Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 5 – 12/21/2020

“At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless;
Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is,
But neither arrest nor movement. And do not call it fixity,
Where past and future are gathered. Neither movement from nor towards,
Neither ascent nor decline. Except for the point, the still point,
There would be no dance, and there is only the dance.”
~ T.S. Eliot ~

oh, there is so much to whisper into this crystal, this moment of eternity on one of my favorite days of every turn around the sun and this one, so extraordinary…. breathing it in, this moment of soulstice, of stillness amplified on steroids by the great conjunction with Jupiter and Saturn coming together (yes, they come together every 12 years but not as closely as this since 1226) at zero degrees Aquarius which heralds a move from earth to air element that will last some 200 years and bring quite a shift in consciousness, and there’s another cycle within cycles, the one of some 2333 turns around the sun as we move from sign to sign, from the age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius which is being celebrated on our first continent of Australia by the Aborigines, the original peoples, this soulstice in sacred ceremony at Uluru, the divine mother portal of creation and home to the rainbow serpent, the divine feminine creation energy of our earthmother… the original people ask for all relatives to join in prayer at the time of soulstice to complete this ritual with the rainbow serpent becoming the rainbow bridge uniting heaven and earth and bringing peace and harmony to the ever-expanding cosmos…

now, there is so much more to whisper into this crystal, this moment of foreverness from this peace pilgrim’s perspective with my earliest memory of being visited by the rainbow serpent who sat at the foot of my crib and “taught” me stillness although it took me decades to consciously real-eyes what this awe-full encounter with the numinous had gifted, this resource this immune system booster, this natural vaccine that transmutes lead into gold, fear into love, stress into bless… this rainbow serpent that transmuted into a golden halo of light nineteen years later when at 21 i experienced a great awakening and then like the rainbow serpent i migrated from southeast to northwest to be grounded firmly here on this soulstice to align with the original peoples for the great ritual to complete… here is the stillness song re-joy-sing through this empty reed as all relatives come together calling in peace and harmony…

finding a place where you can sit comfortably, allow your body to find ease and let go of any doing… now, take a full breath – holding it for a moment and then releasing it completely… and, another full breath – holding it for a moment and then releasing it completely… and, one more deep cleansing breath…

continue breathing slowly, deeply and without effort – releasing all doing, simply witnessing the easing of stress and tension in the body and inviting more and more peace and harmony into every wild cell… notice any place that feels tight and release the tension allowing a softening around that area… as you continue to breathe in, begin to draw your attention within with every breath… notice any thoughts and release them gently…

now, draw your attention to our earthmother – no matter where you are sitting, place your attention on the earth below your feet… is it soft and verdant or hard and frozen? your earth – your home – your Mother… notice a pulsing vibration of energy and draw that connection up through your feet, up through your sitz bones – wherever you are connected to our earthmother – and draw that energy up into your first chakra noticing the grounding and connection…

continuing to breathe fully, deeply and with ease,

notice your attention and bring it gently and effortlessly to the vibration of our earthmother within… be one with our Mother as she holds and nurtures us… as you continue deep breathing, begin to bring that connection, that energy up to your heart chakra, noticing the energy, the vibration of the earth as it expands within your heart, within our one heart…

witness any thoughts, feelings or emotions, allowing them and then releasing them with love and ease… feel your heart expanding with each breath… pulling in the energy and vibration of our earthmother, notice your heart expanding with light, love, peace and harmony…

light, love, peace, harmony… your heart opening and expanding with each breath…

light, love, peace, harmony… connecting with the earth, with nature, with all beings…

light, love, peace, harmony… witnessing the intelligence within every living being…

as we breathe together, conspire, we are connecting with all that is, with earth and sky, oceans and mountains, all beings and the cosmos which surrounds us… we are one with all, one rainbow bridge uniting all… light, love, peace and harmony… expanding and connecting with all… gradually bringing our awareness back to our one heart, notice the steady heartbeating of life, the rich fullness and the expansion of the great conjunction, the grand union… blessings/blissings be…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 4 – 12/20/2020

