Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 282 – 9/23/2020

ah… taking a deep breath and another opening the heart ever wider and wider and one more feeling the golden light raining into every wild cell of the one body… it feels like the first time ever that i’m posting to my website blogs and in a way it is… in linear time, it’s been a month; in apocalyptic august and soulful september flow, it’s been several lifetimes… when last i posted, i had gone off with beloved family for a long weekend which turned into quite an adventure i didn’t see coming… or did i?

yesterday marked the four week anniversary of my latest close encounter with death and i’ve been slowly coming back to life… still i hear the words of the ICU doctor standing at the threshold of my room saying to the nurse it was a miracle i was alive… more on this later but for now i want to do a redux on the last post back on the 23rd of august because it’s just what i want to say right now and what was such a part of bringing me back… thank you to all co-hearts in the sangha of the one heart of boundless love for singing me back here…


Welcome Home!

relatives, we are lovingly invited

to spend this moment, this beautiful moment

at home with Beloved…

simply being presence of essence…

come as you are, your radiant Self,

for this moment of

wonder, awe, bliss, compassion, flow, grace, joy, kindness

to drink in the gamma rays flooding the cosmos with a divine transfusion of transfiguring love…


in the wake of the great reset following the total eclipse of the sun three years ago at this time, a dream arises of being in a field where the Beloved Communion dwells and hearing that our mission is to sing… last night/this morning the dream returns saying it is the moment to be about this business of singing in the wake of the ever quickening initiation we are all undergoing…

are you hearing beloved singing you? listen a little deeper for the cosmic hum as you suspend noise and distraction in this moment, this beautiful moment… are you hearing the whispers of the ancestors flowing through our oceanic body? ah yes, let’s pause here in the stillpoint and align with the rhythm of our one heart…

may earth’s song reach into our deepest and wildest sacred spaces… may we hear the melodic voices of all our relations… may our inhalations inspire re-joy-sing and our exhalations re-sound and re-verberate harmony throughout the watery womb of our one heart…


our roots go down, down into the earth

our branches reach high, high into the sky

golden light rains, into our one heart

drinking in beloved, we are one…


may we all be filled with lovingkindness…

2 thoughts on “Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 282 – 9/23/2020

  1. Jo, Welcome back! It is wonderful to know you are still among us on this side of the veil! Your spirit, as always, is vibrant and reaches us all.

    • It’s good to be back and seems like several lifetimes I’ve been away and the blink of an eye… happy trails to you…

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