Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 85 – 3/11/2021

rising from the tsunami

on March 11, 2011, a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami devastated the coast of northeast Japan, claiming an estimated 20,000 lives… today is the ten-year anniversary of the disaster and marks a decade of mourning, recovery, and rebuilding for those who lost loved ones and whose homes and villages were destroyed…

  for those who survived the tsunami, the spirits of the dead are still very much alive with some survivors saying that the tragic event tore a hole in the veil between the living and dead… many have reported seeing the wandering souls of the victims whose bodies were never found…

as Japan fell quiet at 2:46 p.m. today to mark the minute that the earthquake began 10 years ago, many walked to the seaside or visited graves to pray for relatives and friends washed away by the water… Emperor Naruhito and Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga were among those observing a moment of silence at a memorial in Tokyo…

the days following the quake were terrifying for many in Japan and farther afield, as hydrogen explosions released radiation into the air and technicians worked furiously to try to cool the plant’s nuclear fuel by pumping in seawater… in addition to the more than 20,000 people who died mostly in the tsunami, nearly half a million people were displaced and more than 40,000 are still unable to return home…

as rising from the tsunami progresses with rebuilding, recovery of the survivors’ hearts is slower with the cries of the children, the elderly and those in the prime of life still echoing as the tides roll in and out… may peace and solace deepen in our one heart…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 84 – 3/10/2021

our liberation is bound up with all others,

let us work together for freedom for all


welcome, well come to day 40 of a season of peace where i’ve been sauntering these 40 days in the desert of the heart patiently waiting to celebrate a supreme shero and queen of liberation – Harriette Tubman – and Holy Synchronicity! find that today is the 108th anniversary of  her death…

i shall now turn this platform over to the poem of Sonia Sanchez to bring light to the life of this extraordinary being…


Picture a woman riding thunder on the legs of slavery    …


Picture her kissing our spines saying no to the eyes of slavery    …


Picture her rotating the earth into a shape of lives becoming    …


Picture her leaning into the eyes of our birth clouds   …


Picture this woman saying no to the constant yes of slavery  …


Picture a woman jumping rivers her legs inhaling moons  …


Picture her ripe with seasons of legs    …   running    …


Picture her tasting the secret corners of woods    …


Picture her saying: You have within you the strength,
the patience, and the passion
to reach for the stars,
to change the world


Imagine her words: Every great dream begins
with a dreamer


Imagine her saying: I freed a thousand slaves,
could have freed
a thousand more if they
only knew they were slaves


Imagine her humming: How many days we got
fore we taste freedom 


Imagine a woman asking: How many workers
for this freedom quilt


Picture her saying: A live runaway could do
great harm by going back
but a dead runaway
could tell no secrets


Picture the daylight bringing her to woods full of birth moons …


Picture John Brown shaking her hands three times saying: General Tubman. General Tubman. General Tubman.


Picture her words: There’s two things I got a
right to: death or liberty


Picture her saying no to a play called Uncle Tom’s Cabin: I am the real thing  …


Picture a Black woman: could not read or write trailing freedom refrains   …


Picture her face turning southward walking down a Southern road   …


Picture this woman freedom bound    …    tasting a people’s preserved breath…


Picture this woman of royalty   …    wearing a crown of morning air   …


Picture her walking, running, reviving a country’s breath    …


Picture black voices leaving behind lost tongues  …


may we continue her underground railroad mission as an aboveground movement of liberation from the inside out…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 83 – 3/9/2021

welcome, well come to day 39 of a season of peace… today is another of my favorite moments in the cycle of life when we rest in the in between times moon, the rainbow moon who sings a song of transformation, of transmuting dark, threatening clouds of pain, into rainbow colored arcs of joy…

and, it’s another day to celebrate the moon of women’s herstory (there’s so much more to say about IW’s day) and to rise as a great wave across the cosmos celebrating the divine feminine in the shared by all quest for equality, freedom and harmony… coming together in sacred circle drawing down the energy of the darkening moon, we pause across the planet to gather in peace and be the rising tide singing our soul song… let’s focus the healing power within our one heart on all our relations and our beautiful cosmos re-membering…

it’s long been said that when 1000 women gather, heart consciousness, the divine human will be birthed… His Holiness, the Dalai Lama says that it will be women who transform the world… let us begin a new cycle of soul transformation, a moment of uniting heaven and earth and manifesting greater love on earth right here and right now with the…

