Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 26 – 1/11/2020

Unconditional happiness comes from this secret: surrender. Surrender is the act of loving and embracing the great unknown. Unconditional happiness comes from not running away from anything. It comes from taking even the most unfavorable circumstances as a path, a spiritual path, a truthful teaching. ~ Anam Thubten ~


when last i wrote, it was about soulitude, immediately afterwards, i surrenedered into a mystical journey there, a space some might call the virulent cold/flu affecting so many, others might call it spiritual flu; for me, it is a deep clean-sing, a total surreneder to the pathless path, a profound journey into the unknown, into a place of discomfort where i am called to become one with loving service or more accurately to re-member i am/we are loving service…

and first , the letting go, the shedding of all that is false and incomplete, the call demands shedding myself/ourself as central reference point…

may i/we act compassionately from a place of inner centeredness and connection to source… thank you, thank you, thank you, totally awesome for this deep dive into ultima thule, embracing what is and taking loving action

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 25 – 1/10/2020

i love this full moon of he mother, the wolf moon of liberation heralding, bringing in this decade of destiny when we step into our true destiny, our true author ity as we experience the last dying gasps of a consciousness we have outgrown… and as this is a lunar eclipse, we are each individually and collectively energized to let go the old unbalanced constricting ways that no longer serve… yes, it’s a perfect moment to luxuriate in the mother’s divine love as it flows into every wild cell with the healing balm of unconditional love…

so, let’s join together in the field out beyond in the silence of the still point listening for her song and engage in an ancient practice of  tonglen, of giving and receiving, that, like metta, empowers compassion and is a beautiful blessing of balance for the full moon…

breathe in deeply and settle into the present moment simply as it is…

look first into the mirror of yourself with the utmost compassion of your divine self seeing your human self with the tenderest love and see the black smoke coming from the wounded human self and take it into the radiant heart of the open sky dissolving the smoke and send back  boundless love and compassion…

next, turn to someone you love who is suffering greatly and take the black ball from their belly and send it to the expansive blue sky of the radiant heart of overflowing love and compassion and send this love to them…

now, turn to someone who has caused you great suffering and see their pain and take it and send it to the radiant heart and shower them with unconditional love…

now, turn to a group that terrifies you and take away all their darkness sending it to the expansive open sky and sending back to them the incandescent love of divine compassion…

finally, let’s  turn to the genocide and torture of beings and to the killers and torturers taking away their suffering and having our one radiant heart transmute it and send it back as a revelation of love…

may we all feel the blessings of this supermoon of illumination, this moon of the great mother of divine love which ends all suffering and liberates us all to be for giving…

howlelujah and namaste…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 24 – 1/9/2020

We must be still and still moving
Into another intensity
For a further union, a deeper communion
Through the dark cold and the empty desolation,
The wave cry, the wind cry, the vast waters
Of the petrel and the porpoise. In my end is my beginning.

~ T. S. Eliot ~


today’s pilgrimage, today’s wandering in wonder opens into so many wild and precious moments and mirrors this last moon of inscendence, of drinking a tonic of WILDness and thenburrowing into the soul, of taking full advantage of the first days of winter to ground in the earth and listen deeply for her soul song echoing heaven’s spirit song of how soul unfolds in this new great turning around the sun…

today i sit still with the spirit of gaia while drawing down the energy of the waxing full moon, a perfect day for wu wei traveling with no fixed plans or concern about arriving, nothing to do, simply be in the moment as  dormant seed rooting deeply in earth… being one with the mother, communing with cosmos listening, listening for the song of the earth…

may we all be gentle with ourselves and each other as we deepen into a spaciousness of silence, a consciousness of generosity, a loving awarenessof the wisdom of the heart giving us the strength to awaken the dreamer and be the ones we have been waiting for, all our relations one unbroken circle of radiant love…

and, may we all dream and awaken to our medicine, our power, of weaving our light beingness into a seamless tapestry of lucid luminosity alive with love, liberation, compassion, wisdom, joy and the deep peace of the running wave…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 23 – 1/8/2020

I see a time of Seven Generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the Sacred Tree of Life and the whole earth will become One Circle again.

