welcome, welcome to day 28 of 64 days of a season of peace on this twenty-sixth day of the flowering field of february; it’s one more beautiful day of gathering the quintessence, the energy of love and light with the sun shining on the energy of tenderness, the crucible of our interconnectedness giving us the courage to say yes to creator, creation, creativity, the creative process… with all the turbulence in the outer world, i’m still so called by source to come into the dream cave, the grand canyon of stillness – happy 101st anniversary grand canyon national park…
listen, listen, listen to our heartsong hums through me all day today as does the assurance from source that we will never be forgotten or forsaken giving me the courage to leap off the cliff and into the wings of love…
and, onto a most magical pilgrimage into the grand canyon of being where many turns around the sun ago, i celebrated my fiftieth birthday, the chiron return, in that physical space and, like today, in this sacred space of feeling down in the belly of the earth, dissolving into all that is, resting and re-treating in the restorative silence of the stillpoint simply listening to our soul song…
while sauntering (walking on holy land) as blessingway, every step is one of thanks and meandering deeper on a path unknown, every step is a merging into great beyond as the longing to return to the deep blue sea transmutes every step into a coming home to the heart, a questing complete with pilgrim reborn, every step a celebration of life…
yes, today is a day of devotion, of leaping into the void of creation lying in the lap of the divine bathed in the bliss of love culminating in a moment of illumination when what no longer serves is burned away as the great silence whispers to us of our soul purpose, why we are here awakening us to the song of the true self, to our soul song…
everything is alive… everything is awakening… everything is moving…. everything is dancing… be still, silent, listen, listen, listen to our heartsong of re-joy-sing in the moment luxuriating in this sacred space of resting in the now….
om shanti shanti shantihi