giving birth to imaginal cellf
dewy wings warmed by the sun
waxing with moon, rising from sea
free and easy wanderer of infinity
soaring/singing throughout the multiversity
always resting in the still silence of the cavernous heart of luminosity
As is the human body, so is the cosmic body.
As is the human mind, so is the cosmic mind.
As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm.
As is the atom, so is the universe”
~ The Upanishads ~
thank you chaos/primordial space for gestating a dancing blue star down the birth canal tunnel through a long dark night with moments of questioning would there be light… a long dark night to contemplate flow and how to proceed when it’s a no go… a long dark night of staying present, of trusting, of surrendering until the sun rises and reveals the way to be in flow… breathing in, inspiring; breathing out, releasing a dancing star…
aloha! being of the blue star light, being of the chaotic, turbulent long night, being of the cosmic/human body mind spirit soul, being that turns lead into gold, integrating beingness into a true self…