~ Crazy Horse ~

honoring Crazy Horse today on the anniversary of his last battle in 1877 with his last vision shared with Sitting Bull a few months later during ceremony with Sacred Pipe, just before his assassination...


on this day, the universe is conspiring, breathing with us, breathing us into an amazing field of grace as all planets are in direct motion, in flow… are you feeling the lightness of being? are you feeling that even with all the turbulence, hope is alive? we can do this, meet the challenges of this moment coming from a consciousness of an abundance of love and gratitude… and for those moments when we fall into the fear and scarcity place, tune into Holly Near…


I Am Willing

I am open and I am willing
To be hopeless would seem so strange
It dishonors those who go before us
So lift me up to the light of change

There is hurting in my family
There is sorrow in my town
There is panic in the nation
There is wailing the whole world round

May the children see more clearly
May the elders be more wise
May the winds of change caress us
Even though it burns our eyes

Give me a mighty oak to hold my confusion
Give me a desert to hold my fears
Give me a sunset to hold my wonder
Give me an ocean to hold my tears


yes, we are…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 22 – 1/7/2020

like Thay, i walk in peace feeling the spaciousness of the pathless path of heart… what a delight it is to gather with other sojourners on the buen camino to share in a collective dreaming process where we contemplate intentions for this moment, this moon cycle, this turn of the wheel and listen for pachamama’s song arising from the womb of the earth…

ah, yes, this moment, this beautiful moment is just right for dreaming under the waxing full moon, for moonifesting a world of peace built on justice and guided by love while our creative process seeds the field… so, join me in attuning to this frequency… soften your eyes, deepen your breath, smile inwardly saying thank you, thank you, thank you for… all things bright and beautiful, rainbows, hope, sun and moon, stars and seas, friends and family, all our relations, love, peace, harmony, justice… re-membering our true nature…


“The creative state of mind … is, first of all, one whose interest in what is being done is wholehearted and total, like that of a young child. With this spirit, it is always open to learning what is new, to perceiving new differences and new similarities, leading to new orders and structures…

…to awaken the creative state of mind is not at all easy. …it is one of the most difficult things that could possibly be attempted. Nevertheless… I feel that it is for each of us individually and for society as a whole the most important thing to be done in the circumstances in which humanity now finds itself.”

~ David Bohm ~


may we all awaken to our child heart, our seedbed of creativity, in each moment listening, listening, listening for the cosmic heart song… may the song reach us in our wildest and deepest places inspiring our howling with the wolves and the whales – all is well, all is well and all shall be well…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 21 – 1/6/2020

ah…. a doubling of riches and revelations on this epiphany, this 13th night of the festival of illumination for in addition to it’s being epiphany, it is also the day of celebrating the final dream gift and we are starting to feel the energy of the waxing full moon in watery cancer, our first one for this decade and turn around the sun…

our Caravan of Re-Joy-Sing pilgrimage honoring our transcendent journey into light, our taking joy in transruting shadows into gifts and our witnessing these gifts as dreams coming to us each night for the 12 nights of Christmas/the Festival of Illumination comes to a close after last night’s saunter across the desert guided by a constellation and our 12th night’s sun of the watery sign of Pisces…

on the twelfth night of Christmas, my true love (Beloved Pisces) gave to me, a dream of… a pair of dolphin named Philo and Sophy swimming in the deep blue see of divine love energy demonstrating how to be fluid ecstasy in radical simplicity…

living simply, living freely, living in the moment, imbibing the living waters of the ever present moment, every wonder filled moment changing constantly, every moment sacred breathing into beauty, even with, especially with, the whole world seemingly going up in flames, re-member, that which does not burn, where death has no entry, here is the present moment in the center of the earth, the stillpoint of love, joy, peace and harmony…

trusting this day of epiphany dances us more deeply into true reality where we listen to our one cosmic heart singing melodically entraining us all to clearly see each moment as guru, every moment to simply be… joyful rainbow mystery…


i am/we are poetic PEACE pilgrim/s pioneering the 21st Century Oregon Trail manifesting our destiny of awakening our one illuminated heart...

