an auspicious day for the most special day of the great prayer festival, the first full moon in the tibetan new year, the day of miracles when Buddha performed one miracle after another blessing the cosmos with overflowing illumination… hundreds of years later, pilgrims, poets on a journey, still gather together to celebrate the cosmic flow of miracles…
for all our relations
living on a tiny blue dot
circling round a ball of fire
next to a moon that moves the sea
in a cosmos overflowing with miracles, blessed be!
on this day of celebrating miracles of illumination, let us open our eyes to the miracles of our ever expanding cosmos on both the macrocosmic and microcosmic levels seeing, being the great turning, the shift in consciousness from dominator to co-creator real=eye-sing it’s not the love of power but the power of love that sustains us. that flows through us… in this moment of eternity, may we all choose to be the power of love, to be the miraculous for all our relations…