Poetic Peace Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 150 – 5/14/2020

today, i am longing for the sea, so i float like a cloud in the buoyansea imagining i am an instrument of peace… a water harp, a hollow reed, a true refuge of emptiness/spaciousness where divine mother waters flow through entraining every cell to hum her cosmic grace frequency, to sing the joy of the bubbling wellspring at the core of being…

deep moments of listening fill the bowl/chalice/heart/womb with haunting melodies as well on this rainy day in portalandia known in the mayan calendar synchronisticly as the day of rain and echo/reverberate throughout the canyon lands of being… in this silence, etherial music flows as gently as water through the reeds…

what a sweet day being a hollow reed, an instrument of peace… tuning into the rhythm of cosmic hum, relaxing into the running waves that come, savoring, especially, the hohum… meeting each moment as a friend, breathing out and breathing in, vibrating at the frequency of a grin… knowing the greatest gift we offer to each other is our openhearted presence, may each moment be sacred space of reverence with each step a soulful dance of kissing the earth…

and, may we all feel the deep peace of the stillpoint that is always alive within, thousandfold blessings, beautiful friend …