Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 251 – 8/23/2020

Welcome Home!

relatives, we are lovingly invited

to spend this moment, this beautiful moment

at home with Beloved…

simply being presence of essence…

come as you are, your radiant Self,

for this moment of

wonder, awe, bliss, compassion, flow, grace, joy, kindness

to drink in the gamma rays flooding the cosmos with a divine transfusion of transfiguring love…


in the wake of the great reset following the total eclipse of the sun three years ago at this time, a dream arises of being in a field where the Beloved Communion dwells and hearing that our mission is to sing… last night/this morning the dream returns saying it is the moment to be about this business of singing in the wake of the ever quickening initiation we are all undergoing…

are you hearing beloved singing you? listen a little deeper for the cosmic hum as you suspend noise and distraction in this moment, this beautiful moment… are you hearing the whispers of the ancestors flowing through our oceanic body? ah yes, let’s pause here in the stillpoint and align with the rhythm of our one heart…

may earth’s song reach into our deepest and wildest sacred spaces… may we hear the melodic voices of all our relations… may our inhalations inspire re-joy-sing and our exhalations re-sound and re-verberate harmony throughout the watery womb of our one heart…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 250 – 8/22/2020

withdrawing from the outer world may seem like capitulation or loss, when, in reality the very act of emptying out and coming into the stillpoint is what engenders creation….

ah, the gift of unplugging and standing in the center of the sacred hoop of life – everywhere i walk today reveals the divine, every step deepens the knowing of the interconnection, the oneness we are, all is love… look into the reflecting pool of life, what do you see? what sees you? may we all take this moment to breathe in our true nature, feel the love and celebrate with wild abandon…

offering great thanks to our mother the earth, our father the sky, sister moon,  brother sun and to all our relations for our earth walk, the way of the heart…

as we (s)age into grace we return to where we began… the garden of eden, heaven on earth and we see everything as if for the first time… this present moment, this ordinary moment, this extraordinary moment all one in the same…

when we rest fully in this moment, dwelling in the consciousness of the divine, we embody awe, awakened wonderfilled energy, and radiant light fills our being shining everywhere…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 249 – 8/21/2020

* written on the total soular eclipse 8/21/17

indeed i am – embracing the path of totality… jo is letting me, nia, aka ms radiance, little ms firecracker, write the post today… i’m just returning from my first overnight pilgrimage with the fam – what an adventure! we traveled to the land of the ufo festival to gather with a bunch of two leggeds to watch the total eclipse of the sun… the relatives of the human variety got all excited as the big ball of gas in the sky got more and more eclipsed by the moon… we all had to wear these special contraptions on our eyes, they tasted a lot better than they helped me see… my favorite part was licking the dew off the grass and bounding across the field like a jumping bean… the two leggeds loved it when for a split second everything went totally dark… howlelujah! they sounded like my ancestors, the woof clan, who teach that an eclipse on the new moon amplifies the new world’s birth… howlelujah!!

thank you, nia, for re-membering that day and so glad we got to celebrate it again today – woo hoo! the third anniversary of the total soular eclipse we experienced here and for all of us who shared this primal event, we remain transfixed and transformed forever by that magical mystical moment… that moment which initiated such a momentous turn around the sun with each moment pulling us deeper and deeper into the tunnel of light…

let’s celebrate totality by centering together… and so we get comfortable and begin to breathe together, to conspire so we can go deeper and higher at the speed of light…

imagine a filament of light lifting us up from the crown chakra and another filament of light grounding us from our root chakra… feel ourselves as a bridge of light uniting heaven and earth…

now,imagine a great star radiating brilliant light over the whole cosmos and pouring this light like a waterfall onto us replenishing our chi and washing away all expended energy into earth for composting…

feel that waterfall of bright, warm, loving light raining down onto our head and suffusing into our eyes which now see beauty everywhere and into our ears which now listen deeply understanding heartfully and now the light suffuses into our tongue and throat so our speech is uplifting and the waterfall flows into our hands imbuing them with healing touch and flows into our lungs cleansing and purifying so each breath is refreshing and revivifying and into our one heart revealing the divine light of our true nature, the inner light of our immortal soul which shines eternally…

savor this light coursing through us enlivening, inspiring, washing away  any blocks and experience the light within merging with the divine light of the waterfall forming a rainbow egg of light completely surrounding us, sheltering us,loving us, freeing us

may all nourishing thoughts, words and deeds filter through this egg of light as blessings and afflictive ones bounce off the eggshell and be transmuted as blessings as well… yes, let’s go wild – wonder imaginatively in love and devotion… howlelujah!!!