on this, the cusp of soulstice, the day before the sun stands still which comes in this turning of the sun on astonishing light of being day which i’ll be celebrating in a sacred way, i find myself in reverie, slowing down with the sun and synching in the rhythm of dreamwaves re-membering a lucid dream of profound stillness of many moons ago where i stared into a towering wave stretching across the earth and reaching up to the heavens… suspended in the stillpoint of the ocean of being, WE ARE in this moment, this beautiful moment of eternity on the precipice…


body, speech and mind in perfect harmony

our one heart floating along in rhythm with the waves of the sea

awestruck, we are transfixed by this still mountain of water

with the power to break us, to break our heart wide open

to welcome a new/old world, a new/old way of being

present… now… in the moment…

standing together in love


today, re-membering and reflecting on the still wave and a thousand other images from this turn around the sun, i am once again transfixed, in awe at the synchronous spinning of the waves, such a divine, rhythmic threading of the web of life… for one brief instant, i see simply breakdown, then, in the next flash the transcendent function kicks in transporting us to the field out beyond, the field of breaking open, breaking free, breaking through into harmony, feeling infinity…

feel our one heart smiling as we dance along the spirit path together deeper and deeper into the sacred wheel, spiraling into rainbowville… more and more magic, change in consciousness is on the way, mystical law will have its say…

as we, like the sun, slow down and still invoking the power of this potent portal, this doorway into the great turning, the shift of the ages release into the fire of spirit what no longer serves breathing in from the fire the inner light of source that guides us and shows us the way of living sacred simplicity each and every day…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 3 – 12/19/2020

Looking behind I am filled with gratitude. Looking forward I am filled with vision. Looking upward I am filled with strength. Looking within I discover peace. ~Q’ero~

thank you for filling this day with a quintessence, of love, of gratitude, of beauty, of courage, of light…


awesome,totally awesome, flowing in beauty before us, behind us, beside us, below us, above us, within us, thank you for singing our walking prayer…

thank you for being present in our every step as we wander into wonder

thank you for breathing us into being from the well of great silence

thank you for blessing us as we journey deeper into grace

thank you for blessing our homecoming into sacred space

for deep within is memory

of an ocean running free

round a field of rainbow light

cosmos of awe, garden of delight

thank you for breathing us into longing for the distant shore

thank you for breathing out belonging of oneness evermore

thank you for returning us now to the belly, womb of singing cells

thank you for breathing us in and out in rhythm with ringing bells

resonance resounding throughout the galaxy

resonance resounding, blessed harmony

awesome,totally awesome, flowing in beauty before us, behind us, beside us, below us, above us, within us, thank you for singing our prayer…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8 – Day 2 – 12/18/2020

according to the latest UNHCR report, by the end of this year, “80 million plus individuals were forcibly displaced worldwide as a result of persecution, conflict, violence, or human rights violations, that is more than one per cent of humanity – 1 in every 97 people – and with fewer and fewer of those who flee being able to return home this UN Refugee Agency is appealing to countries worldwide to do far more to find homes for millions of refugees and others displaced by conflict, persecution or events seriously disturbing public order.” i invite us to include all our relatives when we say migrants and that we work rather than fight for a better world for all…

let us take this sacred moment of eternity on this international migrants day to offer metta, lovingkindness, for all seeking refuge and sanctuary…

may i be filled with lovingkindness.
may i be well.
may i be peaceful and at ease.
may i be happy all the days of my life.

take a deep breath bringing the mantra in knowing it to be true…

now, visualize a refugee — a specific person or a group of people allowing yourself to believe in these aspirations, as though they are gifts you are actually giving this person…

may this refugee be filled with unconditional kindness.
may they have good health.
may they have inner and outer safety all the days of their lives.
may they be peaceful and at ease.
may they know happiness today and always.

now visualize all beings and repeat these phrases:

may all beings be filled with lovingkindness.
may we all know good health all the days of our lives.
may we know that inner and outer safety is our right.
may we all be peaceful and at ease.
may all being in all directions and all times be happy.

