,
Beauty the Way.
One heART
B’earthing New Realities with every breath,
Co-Creating in Harmony with All that Is,
Dreaming Awake
Loving what arises.
Source force energy
– LOVE –
flows down to, thru, from and for Her
Spiraling into Mother Earth
Blooming to rise up and return hOMe
to the heART of Now,
Blessing One and All.
A Flow-er of Love, is She.
BeLoved MothersKind
We are Love always.
‘Thank you for everything’
is Her living prayer.
And so she flows.
Gratefully, so.
She is US
We are SHE
We are Love always.
~ Stacey Sophia Robyn~
“When the earth is in distress, it attunes itself with love and sends out a prayer.
The True One hears it, and with total ease is pleased to give Its strength and steadiness.
It sends a command to the Power of Rain, and the rain pours down in torrents.
The wealth of grain and corn grows thick.
A person cannot describe its value.
Oh Naanak, appreciate the Divine Identity.
You, Divine One, cause the life-giving food to be given to all the creatures.
Eating this, peace grows, and the cycle of pain comes no more.”
may we weave an even more beautiful world with with all the seen and unseen weavers of the web…