Unify Heart Meditation

let’s all hold hands and gently close our eyes conspiring, inhaling together, slowing the breath… bringing our attention to how our bodies are feeling right now and in full acceptance of whatever is present… notice where your body is touching the ground and bring your focus there and begin feeling the pulsing energy of the Earth beneath us, the heartbeat of Mother Earth… with an inhale, breathe in gratitude and love for all that she gives us… continuing to breathe, feel your heartbeat, your unique beautiful rhythm pulsing in synchrony  with our earthmother… breathe deeply from your heart as you open to the sensation of love within you… feel the pulsing energy of this love… now, envision, feel and be this pulsing energy as a light glowing in your heart… breathing deeply, see and feel this light getting brighter until it fills your whole body and surrounds you… with your next exhale, think of someone you know who is having a difficult time in life and imagine this person is right in front of you… while remaining connected with the love in your own heart, embrace your  feeling of empathy for this person’s struggle as you breathe… see the light in their heart as the same loving light that is within yours… as you offer your love and compassion to this person, feel the light in both of your hearts growing brighter together… now, with an inhale, focus your attention back on your heart feeling the light grow brighter as you allow the love from your heart to nourish any parts of you that have been in pain… open to feeling compassion for yourself as you breathe the light of your love into the places you have kept fear, grief, anger, stress, and insecurity… open to feeling nourished by the love within and offer yourself acknowledgment and respect for everything you are, how far you have come and for the incredible beauty and power within you… take another a deep breath and start to feel the woman to your right… this woman has her own struggles, pain, fears, and insecurities… take a moment to feel empathy and great respect for this powerful woman… while breathing into your heart, feel the power of the love in her heart. see and feel the light within her as it grows brighter, surrounding her… Feel the light within your heart and the light within her heart growing brighter together… take a moment to feel the woman to your left… this woman, too, has her own struggles, pain, fears, and insecurities… take a moment to feel empathy and great respect for this powerful woman… while breathing into our own heart, feel the power of the love in her heart… see and feel the light within her as it grows brighter, surrounding her… feel the light within our heart and the light within her heart growing brighter together. feel the love and light of every woman in the circle being amplified… growing brighter… filling the whole room…

envision in your life and community 1000 women  interacting from a space of harmony, mutual support, celebration, acceptance, and upliftment in service to the whole… feel in your heart, yourself and every divine being feeling secure and happy and supported by divine flow… bring this intention to the light in your heart and with a deep breath imagine sending that light into the earth below you, like a seed being planted… bring your hands to your heart and feel your heartbeat… take a deep breath and gently open your eyes in joying now being anchored in heavenearth soaring through deep space being peace and painting it across the vast sky sea…

welcome, well come to our even more beautiful world that is just, regenerative, healthy and peaceful where we stand in love for love and serve all our relations as instruments of peace in this sacred space founded on cosmic balance, filled to overflowing with lovingkindness and guided by wisdom…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 82 – 3/8/2021

little girls with dreams become women with vision

Happy International Women’s Choose to Challenge Day!

welcome, well come to day 38 of a season of peace, a most auspicious day as it’s the International Day of Women… it’s long been said that when 1000 women gather, heart consciousness, the divine human will be birthed. His Holiness, the Dalai Lama says that it will be women who transform the world… let us begin in this moment a new cycle of soul transformation, a moment of uniting heaven and earth and manifesting greater love on earth…

for what seems like most every moon of this incarnation, i am writing /singing/being the soul song of coming home to the heart which is how i choose to challenge myself, to go beyond, which is what i have to share with the children… join me in luxuriating in another medicine elder’s wisdom as we resound this poem of nina simons…

Shifting Guidance from Head to Heart

All the brilliant, innovative and effective solutions and strategies
won’t be enough to shift our collective course
without an accompanying — and radical — change of heart.

