welcome, welcome to day 54 of a season of peace on the twenty-third day of musing march which had i real-eyesed what this moon would be about, it would be mutating march.. here we are in the last moments of this day in my time zone and the new moon will be here soon so i’ll go ahead and honor the new moon in aries, the first of the astrological new year, this moon of awesome awakening, calling us to trailblaze the pathless path as we rebirth ourselves…
this fiery, go forth boldly new moon which may trigger feeling deep core wounds of abandonment and i’m not enough, also supports our healing and transforming the wounds into strengths and coming into a more profound knowing of who we truly are …
so let us spend some moments in the earth of our being musing upon what seeds need planting in this time of great turning, seeds that will root and anchor us as we all go through this collective timeout, this reset, this rebirth which we all signed up for and are so able to meet the challenges, yes, we are enough, more than enough to be a great orchard commonunity bridging heavenearth…