Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 158 – 5/22/2020

of hummingbirds, heart and harmony

drawing down the dark energy of gemini’s new moon… slow down to the rhythm of venus taking this moment to attune… to the soaring music of celestial spheres where love and light re-joy-sing dispels disturbing fears… take note of sister hummingbird, imbiber of sweet nectar as wholeheartedly she embraces each and every flower… freely exchanging creative power, a delicate balance is sustained… nature’s call for harmony is seeded with every breath… thank you, feathered friend, for showing us the way… to travel lightly on the wings of love, between the worlds below and above… always coming home to nest, always coming home to rest… in the tiny space, in the belonging place, the centered ground of being… where wildpeace sings a silent song and dances without movement… where life begins and comes to a never ending end… one eternal rhythm flowing again and again…

hurray, hurray for metamorphosing may and may we join with venus in this moment of re-newal and re-flection and re-evaluation as one cycle ends so another can begin and we rise, we rise, we rise as the morning star into the skies in touch with how we are to be… grounded in a love setting us free to cross-pollinate and commune compassionately overcoming hate…

we are made for this moment to go deeply within shedding and shedding skin after skin waiting patiently for the new to come in as we pick up our thread and saunter home already feeling the cosmic healing as we join together in om sweet om…