For me, what’s central to alleviating humanity’s strife
and addressing the devastation we are wreaking upon our mother Earth
is tending to an imbalance of the masculine and feminine.

Reclaiming the value of the feminine within each of us
is essential to bringing our human wholeness
to this time of revolutionary reinvention.

We have to practice loving, re-awakening and strengthening
the feeling parts of ourselves:
our intuition, our body wisdom,
our dreams and our deep listening.

As we re-enliven the inner knowing of our hearts
(understanding that relationships are far more important than
accomplishments, goals or tasks),

we’ll become better partners to ourselves,
each other and the Earth.

If we practice our capacity to be comfortable
with vulnerability, with uncertainty,
and with attending caringly to the cues and clues that surround us,
it will help us to re-synchronize with the world
and become more resilient, flexible and adaptive to change.

This is not about devaluing the masculine side of ourselves;
it’s about re-evaluating what a healthy masculine means.
It’s about reclaiming the whole of our dimensional humanity.

For me, I find I must begin with my inner self,
since what I see out there likely reflects what’s within me.
If I don’t, it’s far too easy (and not ultimately effective)
to blame others without cleaning, updating
and reorienting my own operating system, first.

I am practicing re-sequencing my inner voices
so that my heart’s instruction can lead,
and be supported by the plans, analysis,
structures and strategies my mind creates.

When I listen with my heart,
I am pierced with an empathic awareness
that calls me into action beyond what any amount
of learning, reading or mental understanding can prompt.

I am stunned by the power of women, and our capacity to heal.
Wise elders, friends and mutual mentors
among the women I am honored to work with
remind me to listen deeply to all my sources of guidance —
to seek assistance from nature,
from my dreams and intuition, to inquire of my ancestors,
and listen for responses, before determining a course of action.

This requires me to peel away layers of patterning,
of rushing to respond to prove my value through productivity.
It requires me to question old and deeply ingrained habits.

As I practice composting layers of acculturated learning
that I absorbed unknowingly through the invisible water of culture we swim in,
I wonder whether I will ever be free of it.
I realize I need to decolonize my mind,
and practice reclaiming and remembering other ways of knowing.

Along the way, I’ve discovered something about the feminine.
I’m learning that listening is not a passive act.
Life is teaching me that it doesn’t just require my ears.
I’m learning to listen with my belly, my dreams and my intuition.

Not only does it require actively attending to receiving guidance,
I’ve discovered I also have to ask, in order to receive,
and then wait — patiently if possible — for a response to come.

As I practice this —
with my inner self, with nature, with my body,
with ancestors, and dreamtime and intuition —
I find I have many more sources of insight or guidance
than I’d previously imagined or remembered.

May we remember how to bring the wholeness of our humanity —
our deep listening; our patient observation;
our loving, powerful, tender hearts; our humble hands;
and our prayers —
to co-creating the conditions for thriving life.

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 81 – 3/7/2021

magical moments

break the heart wide open

to flow in love with source wisdom


welcome, well come to day 37 of a season of peace… today is another of my favorite moments in the cycle of life when we rest in the in between times moon, the rainbow moon who sings a song of transformation, of transmuting dark, threatening clouds of pain, into rainbow colored arcs of joy…

speaking of clouds of pain and re-membering that not one of us is free until all of us are free, today the world honors the 56th  Anniversary of bloody sunday on the historic Selma to Montgomery Freedom March which directly led to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in the United States… the Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage bows deeply to and is greatly inspired by the countless peace pilgrims who courageously bear witness every day, who walk the talk of being love, peace, justice and harmony no matter the personal cost… thousandfold thanks for walking the freedom path and making justice visible…

eight turns around the sun ago on this special day, this day of celebrating the astonishing light of being, the rainbow moon of the in between times manifested a double rainbow foreshadowing the abundance field we all inhabit, the quantum field of transformation we are…

thank you rainbow woman for appearing in the sky promising of fortune’s smile  returning to the land, cosmic order restored with the birth of a thousand dancing stars…

