Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 147 – 5/11/2020

Happy Mothering Peaceful Gaia Day!

every day is mama gaia day and there’s another peace i want to insert into our celebration of the annual mother’s peace day, so, in honor of mama gaia, grandmother spider and all her relatives…

“Dear Great Hearted One,

This day we honor and celebrate
the women who have given life to us,
the women who give life to ideas,
the women who died giving life,
the women who wanted to have a child,
but didn’t get to,
the women who right now
are tilling their fertile soil for new seed,
the women who choose not to have a child
but have many children,
the women who are in captivity,
the women who are free,
those who were mothered well,
and those who had crazy mamas,
because any mama that did not love you well,
was not well enough,
the women who are struggling
this moment to care for their babies,
and the women who right now
snuggle with little ones under
feather comforters,
for those whose mamas have gone on,
and for those who are mamas to be,
for women who miscarried precious life,
and those who carried many lives,
for single mamas who want their mate,
and for married mamas who want to be seen and heard,
for those who never got to have a mama hold them,
and for those mama’s whose children
will not speak to them.A Blessings for happy mamas and sad mamas and all the ones in between,especially those in need of rest and to speak their own voices.To Mama earth and all her children.
With Gratitude to the Great Mama of all,

All life today, we celebrate on Mama Day.

Blessed Mother of life, hear the prayers
of your children this day

Open our hearts to hear
that which you are speaking to us and through us.”

~ Shiloh Sophia ~

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 146 – 5/10/2020

“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.”

~Hafiz ~

for this week’s installment of the astonishing light of being which falls on Mother’s Day, we have a wonderful astonishing light of mothering peace in the person of Julia Ward Howe…

many countries around the world celebrate mother’s day on the second sunday of may; in the United States, the origins of the official holiday go back to 1870 when Julia Ward Howe – an abolitionist best remembered as the poet who wrote “Battle Hymn of the Republic” – worked to establish a Mother’s Peace Day. Howe dedicated the celebration to the eradication of war and organized festivities in Boston for years….

her call for women to arise remains electrifying one hundred and fifty years later… we need to return to its original focus – that of promoting world peace…  on this Mother’s Day, honor your mother by contributing to the “great and general interests of peace” both at home and abroad… when 1000 mothers come together calling for peace, harmony becomes the frequency of consciousness…

may all mothers of invention feeling divine feminine energy rising within, no matter our gender, come together being peace now with the power to heal, soothe suffering, conjure courage and be the transformation…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 145 – 5/9/2020

i ventured on a re-treat this week to tune into the cosmic hum, that secret song of source singing through us and i real -eyes two years ago on this very week, i also went on a retreat to be one with dolphins, to attune to their sonic field, to drink in the dream of their soul songs and what a delight to have these melodies flowing through the ocean of being, these haunting melodies of re-membering, these beautiful sounds of silence transporting us home sacredly, secretly, silently, softly, surrenderedly, synchronisticly to the place of true belonging, the stillpoint of creation where there’s only the dance of the sounds of silence… i was about to say that the outer world circumstances were so different two years ago and then i re-member the day before i landed a volcano had started erupting so that we were also in such a moment of uncertainty and wondering what’s going on which calls for deep listening…

trees dancing… birds singing,,, winds whispering… leaves rustling… stars sparkling… clouds floating… water falling home… planets orbiting… cats purring…. pots and pans banging welcoming workers home… people singing… gaia’s heartbeat pulsing… flowing in the rhythm of  the cosmic hum… listening, listening, listening to the heartsong which reminds that the world doesn’t come to an end, energy isn’t created or destroyed, it is transmuted and the hum sings to relax into this great turning, to go with the flow down, down, down into the ocean’s core, the stillpoint where all is well, peaceful and serene…

still in the radiation of the super full moon of enlightenment and in the unitve field of silent re-treat, it seems appropriate to close this peace in the manner His Holiness opens each day and may we all join in and take this as our purpose for these times…

May I Be A Guide

May I be a guard for those who need protection
A guide for those on the path
A boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood
May I be a lamp in the darkness
A resting place for the weary
A healing medicine for all who are sick
A vase of plenty, a tree of miracles
And for the boundless multitudes of living beings
May I bring sustenance and awakening
Enduring like the earth and the sky
Until all beings are free from sorrow
And all are awakened.

