Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 314 – 10/26/2019

Named Opening 26 2019 Moon-New-in-Scorpio-Resurrection-of-Desire-

it’s the eve of the new moon in scorpio, lunar samhain, the transformation moon when we enter the portal of smahain with the veils so thin for the next couple of weeks…

what a perfect moment to plant seeds that will blossom and grace the new path… the moment to look inside deeply and ignite every wild cell into luminous light… and a perfect moment for dancing in the void…


Each day has a moment of eternity waiting for you.

Each day has a portal, a threshold, a liminal moment in which everything could open up and reveal itself to the eye that can see.

~ William Blake ~


such a day it is in the land of portals as we approach the dark time of the turning… the moment when the eye sees better and the veils are thin, eternity is nearby, revelation is at hand… nothing to hold onto, simply be open to what is in this moment, the only moment, the eternal now…

may we all face the darkness in reverence bringing us to greater presence…