today, as the sun shines on the hexagram of veneration, i re-member and venerate this being born eight years and a day before my birth… being cancerian crabs, we also share a love of water, today calls me into the field of water crystals to honor his life on the anniversary of his death and seeing that date brings up an image of the occupy movement of eight years ago inspiring my occupying the abundance of infinite love and gratitude, now known as dwelling in the abundance of infinite love and gratitude…
so many synchronicities, so many interconnections as i gaze at this water crystal called love and thanks, letting Dr Emoto’s words on gratitude perfume consciousness…
i aspire to being the embodiment of gratitude and practice daily with a continuous loop of thank yous as one of the most transformative acts on our way to being shining…
thank you, thank you, thank you, Masaru, for opening us to water’s hidden messages…