Blessings from the Rainbow Trail

she who arrived attended by rainbows

under the fullness of the in between times moon

gifted with light’s radiance, like the sun she glows

with crystalline shafts reflecting the moon


under the fullness of the in between times moon

veils are lifted revealing the all that there is

sky father dressed in rainbow robes

mirroring colors of earth mother below


blowing sweet breath on the crystalline shafts

igniting combustible fiery light

she who arrived attended by rainbows

whispers creation into the dark night


and in the morning’s returning light,

the cosmos is colored in waves of delight

by the one who arrived attended by rainbows

gifted with radiance, like the sun she glows


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 80 – 3/6/2021

for lailah

welcome, well come to the 36 th day of a season of peace,,. as the moon wanes and the temperature drops, let’s all get cozy and listen to an old hasidic tale of our soul’s conception and journey to birth supported by the angel (messenger) lailah…

it all begins in the roots of the tree of life where the soul is seeded and moves to the branches to ripen… when the soul falls to the ground, the angel lailah puts it in the mother’s womb serving as a midwife of souls… while the infant grows in the womb, lailah places a lighted candle at the head of the unborn infant, so he or she can see from one end of the world to the other and she teaches the unborn child the history of his or her soul…

when the time comes for the baby to be born, the angel extinguishes the light in the womb and brings forth the child into the world… in the instant the child emerges, the angel lightly strikes her finger to the child’s lips as if to say “shh,” which causes the child to forget everything learned in the womb and reminds us to listen to the deep self within, the soul, that always re-members…

may we all re-member our soul song and that “shhh” is to silence us so we can listen for el canto hondo, the deep self song…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 79 – 3/5/2021



welcome, well come to day 35 of a season of peaceon this day of quintessence, the fifth day of magi-cal march, we honor this day when exactly eight years ago the Poetic Peace Pilgrimage was conceived as a daily breathing practice, a daily presencing practice of  being peace in every moment of eternity…

just days before International Women’s Day what image better to grace tis peace with than the inspiration for how to walk this pilgrimage…

may we all join together giving some of our time to make herstory…

her peace message still remains and still rings true: This is the way of peace – overcome evil with good, and falsehood with truth, and hatred with love. That’s still the message that I’m carrying after all these years. Well, you see, we haven’t learned to live it yet. The key word for our times is really practice. It isn’t more light we need, it’s putting into practice what light we already have. When we do that, wonderful things will happen within our lives and within our world.

may we all be empty vessels to be filled to overflowing with lovingkindness, peace passing all understanding and a bubbling joy arising from our inner river of being…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 78 – 3/4/2021

March Fourth Pilgrimage Re-Dedication

From today onward
Until the attainment of enlightenment
May I be willing
To live with my chaos and confusion
And that of all other sentient beings.

May I be willing
To share our mutual confusion
And work incessantly and humbly
To help and elevate everyone without exception

~ Tibetan Prayer from Light the Flame ~


it seems so perfectly fitting on this day of marching forth in this moment of confusion and chaos falling on the thirty-fourth day of a season of peace to journey to the garden of zen and breathe in this mountain, surrendering all distractions and clearing the path to come home to our one heart, our true refuge in the midst of madness… thousand fold thanks for this path of devotion, thousand fold thanks for the courage and encouragement to be wholeheartedly here, thousand fold thanks for lighting the way…thousand fold thanks for your overflowing grace today…

many of us marching forth in these uncertain times despair not for we are unwavering, resolute knowing we are made for these times, these chaos cycles which call out the best in us…

“The most remarkable feature of this historical moment on Earth

is not that we are on the way to destroying the world –

we’ve actually been on the way for quite awhile.

