welcome, well come to the second day of a season of peace and this last day of journeying january where we bless the space of this moonth, this moonth of dreaming, dreaming a world of peace… as per usual we have such a trifecta of riches as we bless the space of the magical mystery tour of the wildest of the last eleven moons which is quite a declaration… i know i’d said it would still be a turbulent ride but i had no idea… more on that but first the riches of today – the last day, the astonishing light of being day and the fiftieth anniversary of the Apollo moon launch…
so, i’m breaking tradition with the image for today because this moonth and full moon and new year call us so deeply into the question of what is still pulling on your soul, how to live this one wild and precious life?
for the past month, i’ve been exiled from my usual space as we were all evacuated from our homes following a disaster of the biological kind… it never crossed my radar screen that a month later i’d still basically be living with only the clothes on my back… i laugh with myself so thankful that back in july i was so massively transfused with iron(y) and that i’ve been asking the cosmos for a sabbatical for years and here it is… sort of… being down to bare essence and letting go at an even more profound level, of only being response able in each present moment of creation, of savoring the gap between stimulus and response and refining the power of co-creation as i listen for what pulls on my soul…
it’s still that thread of the unraveled collective tapestry, that thread assigned to me an eternity ago, that thread of dreams to be woven in seamlessly magnetizing coming home to the one heart of great mystery where we all dwell in harmony ceaselessly regenerating radically opening more and more to whom we truly be – souls playing the music of the celestial/mycelial spheres…
as we bless this space between us, this one long continuous conversation, this being together with truth, this blink of an eye month so potent with transitioning into the unknown – a great turning within, intimate communion with all that is – may we flow from the deep wellspring at the center of being as we make a seismic shift and like the earth, open to what is calling us, what must come forth in us for it is what we truly love…
let us close this moment by breathing together animating our one body with spirit, filling us to overflowing with golden light of love…
blessed be…