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 144 – 5/8/2020

may we always stand like curious children before great mystery…

another day in the stillness of the bardo- like state where we have lost our old reality and don’t yet know what our new reality might be luxuriating in true emptiness, sacred space of the void/open spaciousness/liberation where we are free from bondage to any dogma/system/anything and free to be our true nature re-membering we are bits of dancing stars wandering in the great beyond…

this rupture, in our old way of seeing and being, may also bring with it a sense of groundlessness, uncertainty and our instinct to fill in the story as quickly as possible so we can hold on to some sense of continuity in our lives to which i say, not so fast…

injoy this mind-blowing magical mystery tour moment we all collectively find ourselves in with mama gaia imploring us to deeply reflect upon and contemplate our true reality and how we are to be in the turning and unfolding of great mystery… as Carl Sagan reminds us, “The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.”

and, may we relax into the reality of not knowing, impermanence and uncertainty as we bear witness compassionately to the powerful dynamism of the cosmos coming into harmony…

“Before you judge others or claim any absolute truth, consider that you can see less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum and hear less than 1% of the acoustic spectrum. As you read this, you are traveling at 220 kilometers per second across the galaxy. 90% of the cells in your body carry their own microbial DNA and are not “you”. The atoms in your body are 99.9999999999999999% empty space and none of them are the ones you were born with, but they all originated in the belly of a star. Human beings have 46 chromosomes, 2 less than the common potato. The existence of the rainbow depends on the conical photoreceptors in your eyes; to animals without cones, the rainbow does not exist. So you don’t just look at a rainbow, you create it. This is pretty amazing, especially considering that all the beautiful colors you see represent less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum.”


may we gather our courage and use this collective initiation wisely transmuting into dancing rainbow mystery, luminescent stars shining across infinity’s deep sea answering mama gaia’s call to live imaginally, as the next iteration of all our relations living by source’s original instructions in a peaceable realm, a unitive field knowing in every cell we are one…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 143 – 5/7/2020

“Your soul knows the geography of your destiny. Your soul alone has the map of your future, therefore you can trust this indirect, oblique side of yourself. If you do, it will take you where you need to go, but more important it will teach you a kindness of rhythm in your journey.”

~John O’Donohue ~

beloved, we hear the call to wander into wonder on this day of the full moon of enlightenment and feel the buddha’s outpouring of blessings inspiring us to fall into grace, to dream in the rhythm of dolphins, to tune into celestial spheres and transform into radiant orbs of luminescence floating through the sky sea of love catalysed to serve and support all sentient beings…

on this day of celebrating awakening to our purpose and trusting in our soul to show us the wat, let us invoke our true nature of divine light…


I am created by Divine Light

I am sustained by Divine Light

I am protected by Divine Light

I am surrounded by Divine Light

I am ever growing into Divine Light…

Every cell of this my physical body is filled with Divine Light;

Every level of my consciousness is illumined with Divine Light.

The Divine Light penetrates every single cell of my being,

Every level of consciousness.

I have become a channel of pure Light.

I am One with the Light…


this radiance pilgrimage blessing is a beautyway to open and close each day letting this light spiral from source to the heart…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 142 – 5/6/2020

on this night before the full super moon of illumination, blessings and enlightenment under the sun of taurus, just hours before the high water mark of spiritual blessing, gifting, offering in the world, the day before wesak, the festival celebrating Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death, let us join together in a one heart meditation in gratitude for every sacred moment and for all our relations living as one rainbow people of peace…

Breathing In, I enjoy my in-breath.
Breathing out, I enjoy my out-breath.

Enjoying In-breath.
Enjoying Out-breath.

