Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 86 – 3/11/2020

welcome, welcome to day 42 of a season of peace, a sacred day of flow, honoring the peace pilgrimage we walk each moment and on a day such as this one, we begin in stillness where we dance our essence of love in a cosmic field of flow… waves of light vibrating, sparkling, radiating, expanding, dancing, connecting, bonding, awakening in great mystery’s web of shimmering light…


“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed. It was the experience of mystery — even if mixed with fear — that engendered religion. A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot penetrate, our perceptions of the profoundest reason and the most radiant beauty, which only in their most primitive forms are accessible to our minds: it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute true religiosity. In this sense, and only this sense, I am a deeply religious man… I am satisfied with the mystery of life’s eternity and with a knowledge, a sense, of the marvelous structure of existence — as well as the humble attempt to understand even a tiny portion of the Reason that manifests itself in nature.”

Albert Einstein (signature)


blessed be great rainbow mystery and may we all take joy in surrendering and softening into the divine flow of the oceanic sky of being trusting in the implicate order where every moment is sacred, a rhythmic dance of grace…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 85 – 3/10/2020


welcome, welcome to day 41 of a season of peace and the the 107th anniversary of liberation champion Harriette Tubman’s death along with the 63rd anniversary of the death of Celillo Falls and a way of life for the people who’ve inhabited this part of the Pacific Northwest for 10,000 years… 

ah so, what a day of travel along the rainbow trail requiring much practice to dwell in the inner treasure and a swimming in the ocean of consciousness with ancient dolphin guides, adolpho and adelphi arriving in delphi to reunite with pythia, the oracle / psychedelic / psychedelphic / rainbow serpent who first came to me in dreamtime when i was only two, ah, i re-member this meeting as if it is happening right now… a most numinous moment when pythia telepathed the way to be a sacred vessel for the divine strong enough to channel entheos… enter into a state of Stillness feeling your Essence of Love in the field of Flow… be virgin, one-in-herSELF, pure and true and free…

may we all be full of ourSELF as holy vessels of grace real-eye-sing our liberation is bound up with all others… let us work together as one body for the liberation of us all

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 84 – 3/9/2020

welcome, welcome to day 40 of a season of peace… today is another of my favorite moments in the cycle of life when we rest in the in between times moon, the rainbow moon who sings a song of transformation, the full moon of miracles on this most auspicious final day in the tibetan buddhist calendar of celebrating losar, the new year with chotrul duchen, the day of buddha showering blessing upon blessing and when it’s a day to offer light…  


The Light of Smiles

I will light the match of smiles. My gloom veil will disappear. I shall behold my soul in the light of smiles hidden behind the accumulated darkness of ages. When I find myself, I shall race through all hearts with the torch of my soul-smiles. My heart will smile first, then my eyes, then my face. Every body part will shine in the light of smiles.

 I will run amid the thickets of melancholy hearts and make a bonfire of all sorrows. I am the irresistible fire of smiles. I will fan myself with the breeze of God-joy and blaze my way through the darkness of all minds. My smiles will convey His smiles and whoever meets me will catch a whiff of my divine joy. I will carry fragrant, purifying torches of smiles for all hearts.

from Metaphysical Meditations
by Paramahansa Yogananda


yes, may we all travel in an awakened way with hearts wide open and filled with lovingkindness… may we be well and peaceful and at ease and free under the radiant light of this supermoon of miracles…

om shanti, shanti, shantihi…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 83 – 3/8/2020

little girls with dreams become women with vision

Happy International Women’s Be Bold for Change Day!

welcome, welcome to day 39 of a season of peace, a most auspicious day as it’s the International Day of Women… it’s long been said that when 1000 women gather, heart consciousness, the divine human will be birthed. His Holiness, the Dalai Lama says that it will be women who transform the world… let us begin in this moment a new cycle of soul transformation, a moment of uniting heaven and earth and manifesting greater love on earth by committing to this pledge to:


help women and girls achieve their ambitions

challenge conscious and unconscious bias

call for gender-balanced leadership

value women’s and men’s contributions equally

create inclusive flexible cultures

challenge bias and inequality

campaign for and wage peace

forge women’s advancement

celebrate women’s achievements

champion women’s education


today as we rise, we are a great wave rippling across the cosmos celebrating the divine feminine, in all genders, in her quest for equality, freedom and harmony… coming together in sacred circle drawing down the energy of the almost full moon, we pause across the planet to gather in peace and be the rising tide singing our soul song… let’s focus the healing power within our hearts on all our relations and our beautiful cosmos aligning with the energies of:

