come to the river beloved
come to the river beloved
come to the river beloved
on the third call, we hear the waters of our one heart
and respond like every other day in this moon by diving deeply
into the ocean of being, jumping off the cliff into the unknown
to listen with the heart in the space beyond words…
here, in the stillpoint, we surrender into the most profound rest
germinating a transformed energy enlivening every cell with primal wildness…
what a beautiful synchronicity… this day, walpurgis eve, the night to go wild with our bodies filtering sensations and perceptions through a rainbow lens cleansing all doors and windows, is also the day we bless the space between us as we close the circle on another moon or month (and, what a chaotic/creative moon!) of turning around the sun…
so, more than ever, let us all take this moment, this beautiful moment to bless this space we share… this deep space of mutation and initiation as we collectively journey in the dark, unknown and uncertain to gestate in the core of being, the womb of earthmother and listen, listen listen for her heart song, el canto hondo, the deep soul song of the cosmos calling us to reflect as we midwife an old/new heart consciousness to meet the crises, the dangers and opportunities of this extraordinary moment…
as great mystery hums our soul song through us, may we echo it to each other… to return, return, return to love by opening our one heart to divine flow’s breathing us, dreaming us, singing us, praying us, dancing us, comforting us, supporting us, freeing us, animating us, blessing us, consecrating us in this extraordinary moment…
let us, meet this moment wholeheartedly and take up the cosmic call to transform our defense system into a sacred immune system supporting, regenerating a world of PEACE where we…
dance rainbow mystery devotedly
be more loving than ever before for the well being of all
be more compassionate than ever before for the well being of all
be more harmonious than ever before for the well being of all
be liberated with every breath
come home to true refuge dwelling in our one heart with every step…