Breathing In, I become mindful of my heart beating, sending blood and new oxygen to every part of my body.
Breathing out, I smile to this life, flowing inside me

Aware of heart beating
Smiling to life flowing through me

Breathing In, I feel my in-breath bringing life to every cell of my body
Breathing out, I feel my out-breath deepening my awareness of being alive

In-breath, bringing life to every cell
Out-breath, deepening my being alive

Breathing In, I know that my heart beating is also the heart of my ancestors, with all their dreams, joy, happiness, strength and courage
Breathing out, I am determined to continue to nourish this heart for them and for me

My heart, the heart of my ancestors
Determined to continue their joy, courage and strength

Breathing In, I know that my heart beating is also the heart of my ancestors, with all their fears, sadness, hunger, anger, hatred and discrimination
Breathing out, I am determined to practice to transform the afflictions of my ancestors in my own heart

My heart, the heart of my ancestors
Determined to transform their afflictions

Breathing in, I am aware of the very many hearts beating in this room right now, bringing life, blood and oxygen to many parts of the many bodies here.
Breathing out, I smile to this life flowing all around me

Aware of very many hearts around
Smiling to life flowing all around me

Breathing in, I am aware that all these hearts are the hearts of many ancestors, with their joy, dreams and suffering
Breathing out, I am determined to learn to embrace, accept and love all the people around me

Hearts around, the hearts of many ancestors
Determined to embrace, accept and love

Breathing in, I am aware of the Heart of the Earth under and all around me, beating in the trees, rocks, grass, water, birds…
Breathing out, I take refuge in the Heart of the Earth, in Her Love, Strength, Forbearance and Creativity, always bringing forth new life.

Aware of the Heart of the Earth
Taking refuge in the Earth

may we all be blessed by the thousand thousandfold blessings Buddha rains upon us under this magical moon…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 141 – 5/5/2020

“We try to re-create ourselves when things fall apart. We return to the solid ground of our self-concept as quickly as possible. …When things fall apart, instead of struggling to regain our concept of who we are, we can use it as an opportunity to be open and inquisitive about what has just happened and what will happen next. That is how we turn this arrow into a flower.”

~ Pema Chödrön ~

i see cinco de mayo as a day of celebrating liberation, once again i honor this day by going on a re-treat inside of our collective re-treat and injoying it as an opportunity to be open and curious about what is going on the continued unfolding of this great mystery…

like you, i’ve been feeling a seismic shift for many moons, thirty years ago i began my daily mantra of being one of the ones to call in the new/old world and here she is and here i am with an emphatic calling to gather with the imaginal cells open to aligning with divine flow…

may we all come into a deeper and more expansive knowing of who we are… slowed down sound and light waves in a sea of love energy, the ocean of being, the flowering field of interconnection and may we take this extraordinary moment to do the deep work of radical (rooted) change by plugging into the taproot/umbilical cord in the core of our interbeing and aligning our antennae with the source antenna…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 140 – 5/4/2020

today, i re-member, is the 50th anniversary of  Kent State and it’s as if it is happening in this eternal moment; i’m transported to that day when it echoed around the world that four were dead in Ohio, four students massacred as we protested the tragedy of the Vietnam war and the bombing of Cambodia,,, this massacre led to four million of us gathering four days later for a general strike…

two years ago today as i prepared to go on re-treat, i hear of a powerful volcano rocking the Big Island of  Hawaii where i’m headed for the next day and i re-member CG Jung saying we all live at the edge of a volcano – how true that is for us right now – which brings me to the dynamic founder of  a revolutionary collective, Tree Sisters whose mission is to plant a billion trees…

join with me in listening to Clare’s personal story of transformation and join in this movement by becoming a TreeSister or TreeBrother…

This is a first for me. I want to try to write about something incredibly personal, because I think the gift of it needs to extend beyond my own experience. I’m not sure that I will do it justice but I’m going to try. I’ll offer it up as a seed to be planted into the soil of our collective consciousness in case it can grow.

We just escaped the floods in Kauai by a few short days. It feels so strange, counting yourself lucky for ‘getting out in time’, when many of the places that blessed us are now underwater, and new friends that we met have lost everything.

