Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy… they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us…
~ Harper Lee ~
welcome, well come to day 20 of a season of peace, the seventh day of the tibetan fifteen days of miracles and it’s another beautiful day of gathering the quintessence, ambassadors of love and light with the sun shining on the energy of freedom…
i awaken today with a strange dream lingering and re-member five years ago on this day through the invisible web connecting us all, death was foreshadowed with a cold wind blowing through, a day when i could not get warm much like a day almost ten years ago when i coded with septic shock feeling my blood turn to ice… as the cold wind of death blows through once again today and i re-member the foreshadowing of death was for Harper Lee, who died unexpectedly the next day, i want to pay tribute to her and her archetypal story of justice, innocence, love and purity, a story that i read at eight years old, a story that resonated so deeply in me sixty-one years ago, a story still resonating in me so profoundly…
reading this book at eight years old, i am Scout, my father is Atticus, my neighbor is Boo… i, too, live in a small southern backwater town in a family devoted to social justice and i feel the pure innocence and love of a mockingbird named Boo, a wounded bird traumatized much like the people’s journeys i have shared for four plus decades in the vocation that called me from the moment of meeting Boo and before and after… i have also loved mockingbirds from that moment and desire to live simply and wholeheartedly as innocence, as spirit, as mockingbird…
so, in this moment, i am mockingbird re-joy-singer visiting the divine inner child, the wise one who knows she’s here to sing, to sing her soul song of joy in a field of peace seeded with justice and guided by love…
may we all feel the pure innocence and love of mockingbird in this moment and live as simply and wholeheartedly as freespirit, as mockingbird…