welcome to the second day of a season of peace and this last day of journeying january where we bless the space of this moon, this month of dreaming… dreaming a world of peace… being a world of peace in this moment, this wild and precious moment…
on this day of reverencing the journey to our one heart, let us come together and contemplate unity…
deeply breathing into the belly, the wisdom center, visualize a pillar of light emanating from the galactic central sun, then going through all beings of light inside our Solar System, through brother sun and sister moon and then through your body to the center of our earthmother… deeply breathing again into the belly, visualize another pillar of light rising from the center of earthmother, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of light in our solar system and our galaxy and the billions of other galaxies in our ever expanding cosmos… feel you are now sitting in two pillars of light, the light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously and keep these pillars of light active for a few minutes…
with another deep belly breath, visualize a soft pink healing divine feminine energy light wave, healing all our relatives of their past traumas, bringing peace, harmony, understanding, abundance and unity… see all of us working in unity for the creation of the new earth… see all relatives celebrating and joyfully participating in the creation of our new reality where everyone can obtain what they need and freely choose to live as they desire for the good of the whole…
may we celebrate the radiance of light uplifting the rising tide, the surging flow of divine feminine energy flooding the streets, the town squares and on and on and on…
as we bless this space between us, this one long continuous conversation, being together with truth; this blink of an eye month so potent with transition into the unknown – a great turning within, intimate communion with all that is – flows from the deep wellspring at the center of being… a moment of feeling the earth move under our feet as we make a seismic shift and like the earth, open to what is calling us, what must come forth in us and feel into what we truly love…
as we are pulled by a magnetic force to gather together, to stand together in love, i hear the same conversation echoing again and again…. how are we to be in this pivotal moment, who are we to be… and on this day of the turning of the wheel contemplating what is truly real, asking what are we choosing to birth, for what do we choose to stand?
i return to the courageous, the valorous voices booming from all the standing rocks where they stand as a rock that will not be moved, will not stray from being loving presence and speaking truth to false power…
the stone people the council of ancestors are asking for our prayers, our presence, our profound direct action for the next seven generations… they ask us now to come to stand together…
We Stand for the Earth loving her dearly.
We Stand for the Water for it is life.
We Stand for the Children, the holy vessels of the holy vessel!
standing together being loving presence always…