dancing in the dark
seeing spirit everywhere
ancestors guide us home
on this very night, and what a night it is being both full moon and a blue one and super at that along with all hallows eve, it is known to those initiated in great mysteries that both the souls of the trapped will be freed and that the inverse reality of souls serving the other side of the lower world will come topside to create their own ability to remain amongst the world of the living… this gateway creates an opportunity to repent, clear karma, raise consciousness and return to love once more…
great homage is given to the ancestors who come and go through the making of potions and preparation of food made for both the living and for those loved ones who have passed and are unable to participate in the physical expression of ingesting the libation offerings…
the celebation of samhain, all hallows eve, all hollows eve and the energies of this profound portal represent the veils of consciousness thinning within us, our hollowing, hallowing and our ability to transcend darkness and density into light as we metaphorically bubble in the cauldron of transformation with the potions where we move from death to rebirth in a sangha field, true refuge in the rains’ deluge… sacred space built on compassion, generosity, harmony and lovingkindness with a mission to eradicate all suffering… in this place devoted to honoring the ancestors while serving all with every breath a practice of dharma, every breath an exhalation of love, we arrive and come home to our one heart living with all in harmony…
may we all breathe together… may we all breathe together more and more loving presence and more and more trust and more and more surrender into the creative process of love where we are all walking each other home into the heart of the present moment, the only moment, the all that is… may we all breathe together in perfect cosmic harmony where all is well eternally…
love, love, love from the full moon and this night of the dark portal from whence we all come and will return… tending the fires and stirring the cauldron of transformation are calling us, singing us – may we hollow in and answer the call….