welcome, welcome to day 55 of a season of peace and day 99 of this seventh turn around the sun on the poetic peace pilgrimage, a day of drawing down the energy of the dark new moon to midwife the dark night of the soul and the rebirth of the collective true self as we come together in this moment of pause to re-member we belong to each other and are one holy vessel made up of trillions of cells called to be there for each other knowing this in our bones…
falling in love with paths and pilgrimages as a child, i loved the annual spring ritual of watching The Wizard of Oz and dancing merrily down the yellow brick road with Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion… march winds and turbulent energy flows are taking me back to the whirlwind that began the journey of awakening for Dorothy, for me, for you…
in the midst of the tornado, everything known and stable is deconstructed to be built anew and so we must start fresh with a child’s vision of wonder and trust as we travel the yellow brick road, the golden path, the SHERO Journey to SELF™ where we re-member, like Dorothy, that we had the power all along, we are the power, we always have the ability to come home, we are always home…
may we go forward boldly in sync with the aries new moon to love and serve all our relations…