Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 231 – 8/3/2020

what a lovely celebration today is of lunar lammas complete with a full moon in aquarius and the gift of reveling in the soular harvest when the cycle of life invites our contemplating our blessings, reaping the harvest by seeing the big picture both cosmically and in the ground of being – what are you harvesting? what has the garden you are grown this year?

in this sacred gathering moment in the heart field with daylight hours waning dramatically in the northern hemispere and the earth more and more empatically asking us to slow down and shelter in, i love going within, pausing and listening to the cosmic hum, the music of the one animating spirit flowing through you, flowing through me, flowing through all our relations asking us to come home to inner author-ity…

in ancient power with and within times, the king willingly sacrifices himself for the good of the people at this harvest festival which was offered to the invisible realms… today, we tend to forget that it is the masculine principle that continuously needs renewing while the divine feminine, the ground of life, renews automatically… this forgetting that the masculine energy must die cyclically like the caterpillar to birth the new leads to an out of balance culture…

this full moon in aquarius with the energy of freedom lends us to contemplating and re-membering who we truly are and what is our response-ability in this pivotal moment, what needs overthrowing, throwing out because it imprisons us?

let’s perfume this moment with the sabian symbol for this moment… a golden dragon circles the tree of life guarding the single golden apple of divine love… yes, we can all re-member who we are…

reflecting on the harvest brings me right onto the pathless path, the path where we die before we die… dying to fixed ideas of the limited self, the protective self so that we can awaken in awe to whom we truly are…

looking through poetic eyes, metaphorical eyes, we witness a pregnant lioness on a high hill looking for food for the cub growing inside… she spies a flock of sheep and leaps down, down, down dying on impact with the blow of the landing… the baby cub is raised by the sheep and lives as a sheep until one day a lion approaches the flock heading straight for the young lion sheep who’s sure the end is nigh… the older lion carries the one who thinks she’s a sheep to a crystal clear lake and when the sheep lion sees her reflection, she roars in awe, awakening to whom she really is, a being of limitless courage, limitless heart who’s here on an ensouled sacred mission…

may the blessings of the harvest fill the holy vessels we are with courage and compassion…


Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 230 – 8/2/2020

aloha to the almost full moon in aquarius on this day we celebrate the astonishing light of our being and on this day in the northern hemisphere of celebrating soular harvest, lammas, the celtic festival of lughnasadh honoring the great sun king, the god of light as well as the queen mother of the grain and earth and their union that creates the seeds of all life and brings forth the harvest signifying the continual circle of life and the eventual surrender to the source of light…

may we celebrate the feasting and grace that the source of all life provides to sustain all cosmic hearts and hands…

may we appreciate the great gift the cosmos bestows on us during lammas – the union of Venus and Mars and a new energy of relationship emerges flowing through the divine feminine and birthing a wise feminine energy so needed in this moment…

may the wisdom of the divine feminine re-awaken original blessing reality – revealing we are the ones we’ve been waiting for to mutate into/back to original sacred instructions, the mystical law that we are one and we can trust in the power of the sacred self, the soul to transform… blessed be!

inspired by the astonishing light of our being, let’s take this moment, this wild and precious moment to leap with faith into the mystical world beyond the five senses and reason and conditional love and judgement into the tiny space of the heart, vast spaciousness of the all that is where there are no words or language to encompass the astonishing lightness of being… deep bows, co-hearts…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 229 – 8/1/2020

i put down roots today deep, deep down into the earth to listen for the naming of this moonth… i was going back and forth and finally settled on apocalyptic august reclaiming the original meaning of the word as revelatory and may it be so… may truth be unveiled, may we slow down into the albedo stage of alchemy with the main focus being inward and rooting ourselves deeply into the taproot, the source of the tree of life…

today as we honor this new beginning, let’s open our real eyes – our eyes of wonder and awe –  seeing everything as if for the first time and meander over to Mr Roger’s neighborhood for some of his sacred instructions, lessons that so perfectly mirror the sage words of perennial wisdom…

It’s okay to feel whatever it is that we feel

But our feelings aren’t an excuse for bad behavior

Other people are different from us—and just as complex as we are

It’s our responsibility to care for the most vulnerable

We can work to make a difference right where we are

It’s important to make time to care for ourselves

We are neighbors

may we all be caring neighbors for each other and may the wisdom of the divine feminine reveal and re-awaken original blessing reality – blessed be!