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 248 – 8/20/2020

two years ago on this day i awoke with a deep sense of grief, cosmic grief and the poignant image of  Tahlequah, the mourning mother who carried her dead calf  for seventeen days arises and it takes me to another image of a mare gone wild searching all over for her colt who was stillborn and it brings me close to home… is there anything more painful than experiencing the loss of a child you have carried inside your heart?

as Tahlequah suffered through this momentous loss swimming over 1000 miles with her calf, she was never alone… her tribe was always close by giving her food, comfort and support… her six kindred sisters forming a seamless circle of love show us all what it means to hold space and compassionately offer support during those moments of heartbreak we all suffer, we all endure…

years ago, it inspired me to learn that the elder sisters of the orcas were the ones who knew where to find nourishment and so are vital for the life of the tribe… once again, these wisdom keepers offer all relatives a loving way to be…

today i am transported to the land of Talequah and i feel so at home and so in awe of her actions two years ago and how much wisdom they offer us in this epic moment of mutation when nature messages us over and over to radically change our ways, to root ourselves in a new/old way of walking home together in solidarity and support real-eye-sing we are onebody with all cells belonging to each other interdependent on each other…

may we, like our orca elders, our sisters, know where the feeding grounds of true nourishment are and how to be with and guide others as wise elders during these times of  heartbreak to solace and deep peace of the running wave…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 247 – 8/19/2020

I live my life in widening circles

that reach out across the world.

I may never complete this last one,

but I give myself to it.

I circle around God, that primordial tower.

I’ve been circling for thousands of years

and I still don’t know: am I a falcon,

a storm, or a great song?

~ Rainer Maria Rilke ~


standing still in the center of the wheel this moment communing with source and by extension with all that is brings peace and the understanding it is the moment to break free and live in ever widening circles of co-rrelation…

wowzer! what a most interesting moment we are in as we circle around what is and who we are in ever widening circles demonstrating that we, like the cosmos, are ever expanding and deepening and we have it in us to face into the pain, the suffering, the despair of  a world of  uncertainty supported by the boundless wellspring of love always flowing through us, around us, above us below us, beside us…

yes, this moment’s the moment to stop the world, to stand still in the center and listen to all the messages of the inspiriting whirling winds…

re-membering we can always return to the breath being still and fully present in this beautiful moment being a mantra of thanksgiving, being a falcon of free flight, being a song of joyous delight, taking this moment, this wild precious moment to love boundlessly and shine luminously as a beacon of wise hope and comfort in the storm…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 246 – 8/18/2020

today, in addition to celebrating 100 years of women having the right to vote, we also get to draw down the energies of the new moon in leo finally and to dance in the dark empty and free planting seeds of peace and harmony…

and this new moon being in leo emboldens us with the courage of the lion/lioness to roar, to awaken to this new day, this new you, this new field ripe for seeding with intentions of our deepest heartfelt desires, what was previously seen as impossible, in this epic transitional great turning is i’m possible so yes, go wild in this moment of the old world falling away as the up side is it is the moment for for renaissance and re-membering who we truly be – bowls of light shining the aloha spirit of all one, in service to all our relations in the beloved community of the one illuminated heart of boundless love…

let us conspire, breathe together into the heart space being lovingkindness feeling the warmth of the sun flowing into all our wild cells opening the heart ever wider and deeper… luxuriate in the stillpoint using this energy to breathe the world anew in service of healing and being a beacon of benevolence, a lighthouse of love…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 245 – 8/17/2020

today is the thirty-third anniversary of harmonic convergence and it feels just so… a day of grace, a day when the sun, in the form of holy grandmother spider creatrix, shines through the clouds offering very warm embraces and whispered words of wisdom to be still in this moment of wild abandon into the great turning, to trust this moment of surrender to the true self, to re-member the sun always shines and when it shines on rain, creation is transformed into iridescent rainbow arcs encircling the cosmos within and without converging, confluing in perfect harmony, in this moment, this beautiful moment of grace… may we all awaken to the beauty breathing us alive…

yes, there is beauty in this moment as we transmute which is the calling of virus in its mission as a messaging system parallel to mama gaia sending us more and more increasingly emphatic messages about changing our ways of dominion and power over and coming home to walking in balance… yes, caterpillar, let go of ravenous consumption sheltering in the womb of pachamama to be birthed as imaginal cells of the one body – rooted, winged deep diving beings of flight…

aloha and mahalo…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 244 – 8/16/2020

so much to honor and celebrate today on the 4th anniversary of devoting sunday’s peace to the astonishing light of being and the 2nd anniversary of the songbird known as the queen of soul, the first woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, child musical prodigy, civil rights activist, touchstone of  the times calling us, singing us into the core of being where love, beauty and truth abide, this extraordinary/ordinary being circling around the cosmos singing us home to our one heart…

more than ever, we need the truth and power of Aretha’s soul song… may we be inspired to walk the talk, to dance the soul song, Aretha so beautifully emanated…