i am/we are rainmaker/s re-treating into sacred space, the blessed land belonging to us, beloved community...

we are beings of the beautyway

dancing as stars in the sky above

painting with sand in the earth below

we are people flowing in harmony with the river below the river

always being love…


Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 20 – 1/5/2020

i love this time of sojourning in the desert/ocean/sky of the heart and resting in the field way out beyond and way in traveling along the pathless path leading to who knows where… such a delight today is to celebrate great mother seeding the field for this turn’s cultivation… planting so many seeds of peace today along with harmony which brings rainto wherever it is needed and seeds of compassion and love and simplicity and generosity and wisdom and joy and beauty

as our Caravan of Re-Joy-Sing honoring our transcendent journey into light, our taking joy in transforming shadows into gifts and witnessing these gifts as dreams coming to us each night for the 12 nights of Christmas/the Festival of Illumination continues sauntering across the desert guided by a constellation and our 11th night’s sun of the airy Aquarius sign proves to be the just right incubator for last night’s initiatory dream with the water bearer…

on last night’s eleventh night of Christmas, my true love (Beloved Aquarius) gave to me, a dream of… my packing lightly for traveling with other pilgrims on this flowing odyssey along the rainbow trail which reminds me of an old story about the water bearer, gifter of last night’s dream, one of my favorite stories…



A water bearer in India had two large pots, which hung on each end of a pole that he carried across his neck.

One of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the master’s house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.

For two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and one half pots of water to his master’s house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments. But the poor, cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do. After 2 years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream.

“I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you.”

“Why?” asked the bearer. “What are you ashamed of?”

“I have been able, for these past 2 years, to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your master’s house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you don’t get full value from your efforts,” the pot said.

The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and in his compassion he said, “As we return to the master’s house, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path.”

Indeed, as they went up the hill, the old cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wildflowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it some. But at the end of the trail, it still felt bad because it had leaked out half its load, and so again the pot apologized to the bearer for its failure.

The bearer said to the pot, “Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path, but not on the other pot’s side? That’s because I have always known about your flaw, and I took advantage of it. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the stream, you’ve watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my master’s table. Without you being just the way you are, he would not have this beauty to grace his house.”


may we all embrace our shadows with warmth melting the ice into sparkling water of life being who we are and being there for each other… and, tonight, on this twelfth and final night of our light journey across the desert in search of the divine child, the inner inextinguishable light, the christed, anointed consciousness, may we awaken to our ever present inner eternal flame of divine light…

what seeds are you planting?

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 19 – 1/4/2020

our Caravan of Re-Joy-Sing pilgrimage honoring our transcendent journey into light, our taking joy in transforming shadows into gifts and our witnessing these gifts as dreams coming to us each night for the 12 nights of Christmas/the Festival of Light continues as we saunter, walk on holy ground or coddiwomple, travel in a purposeful manner toward an as yet unknown destination.across the desert guided by a constellation and our 10th night’s sun of the earthy Capricorn who once again proves to be the just right incubator for last night’s initiatory dream with the surefooted goat…



  ~ John Muir ~


in honor of mountain goats and sacred mountains singing us home, i love showcasing last night’s dream gift with an image of Maria dancing in the shadow of a mountain and when we listen intently, we hear her singing, “The Hills Are Alive with the The Sound of Music” and the music flows freely through us inspiring dreaming in the rhythm of sound waves…

on last night, the tenth night of Christmas, my true love (Beloved Capricorn) gave to me, a dream of… the sound of music, hills coming alive, goats dancing, goatherds yodeling, impossible dreams transformed into i’m possible intentions, our starting at the very beginning of this new decade, this new year, this new moon (month) of waking up… and you, what dream did the goat gift you?