may we bring these intentions into actions for the benefit of all beings…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 8/8 Years – Day 1/2558 Days – 12/17/2020

today is a special day marking the day 757 years ago that poetic peace pilgrim, Rumi, died, 117 years ago that 1st flight took place on the outer banks, it is the first day of the 10th year of dwelling in the abundance of infinite love and gratitude, it is the first day of the eighth year of  the daily practice of writing this ppp peace and it is… drumroll… the day of a flight of liberation for us all…

in honor of this confluence of riches, let us begin soaring into spaciousness with Rumi: 

“If you are seeking, seek us with joy
For we live in the kingdom of joy.
Do not give your heart to anything else
But to the love of those who are clear joy,
Do not stray into the neighborhood of despair.
For there are hopes: they are real, they exist –
Do not go in the direction of darkness –
I tell you: suns exist.”

what a day of  cosmic flight dissolved into the radiant light of Green Tara who comes when we call to clear all obstacles and relieve the suffering of all our relatives, a night of flying into the darkness, into turbulence and still soaring into open spaciousness trusting in the implicate order and listening for the call of the wild emanating  from the womb of great silence…

“How could the soul not take flight
When from the glorious Presence
A soft call flows sweet as honey,
And whispers, “Rise up now, come away.”
How could the fish not jump
Immediately from dry land into water,
When the sound of water from the ocean
Of fresh waves springs to his ear?
How could the hawk not fly away,
Back, back, to the wrist of the kind
As soon as he hears the drum
The king’s baton hits again and again,
Drumming out the signal of return?
How could the Sufi not start to dance,
Turning on himself, like the atom in the sun of eternity,
So he can leap free of this dying world?
Fly away, fly away, bird, to your native home.
You have leaped free of the cage,
Your wings are flung back in the wind of God.
Leave behind the stagnant and marshy waters,
Hurry, hurry, hurry, O bird, to the source of life!”

 ~ Rumi ~

happiest of turns ’round the sun and may this one be overflowing with love, liberation and luxuriating in each beautiful and interesting moment of eternity…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 366 – 12/16/2020

today is a very special day in thought word and deed as it marks the completion of seven turns around the sun (that’s 2557 days) posting the poetic peace pilgrimage each night unless on my deathbed or without connection – the ppp is a daily breathing and being peace in every moment devocean i practice… today also marks the completion of nine turns around the sun (that’s 3288 days) of dwelling in the superabundance of infinite love and gratitude… this 2020 year is so very remarkable when every being’s vision has been so dramatically refined as the cosm has so profoundly quickened the outpourings of golden light to support the great turning, the transmutation, the transformation, the unfolding of the birth-death-rebirth cycle of the magical mystery tour we call life…

a turn like no other

breaking down to break through

and gathering strength to make the quantum leap

this year, more expansively and deeply than ever, in the midst of constant stimulation i have loved taking refuge in living the iconic quest ion of what will i do with my one wild and precious life and have loved witnessing the answer of being drawn by the stronger pull of what i really love and seeing that pull embedded in and engraved upon the compass of the immortal soul while always inviting in each moment of eternity ->

the opening of my eyes so i may vision

the opening of my ears so i may listen

the opening of my voice so i may rejoice

the opening of my heart so i may know not knowing

as i sit in the dream cave now, the interior sounds of  water moving inspires re-membering all the beautiful moments of this journey of the heart, of  simply breathing into lovingkindness presence, being the now, embracing the uncertainty and impermanence of what is and…

dan-sing in rhythm

with the river of being

opening to flow

along this path of heart, this path of purification, this path of polishing the heart, we keep coming back with every breath, with every step into infinite love and gratitude no matter what is happening in the outer, coming back home to our one heart where we experience over and over again…

moments of peace

wildpeace flowing in ripples

and dan-sing joyously

how i love this practice of pilgrimage, of living story, of being poets on an interior deep sea journey where we’re all walking each other home into our one heart where we stand in the center seeing in a sacred manner all beings as one spirit…

thanks for being nomads in the sea

celebrating rainbow mystery

being harmony

real-eye-sing more than ever the gift of standing together in solidarity as the dominance world collapses making space for returning to the true reality of interconnection, of belonging to each other, of pledging to live right action for the benefit of the seven generations… aho…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 365 – 12/15/2020

With every breath, I plant the seeds of devotion. I am a farmer of the heart.