The experience was a lot on every level. The weather felt unstable, angry and confused from the moment we got there. A tropical island with temperatures in the 50’s. Folks running around trying to buy heaters in a place that doesn’t need to sell them. Incessant wind and rain that felt like it was trying to be heard and paid attention to. I was listening, but I was also afraid.

…I’ve been weeping over the science of climate change for two decades or more, and yet as it unfolds my animal body is not prepared. More about that later…

Kauai had been calling me, and I went there fully aware that I was choosing a rebirth. I wanted to walk into the sea one version of myself, and reemerge another. I was fed up with my fears. Sometimes it is a person in our lives that shows us to ourselves so clearly that we can make a quantum leap. Sometimes it is a place, or the being of a place. For me it was a living Pacific island.

I’m not sure what I expected, but as soon as we landed I could feel Her energy. One word for it. Mother. And she was swift to introduce Herself.

I knew nothing about Kauai; the lands, the people, what had been done to them, the critically endangered species everywhere, the wild weather, the radical beauty, the sumptuousness, fragility or the feeling of being on the patch of land further away from anywhere else on the planet – and still picking up so much plastic from the beaches.

We were on the north west coast, close to Ke’e, being taken by a friend onto private land being held as a bird sanctuary; land that was ancient settlement turned forest. Taro field terraces draped across a sacred valley. Home and temple remains hugged the drenched and fertile jungle ground. To the owner, this place apparently held the first Ha’ou (Hawaiian temple) and the birthplace of Hula. All I knew was that as soon as I stepped into that forest, everything changed.

A few feet in, my eyesight shifted and I started to wobble on my feet. Light was radiating off every surface and my consciousness was getting muddled. As we climbed terrace after terrace, huge black volcanic rock walls now home of the trees, I felt less and less of this world and more and more freaked out. At one point, I simply hit a wall of light and stopped. ‘The entrance to the Ha’ou’ I was informed. A sacred place still so potent that it requested conscious entry. When I stepped across the threshold my perceptions split so acutely, I knew I couldn’t walk any further and had to sit down. I sat between two levels in the temple and held onto my head for dear life.

As my friends continued up the valley side, I could see ripples of light radiating towards me like reverse ripples on a pond. Like I was being sensed by the place, over and over and over again. I literally started praying to the trees to hold me safe as my internal vision was taken back to witness the birth of Hawaii.

A feminine presence that is totally indescribable erupted from beneath Earth’s crust. I felt Her choose Her spot with radical precision, and blast through like a Goddess throwing back her head with wild abandon and laughter. She was the very embodiment of raw, uncensored, volcanic, feminine power.

I felt Her growing Her body with layers and layers of molten rock turned to muscle and bone, as if through my own body. I got to feel the vibrant consciousness alive within every inch of stone, soil, plant and water. I could feel how She senses and responds. Just how completely aware of everything She is.

Hawaiians speak about their deities as living beings of place. Beyond my limited comprehension of the elemental kingdom, the beings of Hawaii still hold much authority and if my experience is anything to go by, are still very much alive. This was the first of what I can only describe as multiple transmissions of leadership training from Pele – and yes I do sound ridiculous. But. And. I cannot unfeel what I just felt.

That wild beingness was of a level of power, intelligence and undeniability that I knew could alter the whole chemical makeup or magnetism of that island rock with a flick of Her will. She was immediate not slow, and I was left, having stumbled back down the valley and out of the forest, no longer able to relate to the apparency of climate change in the way that I had before.

Here we are, living in this weird dissociated state, when there are levels of relationship and intimacy available with the beingnesses of this planet, so profound that we have no concept of what could be possible. I’m struck again and again by the realization that we have no idea what we actually are as human beings, and by the words that I heard at the crash that gave me TreeSisters: ‘Women have to remember who and what they really are – feminine consciousness has to be reinstated, or its over’.