i still can’t re-member a time without her voice echoing in the background, thankfully, her voice echoes eternally…

synchronously, on awakening, i re-member a dream also of four years ago of being in a field where the Beloved Communion dwells and hearing that our mission is to sing… as on so many awakenings, a melody sings me as i luxuriate in this liminal space with one sole in dreamtime and the other in awaketime…

on this anniversary of the queen of soul dropping her body, are you hearing beloved singing you? listen a little deeper for the cosmic hum as you suspend noise and distraction in this moment, this beautiful moment… are you hearing the whispers of the ancestors flowing through our oceanic body? ah yes, let’s pause here in the stillpoint and align with the rhythm of our one heart…

may earth’s song reach into our deepest and wildest sacred spaces… may we hear the melodic voices of all our relations: stones, stars, streams, breezes, sand, sun, ocean, currents, plants, starfish, seas, planets, creatures, rivers, and winds… may our inhalations inspire re-joy-sing and our exhalations re-sound and re-verberate lovingkindness and harmony throughout the watery womb of our one heart…

sing, sing, wherever you are, a song of compassion blessing pachamama, the spirit of land, the spirit of life, the one spirit encircling all in the great web of life intricately interconnecting all our relatives as one body with trillions and trillions of cells resonating and harmoni-sing as we converge into one vast field of love…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 243 – 8/15/2020

this image visits me frequently… in dreams, in waking moments, especially in a moment of turbulence such as our planet is in and on a day such as this, a day of slowing down and seeing inside, of hearing the call to rally for peace as we celebrate the assumption of mother mary sauntering along the rainbow trail, the path with heart, the pilgrimage of the soul, the pathless path…

the peace pilgrimage, the pathless path of soul takes courage, a heart letting go completely to soften into the call of the beloved trusting that in this surrender, the cosm, the cosmos will have our back…

“A true vocation requires shedding anything that would impede or obscure the call. A true pilgrimage requires letting go of the very things most people try to hold onto. In seeking after what the soul desires we become pilgrims with no home but the path the soul would have us follow.”
~ Michael Meade ~

rapidly, i’m approaching the three year anniversary of being called into the lion’s roar, into awakening, into the deepest initiation adventure of this incarnation, three turns around the sun of arriving, of  coming home into the present moment, the true self wholeheartedly with all the trillions and trillions of wild cells humming, embodying the frequency of soul…

which brings me back to this image of crossing to the other shore, a crossing so much of this incarnation has been about… over the last six months, everyone’s been invited to make this crossing and its taken on a deepened and expanded meaning… thich nhat hanh talks about when the boat people were leaving viet nam and facing turbulent seas, if one person could remain calm, they would stay aright… i take this on as a vow to be the person to stay calm in the storm trusting in the cosm always having our backs…

thank you for joining in solidarity as a rebel of love, a reveler of love, a revealer of love, a revolutionary of love taking courage in the dream of second coming, of all awakening in the promised land…

“This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.” ~ Rumi ~

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 242 – 8/14/2020

“He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self.”

~ Bhagavad Gita ~

a day of tahoma, the native name for beloved mt rainier pictured here… love the name tahoma sounding like to home, ah… and in deed, another day of coming home to the heart and trusting in this wild, uncertain journey… trusting in it’s rhythm which dances to the beat of the divine drummer of our one heart… following the rhythm deep within to the silent stillpoint where our most profound purpose lies in the ground of being calling us to nurture this trust daily… calling us to offer full presence, lovingkindness, compassion and generosity which opens the portal to a freedom of floating in the golden buoyant sea and vibrating in a river of joy frequency which is in the core of all being, that field of unitive harmony out beyond and in beyond all boundaries and borders into the unknown where we follow a pathless path, a path the soul carves out and invites us to be open and curious bearing reverential witness to the unfolding and taking action through dreaming, attention, intention…

before signing off, i want to honor that on this date four years ago, i began what has become a weekly sun day practice of reveren-sing the astonishing light of our being and i began with an image of a quintessential emissary of joy – sister hummingbird who reminds us all of our birthright as children of the light… let us take this moment to invoke her presence of soul consciousness through the hum of her wings, our soul in free flight, resonating with the cosmic hum, the heartbeat of earth mother, flowing in the rhythm of star nation’s light waves…

if ever we feel fear, doubt, depression, loss, call on hummer to share the deep sea journey of surrender, the pilgrimage of impermanence… be in this moment, this beautiful moment drinking the nectar and letting it go… breathing in love and breathing out light… singing and re-joy-sing again and again…

thank you for joining me in pau-sing in this moment to drink in beloved’s love and appreciate the unconditional support always offered as we are called to break open our one heart wider and wider and deeper and deeper…

love dan-sing home through the unitive field of harmony with you being breathed together as one…