~ Rumi ~

“I can think of no other edifice constructed by ‘man’ as altruistic as a lighthouse. They were built only to serve.”

~ George Bernard Shaw ~

please bear witness with me on this ides of december when i had thought i’d honor greta again on the one year anniversary of her being named person of the year, i love a picture i have of her standing at the ocean shore looking like a lighthouse and then it occurred to me we might have a new person of the year for 2020 and i began to contemplate who i’d pick in this most transfigurative year and i came up with nature as the person of the year because nature includes all our relatives and how would i do a picture of everything and then the computer crashed and it occurred to me that nature was sending a message… yes to nature as person of the year and yes to lighthouse and an image of nature as person/lighthouse is an angel of light and we are in the midst of an astonishing portal of light so voila – our person of the year is nature whose selfie is an angel of light and yes, under this new moon may we all plant the seeds of devocean and be farmers of the heart cultivating a sacred life of serving the whole as we co-create a world of peace and harmony built on justice and guided by love…

Invoking the Light of Grace

in the name of the Great Mother, we invoke the benevolent streams of universal light to come and enfold us in a soft cocoon of love’s transforming grace… COME COME COME subtle realms of elevated and deepened vibration and infuse this coalescing energetic matrix with the purest frequencies of harmony, balance and peace… may this field of redeeming grace weave ever so gently, in, through and around us now, blessing us with its qualities of enduring strength and resilience… we now invite the inner light to enter into the deepest regions of our thoughts and feelings offering up all of our resistances, attachments, pains, stress, anxiety and suffering… please help us to see our personal circumstances through the eyes of the soul shifting our perceptions into right understanding, that we may pass through our difficult times with more grace and equanimity… thank you for deep and abiding comfort embodying every wild cell as we re-member who we really are… there is no greater source of comfort than the inner light…

may our hearts be softened, may our minds be purified, may our words be more tenderly spoken, may our thoughts extend love to every living thing, may our actions be a blessing unto the world, may our souls shine , and may we be continually humbled in alignment with the most expansive and deepest blessing for all… thank you, thank you, thank you…

hover over us, beloved and center us in grace…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 364 – 12/14/2020

“The endurance of darkness is the preparation for great light.”

holy synchronisiddhi! on this third day of eleven days of the gateway of light, this moment is the total soular eclipse/shadow as well as the feast day of st john of the cross, patron saint of contemplatives, mystics and poets… centuries ahead of the modern discovery of the unconscious, st john spoke of darkness, inner journeys, and the shadow self while today this is painted in the sky… his genius, his gift for the good of the whole was in living and speaking about the imperative, if we are to transform, of embracing the dark night of the soul and holding steadfast trusting in benevolent great mystery to lovingly bring forth the light…

soular eclipses often bring phases of life to completion creating changes empowering soul destiny, living more fully who you came here to be… are you feeling the opening of a portal to a new direction for your life?

this eclipse of the sagittarius new moon of truthtelling pushes us to be more, to expand, and to be more present in life in a direction better suited with old thinking habits based on deception, illusion and false perceptions being released empowering our seeing from a fresh perspective…

yes! this is the moment of eternity to re-weave the dreamtime world with the wonder, wisdom and great mystery of being alive, fully alive…

the more deeply we dwell in the eternal present moment continuously chanting make us instruments of peace and harmony with an accompanying chorus of thank yous and the more wholeheartedly we surrender to love and being loving presence in every moment, the more we are taken to places on a journey we could not imagine, to ultima thule, the great beyond within our one cosmic body…