It is that we are beginning to wake up, as from a millennia-long sleep,

to a whole new relationship to our world, to ourselves

and each other.”

~Joanna Macy~

listen, take courage as Howard Zinn elucidates the right way of being in these turbulent times…

“An optimist isn’t necessarily a blithe, slightly sappy whistler in the dark of our time. To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places- and there are so many- where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction. And if we do act, in however small a way, we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”

now, take peace with the words of Desmond Tutu…

“You and I are made for goodness. You and I are creatures who were made for transcendence, were made for love, were made for caring, were made for embracing one another… And that is what is going to prevail.”

today, on the magical mystery tour, i delight being in a house of mirrors, beautiful mirrors as i look into your soul and see such radiance… thank you for being such a profound reflection of our true nature… your lovingkindness, compassion, generosity, grace, luminescence, humor, sensitivity, presence, devotion, joy, peace, patience, passion, curiosity and on and on enrich and inspire me in every moment… thousandfold thanks and deep bows…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 77 – 3/3/2021

deep dark mystery

dances with infinite luminosity

in spacious emptiness


welcome, well come to a most auspicious day… 3-3, day 33 of a season of peace under the energy of the waning moon where we reflect as we dissolve more and more into the vast oceansky…

and, yes, carl, living in a spaciousness of solitude, silence, in deed, comes alive in such mysterious ways as i reflect  on this sojourn in the quantum field of deep dark mystery where i saunter along a path unknown, a dancing with infinite luminosity resting in the gap, in the sacred space of silence, the stillpoint…

in this field beyond words, beloved appears to breathe us alive, inspiring we hollow reeds to open to being conduits of divine flow responsive to taking one more step, encouraging our sitting tenderly in the moment with our feelings, our ancestral feelings, our descendants’ feelings all merging in the one cosmic devocean of now…

in this solitude, in this divine alchemical flowing temple, the daft (divine alchemical flow team) transmute our shadowlands into gardens of grace… watered by our tears, we blossom like flow-ers opening to the light and revealing the sparkling jewel, the polished star pearl of the sea, radiantly resting in the center of the bloom…

here in the deep void of great silence, in the dancing stillness of great mystery, we stand at the portal of a brave new world where we’re called to courageously let go the old and break our one heart wide open to expansive, creative  space for birthing to the new… do we have it in us? of course we do, in this knowing we can all relax into enjoying this ride on the wild side…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 76 – 3/2/2021



welcome, well come to day 32 of a season of peace and the 2nd day of women’s herstory month in a moonth i’m naming magi- cal with emphasis intended on the magi, the wise, syllables of magical as we shine a spotlight on the women magicians who inspire changes in consciousness as they create, co-create the even more beautiful world, the ecological civilization…

i had intended on beginning with one of my favorite magicians – Harriette Tubman and then it was going to be Billie Holliday until i real-eyesed it was the fifth anniversary of Berta’s murder and knew she’d be leading the way…

co-founding the Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH) created to defend the Lenca community – one of Honduras’ largest indigenous groups – against corporate takeover of their land and natural resources, and to protect their culture and the environment, Cáceres was tireless in her efforts for her land and community… since their founding in 1993, COPINH has stopped nearly 50 logging and deforestation projects, plans for 10 hydroelectric dams and with other indigenous organizations successfully lobbied the Honduran government to ratify ILO Convention 169 on the Rights of Indigenous People, and also succeeded in gaining funding from the government for health centers and schools in Lenca communities…

today, as we mark 5 years since Berta’s assassination, we honor and remember her and her extraordinary life and legacy… Berta was someone who refused to be silent, who refused to cede or go into exile despite the violence she was up against… clear about the causes of the injustices of the world, she did not hesitate to name those responsible… her ability to explain and relate complex global phenomena to everyday realities made her an exceptional leader; the dignity with which she treated every person she met made her a phenomenal organizer who made the connections between struggles seem obvious and imparted wisdom as she energized those who listened…

Berta Cáceres, Presente! and Muchas Gracias!!