  • stepping into a new capacity to keep pace with sudden and complete change
  • opening to our spirit dropping deeply into our physical bodies and our mundane reality
  • discovering our higher purpose hidden within the seed of our personal ambition
  • consciously moving into relationships that are based on love, caring and affection rather than being compelled to play out our old relationship stories
  • a rising aspiration to move up the ladder of the spiritual hierarchy
  • learning obedience to higher laws
  • finding the support and connections we need to step out of survival based relationships like jobs and old world marriages
  • staying within ourselves and allowing the universe to co-create with us, rather than going outside ourselves and pushing to make things happen

let us close the circle with the Unify Heart Meditation

let’s all hold hands and gently close our eyes conspiring, inhaling together, slowing the breath… bringing our attention to how our bodies are feeling right now and in full acceptance of whatever is present… notice where your body is touching the ground and bring your focus there and begin feeling the pulsing energy of the Earth beneath us, the heartbeat of Mother Earth… with an inhale, breathe in gratitude and love for all that she gives us… continuing to breathe, feel your heartbeat, your unique beautiful rhythm pulsing in synchrony  with our earthmother… breathe deeply from your heart as you open to the sensation of love within you… feel the pulsing energy of this love… now, envision, feel and be this pulsing energy as a light glowing in your heart. breathing deeply, see and feel this light getting brighter until it fills your whole body and surrounds you… with your next exhale, think of someone you know who is having a difficult time in life and imagine this person is right in front of you… while remaining connected with the love in your own heart, embrace your  feeling of empathy for this person’s struggle as you breathe… see the light in their heart as the same loving light that is within yours… as you offer your love and compassion to this person, feel the light in both of your hearts growing brighter together… now, with an inhale, focus your attention back on your heart feeling the light grow brighter as you allow the love from your heart to nourish any parts of you that have been in pain… open to feeling compassion for yourself as you breathe the light of your love into the places you have kept fear, grief, anger, stress, and insecurity… open to feeling nourished by the love within and offer yourself acknowledgment and respect for everything you are, how far you have come and for the incredible beauty and power within you… take another a deep breath and start to feel the woman to your right… this woman has her own struggles, pain, fears, and insecurities… take a moment to feel empathy and great respect for this powerful woman… while breathing into your heart, feel the power of the love in her heart. see and feel the light within her as it grows brighter, surrounding her… Feel the light within your heart and the light within her heart growing brighter together… take a moment to feel the woman to your left… this woman, too, has her own struggles, pain, fears, and insecurities… take a moment to feel empathy and great respect for this powerful woman… while breathing into our own heart, feel the power of the love in her heart… see and feel the light within her as it grows brighter, surrounding her… feel the light within our heart and the light within her heart growing brighter together. feel the love and light of every woman in the circle being amplified… growing brighter… filling the whole room…

envision in your life and community women  interacting from a space of harmony, mutual support, celebration, acceptance, and upliftment… feel in your heart, yourself and every woman feeling secure and happy in whom she is and supported by our global sisterhood. bring this intention to the light in your heart and with a deep breath imagine sending that light into the earth below you, like a seed being planted… bring your hands to your heart and feel your heartbeat… take a deep breath and gently open your eyes… now being anchored in heavenearth soaring through deep space being peace and painting it across the sky sea…

welcome, welcome to our beautiful world that is just, regenerative, healthy and peaceful…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 82 – 3/7/2020

welcome, welcome to day 38 of a season of peace… today is another of my favorite moments in the cycle of life when we rest in the in between times moon, the rainbow moon who sings a song of transformation, of transmuting threatening clouds of pain, into rainbow colored arcs of joy…

seven turns around the sun ago on this special day, the rainbow moon of these in between times manifested a double rainbow foreshadowing the field of grace we all inhabit, the quantum field of transformation we are…

thank you rainbow woman for appearing in the sky promising of fortune’s smile  returning to the land, cosmic order restored with the birth of a thousand dancing stars…

Blessings from the Rainbow Trail

she who arrived attended by rainbows

under the fullness of the in between times moon

gifted with light’s radiance, like the sun she glows

with crystalline shafts reflecting the moon


under the fullness of the in between times moon

veils are lifted revealing the all that there is

sky father dressed in rainbow robes

mirroring colors of earth mother below


blowing sweet breath on the crystalline shafts

igniting combustible fiery light

she who arrived attended by rainbows

whispers creation into the dark night


and in the morning’s returning light,

the cosmos is colored in waves of delight

by the one who arrived attended by rainbows

gifted with radiance, like the sun she glows


Native American Prayer for Peace

Oh Great Spirit of our
Ancestors, I raise
my pipe to you.
To your messengers the four winds, and
to Mother Earth who provides
for your children.
Give us the wisdom to teach our children
to love, to respect, and to be kind
to each other so that they may grow
with peace of mind
Let us learn to share all good things that
you provide for us on this Earth.


