Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 177 – 6/10/2020

are you feeling called now more emphatically than ever to go and do the heart work? as we witness and listen to thousands and thousands of beings across the planet rise in concert with Venus to be and do the heart work of facing into shadow material and proclaiming enough is enough with racism, violence and dehumanization or better, deanimisation, as we want to include all beings; these triplets of the dying dominance worldview giving way more and more to real-eye-sing unity, peace and interconnection…

for a moment, i want to move from the macrocosm to this microcosm honoring the quintessential days, the last five days of five years ago, the anniversary of the dogstar, the blue star rupturing open my physical eye awakening  seeing predominantly with the spirit eye…

today, i’m called to contemplate the old story of there’s a spirit in everything, a genius, a divine spark that we are all called to re-member so Rilke’s words quoted in the image arise organically as do Michelangelo’s:

“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.”

and even more emphatically when he says…

“Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.”

aren’t these words all an excellent instruction manual on doing the heart work of aligning with great spirit, rainbow mystery, the one heart, creative process, authenticity?…

yes, listen, listen, listen ever more deeply to our heartsong… release the spirit of the wise pilgrim navigating the journey, the genie always within every bottle/body… and then, may we all proclaim, free at last, free at last, free to…

walk in beauty on the path today

breathe it in and be carried away

by whispering winds demanding their say:

behold the wonder of each moment this day