may we all flow in love’s frequency…

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 18 – 1/3/2020

through loving you, i love all our relatives

by being peace with you, i am  peace

peace before me, behind me, below me, above me, surrounding me, immersing me, within me

walking home together the peaceful rainbow trail, peace deepens and expands in the cosmos


our Caravan of Re-Joy-Sing pilgrimage honoring our transcendent journey into being and becoming ever more radiant light over the twelve days of the Feast of Incarnation, our taking joy in transforming shadows into gifts and our witnessing these gifts as dreams coming to us each night for the 12 nights of Christmas/the Festival of Light continues as we saunter across the desert guided by a constellation and our 9th night’s sun of the fiery Sagittarius…  once again, the sun sign giving the gift proves to be the “just right” incubator for last night’s initiatory dream with the Sagittarian Archer, Wounded Healer/Healer of Wounds, Transformer of Shadows into Light…

on the ninth night of Christmas, my true love (Beloved Sagittarius) gave to me, a dream of… riding the wind into great silence where everything/no thing is still like a numinous coiled rainbow serpent resting in the gap right before the arrow of love, the most powerful intoxicant penetrates and awakens the inner jewels of the core to come alive, to open to being a spiraling, sparkling rainbow wave of pure delight, a confluence of colors and frequencies merged into an arc of waves, a bridge uniting all opposites…

thousandfold thanks to the archer of love, the laser beamer of light for turning the darkness into clear sight, for initiating the transcendant function to re-con-soul us, bringing us back into our true nature of peace …

let us close with Black Elk’s vision of all that is as related, as one, and the archers bringing the healing balm of true understanding, of radiant light of love and peace…

Then I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I saw in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all forms as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.

Then as I stood there, two men were coming from the east, head first like arrows flying, and between them rose the Daybreak Star. They came and gave a herb to me and said: “With this on earth you shall undertake anything and do it.” It was the Daybreak-Star herb, the herb of understanding, and they told me to drop it on the earth. I saw it falling far, and when it struck the earth it rooted and grew and flowered, four blossoms on one stem, a blue, a white, a scarlet, and a yellow; and the rays from these streamed upward to the heavens so that all creatures saw it and in no place was there darkness.

Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 7 – Day 17 – 1/2/2020

making every moment a moment of peace and harmony is the intention and seed energy i am planting with every breath and every step as we co-create a cosmos where peace and harmony are built with justice, with balance, guided by love and compassion…

on this second day of seven days of rest, our Caravan of Re-Joy-Sing pilgrimage honoring our transcendent journey into light, our taking joy in transforming shadows into gifts and our witnessing these gifts as dreams coming to us each night for the 12 nights of Christmas/the Festival of Light continues sauntering across the desert guided by a star and our 8th night’s sun of the watery Scorpio once again proves to be the just right incubator for last night’s initiatory dream with the Scorpion Goddess, Serket’s amazing transformative medicine of turning a sting into a healing, a shadow into a gift…

on the eighth night of Christmas, the Feast of Incarnation, my true love (Beloved Scorpio) gave to me, a dream of… being held in a home where a chalice was offered and it overflowed onto something precious and i felt stung by the possible ruination of something i treasured after so many days of feeling the constant barrage of waves and waves of watery light so frequent that i could scarcely catch my breath… Enter the Scorpion Goddess to anoint the field of chaos and move us into the stillpoint where we breathe in and breathe out from a deep place of peace at the bottom of the sea…

thousandfold thanks to the company of angels protecting us all as we traverse the challenging initiation of communion that moves us to that mythical field out beyond wrong doing and right doing to a symphonic frequency wave field never before heard, the sound of the many bells as one bell silently ringing us home guided by love to the deep peace of running waves…

holy synchronicity! i hear that in just a few moments thousands of us will be praying rain in Australia, being the deep harmony that naturally brings rain to areas of drought… again, thank you, thank you thank you…

may every moment be a sacred gift woven around our cosmic heart of wonder…