“The Journey

One day you finally knew
what you had to do, and began,
though the voices around you
kept shouting
their bad advice–
though the whole house
began to tremble
and you felt the old tug
at your ankles.
“Mend my life!”
each voice cried.
But you didn’t stop.
You knew what you had to do,
though the wind pried
with its stiff fingers
at the very foundations,
though their melancholy
was terrible.
It was already late
enough, and a wild night,
and the road full of fallen
branches and stones.
But little by little,
as you left their voices behind,
the stars began to burn
through the sheets of clouds,
and there was a new voice
which you slowly
recognized as your own,
that kept you company
as you strode deeper and deeper
into the world,
determined to do
the only thing you could do–
determined to save
the only life you could save.”

~ Mary Oliver ~

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 363 – 12/13/2020

welcome this lovely moment of eternity between two amazing portals of 12/12 and 12/14 on this day of celebrating the astonishing light of being… tomorrow is the total soular eclipse new moon in Sagittarius which i want to begin celebrating tonight with who better to introduce this moon calling us to truth speak than the woman born into slavery in 1797 who liberated herself and her daughter and became known far and wide as an abolitionist and women’s rights activist… giving herself the name, Sojourner Truth, she undoubtedly heard the call of the archer to seek and speak the truth… this new moon blesses us with the directive of slowing down and gathering strength to make choices of integrity aligned with inner authority in these oh so interesting times of potency calling us to release worn out world views pushing us to the brink of extinction…

now is the moment to draw down the energy of this dark moon amplified by the total soular eclipse to stand in our truth that we are nature with a birthright of radical regeneration, to plant new seeds of energy carrying intentions to meet the challenges facing us now of birthing the new world with wonder and wisdom and courage and compassion with our every breath, thought, word and deed… at this moon, we are challenged to hear the call as did Sojourner Truth and walk our talk along the freedom road living out our destiny here on our island home to be ready to return home like a shooting star…

i’d love to hear about the seeds you’ll be planting in our unitive field as we rocket into a brave new world beyond our wildest imaginings…

may we all feel shining light in the depths of darkness and dance in its splendor as we germinate and birth the new/old balanceway…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 362 – 12/12/2020

welcome, well come to this potent 12/12 gateway, a powerful portal of light, a master angel number of illumination and clairvoyance with a venus-moon conjunction of harmonization occurring on this day dedicated worldwide to the Celebration of the Virgin of Guadalupe, Mother Mary who is presenting all our relations with an opportunity to receive a powerful gift of light to prepare each of us at a cellular level to receive the most intensified frequencies of light the earth has ever known, light frequencies amplified by the venusian energy field with the ability to shift awareness…

breathe in deeply into the womb space of wisdom living the quest ion of what gifts and pains are held in the dark womb of creation, what wants releasing and what wants to flow forth… breathe in deeply again from the womb of the eathmother who loves us so and listen deeply to what the womb of wisdom has to share…

in honor of this quest ion of the venusian energies and the blessing on this sacred feast day of the patron saint of all that is unborn in us, join me in the Rite of the Womb as we gather around a vessel of water filled with flower petals or greens of the earth proclaiming our sacred intention…

the womb is not a place to store fear and pain, the womb is to create and give birth to life… the womb is not a place to store fear and pain, the womb is to create and give birth to life… the womb is not a place to store fear and pain, the womb is to create and give birth to life…

as we light the 13 candles representing the 13 moons of the turn of the sun, we sing the ancient chant…. we all come from the mother and to her we shall return like a drop of rain flowing to the ocean…

raising our arms, we summon the spirits saying: the womb is not a place to store fear and pain, the womb is to create and give birth to life…

placing our hands on the womb space in the center of our bellies, our being, we activate this rite saying: the womb is not a place to store fear and pain, the womb is to create and give birth to life…

blessed be this gift of healing light bringing all that is into greater and greater wholeness and everlasting life…

may we all greet this day of  joyous light openheartedly dwelling in the cathedral, in the temple of her open heart choosing love with every breath and living the messages arising from the deep anima mundi, the soul of the womb of creation resting in the beauty of mama gaiatree…