as we come to the moment of blessing the space between us and close this moon of the lion and lamb of march, i reflect on the space we have traversed, the space we have silently dwelt in, the space we honor and celebrate, the space of journey, of walking each other home, the space of awakening and deepening, of being fully present, of curiosity, of imagination, of courage in the face of chaos, of trust, of letting go, of breathing in and breathing out, of ebb and flow, of being lovingkindness, of standing in love for love, of being a space of peace built on justice and guided by love…
so, blessings and blissings and welcome, well come to day 61 of a season of peace, another day of embarking on a pilgrimage of hearing gaia’s call to be a healing vessel, a temple of love which has been forming forever, a day to celebrate the astonishing lightness of being and this day of not knowing, surrendering to and trusting in the whirlwind to lead the way as i devotedly tend soil as my ancestors have over the millenia…
in the very instant of surrendering to the whirlwind, we are transmuted into whirling rhythm… and in that moment,that long drawn-out moment, the world cracks wide open as we return to being farmers of the heart caring for the holy vessel we interare…
may we all awaken to earth’s energy re-membering we are one heart…
may we all awaken to earth’s oceans as our clean-sing tears…
may we all awaken to earth’s wind as our enlivening breath…
may we all awaken to earth’s landscape as our one body…
may our one heart open dormant seeds
may our tears fill rain clouds
may our breath give flight to migrating birds
may our body be an island of refuge
may earth mother open dormant seeds
may earth mother fill rain clouds
may earth mother give flight to migrating birds
may earth mother nurture islands of refuge
and, may the cycles of life flow unceasingly…
“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.”
~ Marcel Proust ~