shanti, shanti, shantihi…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 81 – 3/6/2020

welcome, welcome to day 37 of a season of peace, a day on the pilgrimage like all others of  living the quest ion of what drumbeat are we dancing? what heartbeat are we musing?, i give you, my co-heart pilgrims, poets on a journey, Rilke’s plea from Letters to a Young Poet to be patience, to live patiently with everything, loving all that is yet unresolved, for it is in the loving that sacred balance organically rises…

a quest ion that i have been living since i was a teenager and lives inside me so strongly over the last few moons building to the force of a tidal wave energetically was and is inspired by another of my favorite poets…

to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else – means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. ~ e e cummings ~

tho, i’d edit the words of fight and battle, it is such a challenge in this sped-up world impelling us to be human doings rather than to be our true nature… light beings of divine love embodied through our one cosmic heart in an intricate web of interconnection…

thousandfold thanks, dear rilke, dear life, as i heed your sage words to have patience and love the quest ions…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 80 – 3/5/2020

welcome, welcome to day 36 of a season of peace, on this day of quintessence, the fifth day of musing march, we honor this day when exactly seven years ago the Poetic Peace Pilgrimage was conceived as a daily breathing practice, a daily presencing practice of  being peace in every moment


awakening with cold feet on this day to go wild,

to warm them up, i begin with a SMILE…

flowing in love now, each breath a thanksgiving,

being love in this moment, every breath a peace prayer passing all understanding…


breathing deeply in our one heart’s embrace,

dancing silence and stillness in this field of grace

reverencing the beauty of a new born rose,

opens the heart wider melting ice floes


Poetic PEACE Pilgrim now prepares to march forth

flowing in rhythm, one with source

tuning into the cosmic hum

surrendering and trusting in what’s to come…


free and easy wanderer, dancing star,

when cold feet return and doubts arise,

come home to the breath with closed eyes

come home to the breath, wanderer from afar…


may we all be empty vessels to be filled to overflowing with lovingkindness, peace passing all understanding and a bubbling joy arising from our inner river of being…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 79 – 3/4/2020

March Fourth Pilgrimage Re-Dedication

it seems so perfectly fitting on this day of marching forth on March 4th, in this moment of confusion and chaos falling on the thirty-fifth day of a season of peace to journey to the garden of zen and breathe in this mountain, surrendering all distractions and clearing the path to come home to our one heart, our true refuge in the midst of madness… thousand fold thanks for this path of devotion, thousand fold thanks for the courage and encouragement to be wholeheartedly here, thousand fold thanks for lighting the way…thousand fold thanks for your overflowing grace today…

many of us marching forth in these uncertain times despair not for we are unwavering, resolute knowing we are made for these times, these chaos cycles which call out the best in us…

“The most remarkable feature of this historical moment on Earth

is not that we are on the way to destroying the world –

we’ve actually been on the way for quite awhile.

It is that we are beginning to wake up, as from a millennia-long sleep,

to a whole new relationship to our world, to ourselves

and each other.”

~Joanna Macy~

listen, take courage as Howard Zinn elucidates the right way of being in these turbulent times…

“An optimist isn’t necessarily a blithe, slightly sappy whistler in the dark of our time. To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places- and there are so many- where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction. And if we do act, in however small a way, we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.”

now, take peace with the words of Desmond Tutu…

“You and I are made for goodness. You and I are creatures who were made for transcendence, were made for love, were made for caring, were made for embracing one another… And that is what is going to prevail.”

yes! we can…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 78 – 3/3/2020

deep dark mystery

dances with infinite luminosity

in spacious emptiness


welcome, welcome to a most auspicious day… 3-3, day 34 of a season of peace under the energy of the waxing moon and for a few more days in a reflective mercury in retrograde – are you feeling as am i the chaos and topsy-turvyness of the outer world?

and, yes, carl, living in a spaciousness of solitude, silence, in deed, comes alive in such mysterious ways as i reflect  on this serene sojourn in the quantum field of deep dark mystery where i saunter along a path unknown, a dancing with infinite luminosity resting in the gap, in the sacred space of silence, the stillpoint…

in this field beyond words, beloved appears to breathe us alive, inspiring we hollow reeds to open to being conduits of divine flow responsive to taking one more step, encouraging our sitting tenderly in the moment with our feelings, our ancestral feelings, our descendants’ feelings all merging in the one cosmic devocean of now…

in this solitude, in this divine alchemical flowing temple, the daft (divine alchemical flow team) transmute our shadowlands into gardens of grace… watered by our tears, we blossom like flow-ers opening to the light and revealing the sparkling jewel, the polished star pearl of the sea, radiantly resting in the center of the bloom…

here in the deep void of great silence, in the dancing stillness of great mystery, we stand at the portal of a brave new world where we’re called to courageously let go the old and break our one heart wide open to expansive, creative  space for birthing to the new… do we have it in us? of course we do, in this knowing we can all relax into enjoying this ride on the wild side…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 77 – 3/2/2020

“I will give you a talisman. Recall the face of the poorest and weakest man whom you may have seen, and ask yourself if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him. Will he gain anything by it? Will it restore him to a control over his own life and destiny? Will it lead to swaraj [freedom] for the hungry and spiritually starving millions? Then you will find your doubts and yourself melting away.”

 ~ Mahatma Gandhi ~

welcome, welcome to day 33 of a season of peace and as we muse and walk the path of heart ever deeper into peace, i carry this talisman as quest, living the questions

 as we travel in an awakened way…

may our hearts burst open in unconditional love

may our minds be illumined by a peace passing all understanding

may our bodies be flooded with central sun’s light

may our spirits soar with radiant presence
