as always, such a treasure trove of riches to share on this day of honoring the astonishing light of being; in this moment of eternity, i am called to celebrate Grandmother Bernadette of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers whose courageous and generous spirit returned home on January 20th…
known for always tending the fire, here are Grandmother’s last words of transmission spoken ten days before transitioning….
” At my old age I am often asked about transmission. How I envision it, who it’s intended for, and why pass it on? … Many questions I’ll try to answer.
Transmission helps to safeguard the continuity of knowledge. Like a torch whose flame makes it possible to light another torch. Knowledge not only illuminates consciousness but also creates guardians of this consciousness generating bearers of light, people who will ensure that this knowledge is protected, preserved and can be transmitted once again.
For many years already, this has been a topic that matters a lot to me. I’m clear about the value of the gift I’ve received, and I have to keep it alive by giving it back to future generations, in the most appropriate form. Through dreams, I get regular messages that encourage me to do so. Spirits insist that I awaken consciousness around me.
Where I am, transmission is happening on a daily basis. With my family, with the people who come to meet me, with the team around me. It’s done in different ways depending on the direction that is required. This is the natural extension of my former job as a teacher, a form of education working on its own, orally, through gestures, or even in silence. Yet it is always always very concrete and requires physical proximity.
Regarding transmission of power, this is a very delicate topic because it’s difficult to know the morality of the person who will receive it. Does he or she really measure the value of what will be received? Will he or she have the ability to take on this new responsibility? What will be the use of what will be given?
I never trust appearances – preferring to rely on specific assessment criteria that determines whether the transmission of power or knowledge can happen. The criteria can be based on a person’s life achievements, a family situation, whether there is enough foundation to assume a new status, and what a person’s behavior indicates about their morality. I also look at the overall nature of things and take time to get the green light before any action.
Sacredness. This is very sensitive because what is sacred is normally kept secret. Even more so now with the saturated use of social media – everything is said, everything is written, everything is shared, we no longer distinguish what is sacred from the rest. To reveal sacred knowledge when it cannot be received and understood appropriately can weaken the power held within it.
On the other hand, if you don’t transmit, you take the risk of cutting the lineage, ending a living knowledge, letting the flame you’ve nurtured all your life go out.
Transmission remains first and foremost an altruistic act, serving the divine and humanity, and I will always do my best to perform it in the most accurate way.”
~ Rose Bernadette Rebienot Owansango ~
January 1, 1934 – January 20, 2021
with profound gratitude, we bid fare well to our beloved grandmother knowing the great mother welcomes her home…