Poetic PEACE Pilgrimage – Year 6 – Day 221 – 7/25/2019

Named Joyous 25 Honoring Grandmother Julieta

“My work has harvested souls, a great achievement for humankind, for all of us who believe that things in the world can be better, if we attempt at every moment to do things well: to show respect, to value what has little value today, to feel proud of our identity, to defend our traditions, to defend our traditional medicine, to love and respect our elders and listen to them with great attention, to teach children to live with respect, peace, and love. The mission of all human beings who achieve consciousness is to take care of themselves and Mother Earth.”

~ Julieta Casimiro Estrada~
according to the galactic calendar, today, july 25 is the day out of time, the day before we start a new year, a day vibrating at the frequency of unity and harmony… it’s the day last year that i heard of the death of Abuela (Grandmother) Julieta who actually passed over on july 23,  the day of Ajpu, which is the energy of the warrior… at the time of her closing her eyes for the last time, it was a moment in which that energy was at its highest, midday…

Grandmother Julieta was a Warrior of the Light, a Curandera of the world dedicating her whole life to prayer… let her prayer below sing through you…
“All of us here want the same thing. We want to walk in peace, and we want no more war. We don’t need war. All the suffering and pain that is going on in the world, especially of little children and elders, really hurts me inside. Our Mother Earth is hurting. They are destroying our Mother Earth. They are destroying our Mother. They need to have respect for Her. We need to walk with respect, especially during these times we are living in now.  I pray hard all this time for this to change.”

may it be so that the Virgin of Guadalupe and the Angels are by her side on her journey through the cosmos…

holding you always in our hearts, Abuela…

love and light, for this we pray…