One thing is clear. We need to gather. We need that exponential potency born of collective consciousness and the intentional dropping beyond what we know ourselves to be. It’s time to bow to the sacredness of all life including ourselves, in ways that we have yet to comprehend. To ask to be shown. To sit in radical humility. To let the versions of ourselves that we’ve been wedded to give way to who and what we are capable of being on behalf of every species and this planet in massive transition. It’s time for rebirth; huge, chosen, bowed to, demanded, and we are not alone.

We can be as intimate with the beings of this world as we allow ourselves to be, through the levels of presence that we choose to inhabit in our lives. Kauai called me and I went to Her. She must have known that She had the exact medicine that I needed to shed the skin that was ready to go, but I was also clear that I wanted Her help. I feel like I am starting to grow up in a whole new way that is literally Earth led.

So can we do that? Can we consciously call forth the support and transmissions of the places, nature and beings of this planet to help show us who we really are, and how to live as HumanKind – as restorers – as architects of ‘heaven as Earth’ instead of hell – as the protectors of the future generations? And can we start to act like the ones that will actively restore our world whilst we discover how to shift our consciousnesses and culture?

Yes we can. It has to be what we’re for. Surely it has to be now.

This lifetime is a privilege beyond words and each of us has an opportunity to make it count in ways that even yesterday seemed inconceivable. Nature knows us way better than we know ourselves…how about we ask Her what we’re for?

P.S. If you would like to step in as a monthly member on behalf of the trees in a green, leafy and oxygen rich way, then you can do that here. Thank you for caring and for giving back!

may we all ask mama gaia what we’re for and listen deeply for her answer in this planetary moment of sacred pau-sing and metamorpho-sing…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 139 – 5/3/2020

today is the day of the week to celebrate the astonishing light of being, when writing last night i wasn’t putting together it was the first saturday in may which is the world labyrinth day of peace, so let’s celebrate our astonishing light of being with walking the labyrinth, coming home to center…

let’s start at the beginning of the labyrinth imagining this meditation as a walking in beautiful nature, into our true beautiful nature… standing at the entrance and centering, going to the still place  of our one heart and listening for intention, where we’ll place our attention as we walk this pilgrimage of the heart…

on peace pilgrimages into the center, i love chanting peace with every step on the way in and thank you on the return offering this prayer for the benefit of all our relations…

now, three deep purifying breaths as we silently  say… make us instruments of peace, peace, peace…

as we tread this path, be aware of the rhythmic ebb and flow of breath sounding like  ocean waves…

letting go into the dance of the stillpoint, we are carried into the center, the heart, to pause and reflect on the deep peace of the running waves…

here in the chrysalis of pregnant pause, let’s injoy silence together contemplating the mystical nature of life and where great mystery is calling us to be… grounding ourselves in the metamorphosing field by breathing in infinite love and breathing out infinite gratitude while opening ever more widely and deeply to our soul song saying

mystery before us

mystery behind us

mystery beside us

mystery below us

mystery above us

mystery within us

mystery surrounding us

may we all deepen in wonder and awe every moment, every breath, every step joining with all our relatives in the center, in the stillpoint, in communion, common union with all that is filling ourselves to go out into the world and be love and peace and joy…

deep bows…

Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 138 – 5/2/2020

a favorite teacher of mine, Albert Einstein, reminds us that no matter how many years we live to always stand like a curious child before Great Mystery…

and, this admonition reminds me of a transformational moment and, yes, this moment is quite the teacher of love… when i was a college student many decades ago following a powerful nirvana experience, i real-eyesed all there is, is love and then wanted to revolutionize education to speak, study, read only of love…

it is metamorphosing may in a moment on the third rock from the sun when we are all in chrysalis (quarantine), what better space to resurrect that  half a century old call for a love revolution?…


may we greet each moment, each teacher of love, with wonder

may we open the cracks in our one heart each moment to cosmic love’s  healing power

may we embrace great mystery’s flow in every moment

may we dance lightly on the path of reverence melting into cosmic love’s radiant glow in each moment

may we be a caravan of re-joy-sing traveling throughout our inner lanscapes in every moment

always being love, always becoming love

namaste’, beloveds